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Jenny Continues to be Tiresome

Newsflash, narrator: you DO have troubles

By Doc SherwoodPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

If I'd thought I had troubles, Jenny knew a boy her age who wasn't allowed to wear underpants because of his family's beliefs. As she herself was from quite a weird family, except for her little sis of course who was still my good friend, I guessed it followed the families they knew would be the same. It was funny in fact how nice and ordinary Emily and Suzette were!

Whenever he came to tea, there was only one thing typical Jenny wanted to talk to him about. "It must annoy you," she said to him innocently. I was used to that from her, but it left him with a blush on his little nose!

"Um, yes, it's difficult for me," he confessed weakly.

"It really would be," agreed the sympathetic one. "I sometimes think of gym without panties, but of course that doesn't make any difference for girls."

"Then you're lucky," I told her rather pointedly. Jenny gave a light laugh.

"The boy here who's wearing underpants has got them in a twist," she said confidentially to her guest, and then it was my turn to blush!

Jenny insisted on playing him at one-on-one, and in no time at all he was fuming. She teased him just that much, and - of course - wore her light grey mini-gym skirt. I knew she just wanted to remind him with every glimpse of her clean white cotton ones of how much better he'd be able to play if only he were allowed to wear something like that too.

When they took a break she saw how I was glaring at her as she glugged from her water-bottle. "I'm not doing this to flaunt my panties," Jenny anticipated me, primly. "If he's jealous, that's not my fault."

"You could have worn your shorts or leggings, for his sake," I insisted.

"You're jealous too because I'm better at this game than you are," said Jenny, and sauntered back onto the court.

At length I could see the boy her age was blinking back tears, he was that flustered from being teased. One hand gripped the front of his shorts in a permanent hold. Then all at once he planted his feet and threw both hands down.

Jenny held still too and kept bouncing the ball, with that maddening "Sping...! Sping...!" which I knew only too well.

"You can't be giving up already!" she called out to him in an incredulous voice. "Not against a girl," she added, and laughed.

"I don't know why I'm always the only one who can do it," Jenny said innocently to both our blushing and indignant selves later, over lemonade and her favourite cheese sandwiches. Then to our guest: "It can't be that much of a disadvantage. I can see how it might irritate you a bit."

He just blushed all the more at his plate.

"I was playing quite smellily," Jenny kept on at him. "Did I tease you too much?"

"You're teasing him now!" I cried, hot-cheeked.

"Boys are worse at it anyway though," Jenny resumed smoothly. "Playing without underwear on shouldn't have made that much of a difference."

After his visit Jenny kept dropping hints that she thought it a good idea to practice the same rules on boy-pants for at our home. She was only doing it to frighten me, or at least, so I hoped! At any rate, it worked every time. When her mother next came round for lunch Jenny told her all about these plans, and that was when it got too much.

"There's one place I'd still insist on them though, and that's in bed at night," Jenny went on. "To stop a certain pair of little hands I know from getting too busy!"

I flushed crimson at once.

"I'll have you know I don't do that!" I cried indignantly, my face all a furious flush.

Jenny and her mother just laughed, maddening me all the more. It wasn't that I didn't yearn to be allowed to, especially after having to play you-know-who at tennis or one-on-one! But I didn't, because I knew that was what Jenny wanted, and all for her to start saying things like that!

"You want to though, and that's why it would be just as well," said she, having the last word.

"Why do you always have to be such a tease?" I asked her that afternoon. As Jenny did, she just looked at me coldly through her glasses and didn't answer. Then she pushed in front and strode up the university stairs ahead of me so the awesome broadness of her butt was poking right in my face. I simmered away inside.

I knew she'd tease me about this too, but now she'd raised the subject, I couldn't resist pinging her to continue once we were in quiet study.

- Know you don't mean it about the underwear, it's just as important to boys' PE as girls'! (Blushing face)

A long-lashed eye blinked, indicating Jenny had read the message. She sent no response.

- Um, Jen, speaking of underwear like you were, well sometimes actually especially when we've been playing and you've won, I do think it would be nice to be allowed to, well, just to simmer down I mean (Blinking eyes face)

Funny how even my typing seemed fitful at such times! Her own solitary long-lashed eye blinked back at me once. Again, there was no response. Trying not to be mad at her I banged out pleadingly:

- So maybe how about only after we've played? Or even just once a week? (Three such faces)

The eye blinked. No response.

Then, after ten furious minutes of trying in vain to get on with my essay:

- Stop using university messaging to ask about inappropriate subjects. I have mentioned many times you are not allowed to and that is not going to change.


About the Creator

Doc Sherwood

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