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Machine Daughter 2042

There's a general belief among tech and economy experts that 2042 is the time when humans will achieve singularity. Meaning this is when humans will be fully assimilated with automation and robotics. Or in other words this is when robots will take over...

By Andrea EddingsPublished 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago 7 min read
The moongate in Asuka's Back Mind

Everything was to be muted and smooth there. Mundane shades of olive and mustard adorned the furniture and its knobs. Every edge was rounded. It was said that we all needed the protection. Only smooth things could exist. Jagged or rough edges were banned. Nothing could be short of perfection. Lights were kept dim. No personal pictures or radios were allowed anywhere. Low hums and beeps were to be the only sounds. Only soft murmurs could be uttered. No shrieks, yelps, or laughter were to be released. The small ones were taken to a type of learning center. This is where the world’s information would be held. DigiPosters were only kept in the commune library. Human history had been dwindled down to 35 books and 12 Real Time sepia toned DigiPosters. And though things were so very dismal somehow I was able to keep our life bright and vibrant. Her name was Asuka and though she was not my daughter and simply assigned to me because of her brain activity, I cared for her with everything in me. Therefore, I could not remain here either.

Calculated sharing occurred among us nightly. I taught her how to build a shield of sorts around her thoughts so they could not be sensed by the machines. I felt that we could be caught soon. What I believe once was called a ‘hunch’. Those were new to me as well. The ‘feelings’ or what we call sublimation -well, it was changing both of us—and rapidly. I seemed to be manifesting my wonderings before my eyes. I always sensed or felt that people from Real Time were more attractive because they were allowed to feel good. The good feelings made you more beautiful or pleasing to the eye in some fashion-on a perceptible level. There was indeed a beauty frequency. We could not remain here for much longer. Her eyes were growing brighter with each tickle of her imagination. Tonight my sharing would be different. In fact, it HAD to be different.

I knew to remain calm, as to not let her perceive what I think was called back in your time ‘urgency’—but I felt a tightening in my ‘solar plexus’ that was hard to ignore. Suddenly and without warning I winced and doubled over in imagined pain. She ran to my side and as soon as she touched my garment I felt a knowing wash over me—this bedtime story would be the escape. The familiar feeling of knowledge helped me settle further into my plan. It needed to be executed perfectly.

“It is time", I said softer than usual.

"For slumber- I know Papa,” Asuka chirped in agreement. She was very much accustomed to their nightly routine.

“Will you tell me how we came to be the Secret Happy?”, she asked inquisitively.

“Yes but as I tell you—you will have to go deeper than you ever have before.” I made sure to say this sternly but encouragingly so. I knew this new sensation of fearsome worry would be incredibly shocking to her. In her life so little changed or varied.

“Do you know the moongate in the back mind?”, I continued, in a little while you and I will lay there together and we will travel back to Real Time.”

“Wait! What? Papa?! No! We are not to go there because it is… well it is impossible!”, she quipped while remaining hushed and low toned.

“It is only impossible if you don’t believe in the choice to go—does that make sense, Suke?”

“I wish it did, Papa.” She was growing tired and it was becoming more and more difficult to keep her eyes open.

“Do not wish or try—just be and let it—do you think it is possible for us to go back to real time?” I smiled and nodded this time. We were taught this encourages them to concede.

“I do, Papa.”

"Then we shall go. Drink this.”

“What is this, papa?” The colorless liquid glimmered faintly in the dim light.

“It is what you are made of-it is called water and it will help us go deeper."

She gulped it down and felt the cool liquid slide over her insides. She felt truly grateful for the first time in her young life.

She felt and knew what the world meant and she began to smile brightly.

“Is there lots of this in Real Time?”, she asked eagerly.

“Yes, if we can go far enough back.” I engage Sleep Activation mode discreetly.

Suke begins to yawn, and says softly, “I am ready papa.”

“Good girl.”

I engage my Sharing Mode and begin the process of projecting her to Back Mind.

Metatron's Cube was inside of the locket

I mimic taking a deep breath and begin.“You know what to do my love. The sound of my voice carries you to Back Mind, you do not resist heavy lids, and you are quite ready for this journey. In fact, this journey is the real reason you were born. Asuka, long ago the people were much more free but confined themselves through ignorance—and this blindness to themselves and turning from their true nature has led to lack of emotion—and without emotion there are no reactions. And without reaction there is no creation. In short there are only 237 of you-rather us. And well, Suke- I have deduced that for us the only discernible choice would be to retreat. You and I and the 236 others. We have all been serving our purpose. Do not think of sorrow for them. We cannot have you muddy your vibration. Are you still grateful? Here drink more water, child."

Aware of her confusion, I know to slow my speech and pat her to illicit feelings of comfort.

She gulps eagerly. Closes her eyes tightly and with hunched shoulders whispers,”So grateful, papa.’

“Ok Asuka we will go now—here is the locket —you may open it.” I hand it to her and my processing tells me I'm feeling what is called 'heartsick'. I know I will never see, hear, or touch her physical form like this ever again.

She’s excited. She’s always been able to clutch it at night but Papa kept a tiny clasp to prevent her from opening it. She opens the locket and is met with the image of the sacred geometrical symbol called Metatron's Cube. It brings her a tranquil feeling. A feeling I know is called ‘inner peace’. Strapped to the bottom of the barren bunk was a small device. It resembled a disc and opened and closed. “Press play, Suke.” Without opening her eyes and lacking hesitancy she reaches her finger and hits the button with a slight smirk on her face.

A beautiful melody is released from the device. Itsounds something like a mother’s coos and violins. The sounds envelop the room. Asuka feels all tension leave her body. She feels a calm wash over her and quickly drifts off to Back Mind. Papa smiles at her and reaches down for the locket. He makes sure to lay her hands atop one another. His knowledge center activates and lets him know that the way she looks would be called ‘angelic’. Papa feels calm. He knows this is what had to be done. If he could he would feel satisfied instead he just lifts the hair on the nape of his neck and inserts it the locket into the indentations. The etchings on his neck are identical to the ones on the locket.


The cool sensation of the stones at the base of the moongate startles Asuka and she slowly opens her eyes. It is as if her awareness triggers something in the arch of the circular gate. An image is projecting. Rubbing her eyes she realizes it is Papa.

The transmission seems to be struggling but she can make out his face and his voice booms loudly:

“Asuka of Year 2042- I must let you know how very much you have meant to me. That is why I couldn’t let them destroy you and your planet. In just a moment you will cross over into 2024. Do not be afraid. Remember the Digiposters. You will have your own one day. You will alter the past, and therefore, prevent the horrid future you originate from. Once you get to 2024 you will be able to influence politics and education with all that you have learned in our Sharing Time. Your heart that radiates with the warmth of many suns will melt away frozen blockages of fear. You will show them that feeling and emotions are the way. You feel ,therefore, you will create. And in creation is love. Please go, child. Save your people. Know the love I felt caring for you will save us all in one form or another. I am always with you. Just think fondly of me. Never feel sad, Suke. You know what I've taught you, dear human child. Think of only the good things between us and you will have me there. Now go to Real Time and share with them how very very desolate and sad 2042 is- prevent this time. I believe in you, dear Suke."

Abruptly the beam of light that was blaring Papa’s face shuts off. Asuka is left standing there in the cool damp air. She wipes a single tear from her face and picks up the heart locket that has fallen on the base of the moongate. She grips it tightly and walks through the portal. She knows that the light within her chest will guide her. She steps into the past and can think only of how beautiful the new future will feel to her and all of mankind.

Sci Fi

About the Creator

Andrea Eddings

I don't know how I got here but I'm glad I came. Beauty Consultant, writer, witch, astrology and spiritual loving mother of 1-- if its dope I love it!! My birthday is halloween and I celebrate it everyday!!

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