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Locket of Power


By Ameerah BahtPublished 3 years ago 6 min read

Running as swiftly and calculated as she could trying to make as little noise as possible Zakkiyah could hear the bloodhounds gaining on her. She glanced down to her side to see if it was still there. It was! The Golden handled Kamakura onyx plated Katana was still strapped to her side safe and secure. She bent the corner into a dimly lit alley. She could see the dingy green dumpster. At this point she was faced with the decision to hide hoping they’d pass by or keep running to get the locket embedded Katana to safety.

In a split second she decided to keep running. She jumped on the dumpster and in one leap was over the wall. “I have to keep moving.” She told her self

At last she’d lost the bloodhounds and the ameliorates. However, she knew that wouldn’t last long if she didn’t continue running so she had to move bullet speed. She was on a mission that she was determined to complete.

Zakiyyah approached an abandoned cemetery. She drew the katana from her waist and walked cautiously to a grave site. She looked around carefully to be sure she wasn’t followed. After assuring the coast was clear Zakiyyah kneeled down to the tomb stone and pushed it back. As the tomb fell over the ground began to open up exposing an underground tunnel. Zakiyyah dissented into the tunnel. As she entered the underground dwelling, the tombstone and opening returned to its original state.

The tunnel went on for what seemed like 5 miles. Eventually, Zakiyyah came to a big metal door. Instead of knocking she stood in front of the door and begin to sing a melody so sweet it could only be of angels. You could here the bolts on the door unlocking with every note she sang.

“You made it.” Belted Amariah

“Did you get it?” Asked Eugenia

Yes my sweet children! I made it. And yes I got it! Responded Zakiyyah

“Let us see! let us see!!!” all of the room erupted in excitement.

It was over 150 descendants of Talibah Muhammad in the dark musky room.

Zakiyyah took the Kamakura katana from her side and displayed it for all to see.

“This is it? This is what brought upon the end of the world? This caused a whole virus out break? This raggedy ancient sword?” Vented Bernard

Hush Bernard you’re always so negative! Its not just about the sword. Do you see this black heart shaped locket? This locket belonged to your great great grandmother Talibah Muhammad. She was the world’s most powerful human being. However, because she was just a mere human she did not have the ability to live on forever. Talibah wanted to leave an inheritance and protection for her descendants and the only way to do that was to leave a portion of her power here on the earth. Talibah did not consider that we, her descendants would be born with her powers. Anyhow, Talibah had a 2 year old granddaughter named Ariah. Talibah went to Ariah's maternal grandmother Delores and gave her a black heart shaped locket. She entrusted Delores with the locket until Ariah was of age. She told her that it is very important that only Ariah and her descendants have the locket in their possession. As long as they have it there will remain peace, good health, and happiness in the world. If it were to fall into the hands of anyone outside of Ariah then all hell would break loose.

Delores held the ring in her possession until Ariah was 22 years old. At Ariah’s 22nd birthday feast Delores presented Ariah with the locket Talibah left for her. During these times it was customary to invite everyone who was anyone to these feasts. As Delores placed the locket around Ariah's neck it began to glow. Delores explained to Ariah the importance of keeping this locket safe and in the family. This did not go unnoticed by those hungry for power. Especially Reginas Marsipus! She was the Mayor of Union city running for president. She of course would do anything to win the election considering the fact she was not winning over the people due to her overwhelming greed for gain and neglect of the people who had put her in office in the first place. The locket was just the thing to steal the oval office and give her an extra bit of power on the side. She had to have that locket. She made it her quest to have it before the night was out.

Reginas began to formulate a plot in her head to obtain the locket from Ariah.

“So did she get it? And How?” Interrupted Bernard?

“Well see Mayor Reginas had a son name Reginald Virnell Marsipus the third.” Continued Zakiyyah. Reginald was considered Union city’s Most eligible bachelor. You all know how it goes. It’s the age old tale. Most eligible bachelor, every big shot wanted their daughter to marry him. Reginas used this as leverage to get in good with Ariah. This would be an excellent opportunity to get ahold of the locket of power.

So Reginas sent her son to dance with Ariah. The plan was to get Ariah to be so enraptured with his handsome poise and cunning personality that she wouldn’t notice when Reginald swiped the locket from her person.

Just as planned Reginald was successful and Ariah was none the wiser. That was until she set down at a table with her grandmother Delores. “Ariah! Where is your locket?” she screamed “what do you mean Nanny granny? Its right here!” but when she reached for it, it was gone!

It was gone! Reginas plan worked. Reginald and Reginas slithered out of the door as soon as the deed was done. So they were long gone when it was discovered that the locket was missing.

Being optimistic Ariah thought that maybe it fell off while she was dancing. She had a quick thought that someone may have swiped it but she wanted to put that down as the last resort. So they shut the party down and made and announcement that a one thousand dollar reward would be given to the person who finds it. Everyone got busy looking around the party hall. People searched under tables, under equipment, in the bathroom just in case, people even searched other people. When suddenly the floors began to shake and the walls cracked. Every one who was not a direct relative of Ariah and those who did not have purity of heart was covered in boils and scabs if that wasn’t strange enough people started dropping dead left and right. You must find the locket Ariah! Delores said. “I will Nanny Granny, if it’s the last thing I ever do.” Answered Ariah

Back at the city hall Reginas stood pacing back and forth. Her phone was ringing non stop and the press was everywhere. She had the TV blaring with Znn. She had by then placed the locket in the handle of an onyx plated sword.

In ancient times Onyx was believed to absorb negative energy. She knew placing the locket into the sword it would balance out the source of energy it was putting off at the least keep her alive while it was in her possession. From the moment she left the party she had to move quickly and with extreme caution. Especially seeing her son drop dead right before her eyes and the violent coughing she had developed out of nowhere.

People had been falling violently ill since she had left the party what made it bizarre is that it was happening all across the world. People were dropping dead all over the place. Others were breaking out with boils and scabs ,and running outrageously high fevers.

Chaos was breaking out everywhere. Livestock was falling, food in the grocery stores was going bad. Soon the grid crashed. The only place that seemed to have power were those who had moved off the grid and were running on solar and Reginas. She won the election by default because all of the other candidates were dead. Then came her rule of terror. The people begin to catch on to her evil and how she was receiving her power. Though everyone knew of her source they could never get close to her to steal it. Vigilantes rose up but as quick as they rose they fell prey to her and were turned into her hunters. Eventually people took to living underground to escape her and her ameliorates. But, now that the locket of power is back in our family’s possession peace can return to the world.

Young Adult

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    ABWritten by Ameerah Baht

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