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Last Journal

The week before the impact

By Suzanne Published 3 years ago 5 min read
Last Journal
Photo by Bryan Goff on Unsplash

Day 1 (7/11/2021) My name is Nick Otto. I am here in the Amazon rainforest. I was hired to this archeological team for security to help them with the expedition to explore and chart these caves found in 2012. The head of the expedition, Brian seems like a fairly level headed older fellow. But that younger guy Nathan has no idea what he is doing in the field. He looks like a tourist. We are seeking a local tribe near the cave locations. Maybe they can find a guide local to the area. I am already missing BumBee that fat tabby cat that can eat all day and night. Hope my fluff cat isn’t upset I am going to be gone three months.

Day 2 (7/12/2021) We found the village! It was really nice to have a place to shower and not sit on dirt. I swear if Nathan doesn’t shut up about the bugs here, I might have to shoot him. I know I am here for security and supposed to protect the team but this guy is seriously dense. The chief has a daughter who might possibly be one of the most beautiful women in South America. I wonder if she would like a rough guy like me. I am going to try to dance with her tomorrow night. We have 4 days here before we set out.

Day 3 (7/13/2021) I am so angry at these college educated people thinking they are better than me just because they went to universities. I have worked my whole life trying to protect people. Tonight, Nathan got to Maria first and they talked for two hours. Now I will never have a chance with her. I just want to get through this expedition and take that offer in Turkey for private security. I increased my daily workout session today with an additional 4set/50 reps of push-ups and 4set/60 reps sit-ups. Maria and some other women I noticed watching, they stopped looking though when I noticed them.

Day 4 (7/14/2021) Of course Nathan convinced Brain to let Maria tag along. Supposedly as a guide through the forest. She shouldn’t be coming. I think this is a mistake but I guess they think she can lead us. I guess Rico and I are just the hired muscle in this operation. Let’s not forget about Stanley the quack scientist. I wonder if he is going to make me carry all his gear into the forest. I am not hauling around 4 totes of science equipment. I am going to speak to Brain about it. The Amazon has enough challenges to pass much more so with so much gear.

Day 5 (7/15/2021) Today is the last day at the village. I sure will miss the meals here. I wonder if any of these college types have even eaten a meal in the wild. Well guess we shall find out who can handle it. Heading out at first light. Should be a 7-mile hike into the forest before we hit the first cave. BumBee I hope your hanging in there kitty. I will make it up to you when I come back home.

Day 6 (7/16/2021) Nathan and Maria talked the entire hike through the forest. About every plant and animal we saw. They delayed the hike the entire day. I wish they would just shut up. We are about four hours behind schedule because of their shenanigans. Brain says we have to scale and map the cave tomorrow. Then we will need to explore down into the cave system. Did an additional 5set/45 reps pushups and 5set/55 reps sit-ups today. Maria didn't seem as though she noticed but I could tell she kept me in her peripheral. Tonight, the moon looks glowing.

Day 7 (7/17/2021) An alert came through the satellite communication system. I can even see it now past the moon! An asteroid is on a suicide mission; destination Earth. I hope they are correct in the air burst taking this massive rock out when it reaches our atmosphere. They haven’t said it yet officially but I think the massive rock will annihilate half the globe and plunge the rest into darkness. No one is ready for this but we have just hours before impact. Brain wants to make a dash back to the village but we will never make it. Best bet is to stay put and find shelter. Stanley is standing holding up some kind of energy reader antenna. He really is as crazy as he looks. I was hired to protect these people. But from an asteroid? What do they expect me to do if they won’t even listen to me? The news alerts say that it will impact near California. But it can possibly wipe out civilization as we know it. Especially if the burn off isn’t significant. I am sorry BumBee that I left you. I would do anything to cat cuddle with you right now. I hope you are okay buddy, I love you.

I don’t know what day it is now. The sky is completely dark. Everyone is gone. Brain would not listen to reason and took off for the village. The last I saw him he was running wildly into the forest. Rico helped me convince the others to take shelter. We found a cave that was large enough to take refuge in. When the impact occurred, the cave shielded us from the blast. The heat was extremely intense and quickly the rock of the cave heated to near unbearable levels. The worst part though is that during the after quakes inside the cave we were in, was a horrible crack that opened. It was as if hell itself extended up to try to suck us down. Stanley fell first down into the lava pit. I tried, I tried my very hardest to pull Maria up. The look in her eyes will haunt me for whatever life left here I have. Her necklace had caught my hand and it was the last thing in my grip before she perished. Rico had shoved Nathan out of the way causing him to fall hitting his head. Rico though could not hold on very long and when his grip loosened, he fell too. At least carting those totes all the way out here proved useful. I found a gas mask and some small ration portions and one small jug of water. Nathan isn’t waking up I don’t know if he is dead or just passed out. I pulled him out of the cave before his skin started to bake. I suppose Maria’s necklace would mean something to him if he ever wakes up. I left it in his pocket. I don’t know where I am going but I know I can’t stay here. I am going to search for higher ground to get a sense of what is going on around here. Until the ground settles from the impact nowhere is safe. If this is the last entry here you will know I did not make it far. But maybe somewhere someday civilization will get back to the way it was.

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I am a full time creative with multiple creative disciplines. Thank you for your support.

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    Suzanne Written by Suzanne

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