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love, friendship and death

love, life, laughter, sadness and death

By Ilham MaulanaPublished 10 days ago 2 min read

Lila and Maya were glued at the hip since kindergarten. Sharing secrets whispered between giggles, building sandcastle empires on the beach, and navigating the social jungle of high school – they did it all together. They even ended up working at the same quirky bookstore, "The Book Nook," surrounded by the comforting scent of old paper and brewing coffee.

Life wasn't always sunshine and rainbows, though. Enter Ethan, the new barista at the cafe next door. Lila, with her fiery red hair and a laugh that could light up a room, was smitten. Maya, ever the loyal wingwoman, orchestrated countless "accidental" coffee runs that blossomed into stolen glances and whispered jokes with Ethan.

Then came the bombshell. Maya, the seemingly invincible one, got diagnosed with a rare illness. The world tilted on its axis. Lila rallied, turning into a hurricane of positivity, dragging Maya to doctor appointments, movie marathons, and bad karaoke nights. Ethan, ever the sweetheart, joined their fight, his gentle presence a soothing balm.

As Maya's health declined, laughter turned to tearful movie nights. "Promise me," Maya rasped one night, clutching Lila's hand, "promise you won't forget me."

Lila, voice thick with emotion, squeezed back. "Never. You're stuck with me, even if it's just in these crazy dreams I have."

The inevitable arrived, a thief in the night, stealing Maya's laugh, her spark. Lila, heart shattered, found solace in Ethan's embrace. Grief, a heavy cloak, settled upon them.

One rainy afternoon, sorting through Maya's favorite books, Lila stumbled upon a well-worn copy of "The Little Prince." Tucked inside was a note in Maya's familiar scrawl: "Live boldly, laugh often, love deeply. Find your happily ever after, even if it's not with me."

Tears streamed down Lila's face, a bittersweet cocktail of grief and love. Maya wouldn't be there physically, but her spirit, her fierce loyalty, and her unwavering belief in love would forever be etched in Lila's heart.

Life moved on. Lila and Ethan found solace in each other, their love story blooming from the ashes of loss. They even named their bookstore, a cozy haven for bibliophiles, "The Maya Nook," a constant reminder of the extraordinary friend who taught them the true meaning of love, friendship, and living each day to the fullest, even in the face of death.


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  • Esala Gunathilake10 days ago

    Well done.

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