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Hell on earth

By Jayson Johnston

By Jayson Edward JohnstonPublished 3 years ago 8 min read
Jayson johnston

Hell on earth

By Jayson Johnston

Part 1

Oh how times have changed I say as I look into my backyard. I never thought this life would be attainable for me. A tear rolls down my eye as I slowly open the door to "my" mansion. The smell of smoke from the car fires fills the air as I step outside. I hear the groans from what used to be humans before the devil rose up and started a revolution. He decided it was time for us mortals to suffer. He chose mainly those of us devoted to god to turn into his disgusting foul demons. Being an atheist I was one that was not affected by such a curse. Although I'm not sure I'm much better off. The world is in shambles. The government crumpled and gave into the will of lucifer. So chaos reigns. There are no laws and only one goal. Survive. My name is Alex. I'm 24 and I'm on a mission to stop Lucifer's plan to completely overthrow the earth. How you might ask. By traveling to hell and finding a way to kill the bastard. Part 2

I start my journey by looking for a ride to the local library. All but abandoned now but could have a book on where to find the entrance to hell. In terms of finding a car in a dystopia it's pretty easy. Driving through streets of demons however is no easy task. I need something strong and reliable. I look down the street and find my possible ride. A bright purple hummer. Now I'm not saying I don't like purple but having a purple ride would be kind of obnoxious. But it will have to do. I just hope it's empty. I stroll down the road gun in one hand and my other on my blade I keep on my side. As I approach the vehicle I hear something inside. Not a monster but someone crying. I look through the back window and see a young girl, maybe 16 or 17 years old. She looks out at me and mouths help me as tears roll down her eyes.

Part 3

I don't waste any time scrambling to open the door to help the poor girl. Completely ignoring my rules. As I swing the door open the girl screams BEHIND YOU! I swing around to see a snarling demon running towards be. I quickly pull my gun up and unload 4 rounds into it. 3 to the chest and one to the head for good measure. You see before all this demonic overthrow I was in training to become a police officer just like my father before me. Although he died when I was young I've always idolized him. My dream was always to become just as good of an officer as him some day. Of course lucifers reign put a damper on my plans. I had plenty of training with a firearm and am I very good shot. Barely ever missing my mark. The demon dropped to the ground and I grabbed ahold of the girl. We have to move I tell her. I'm scared she replies. I tell her I know a place where we will be safe but we have to go now. I'm certain the shots will attract more unwanted guests. She finally gets out of the car and I check the ignition for keys. Damn no keys I mumble. We have to run now I tell the girl and we take off. I have one of many safe houses nearby that I stay at if things get to lonely at the mansion. My name is Alex my the way. I'm Sarah the girl replies. What are you doing out here she asks. I'll explain everything when we get to where we are going. Let's focus on running. It's only a couple of blocks to the safe house but feels like miles. We finally make it to the entrance. It's a normal looking house but a bit run down from the years of neglect. Hard to believe just 7 short years ago I lived here with my mother. Let me make sure it's clear before you come in I tell her as I slowly open the door. After I check the rooms I motion for her to enter. We are safe for now.

Part 4

As we enter the house the girl once again asks what I was doing out there all alone. Sightseeing, I tell her with a big grin on my face. She giggles. But in all honesty I'm heading to the library. Why? The girl asks. I'm going to end the devils reign. Her eyes widen as she realizes this isn't another joke. But how? I'm going find a way into hell and figure out a way to kill the devil. You can't do this alone she says as tears fill her eyes. I'm going to go with you. NO WAY! I scream at her. This world isn't a safe place for kids. I'M SEVENTEEN ALMOST EIGHTEEN! My heart begins to hurt. That is the age I was when all this happened. Where are your parents I ask. They went to do the same thing you are and never returned. They are… they are. She begins to cry. I understand. My parents are gone too. My mother and I used to live here back when all this started. I was your age. She hugs me weeping softly. Please let me go with you. I want to finish what my parents started. They always talked about a book that may be what you are looking for. They never said the name but just said it is a big leather-bound book with a bunch of symbols on it. Lucifer's diary, I reply. Are you any good with a weapon I ask. I had a bow, she replied. I lost it earlier when I was running from demons. I know a good warrior never loses their weapon but I was so frightened. Hold on a minute I say as I walk towards the closet. Here let's see how good you are I say as I hand her a bow I keep stashed for emergencies. I'm not the archery type and can't handle a bow very well. You see that stop sign across the street? See if you can hit it. The sign is one of my practice targets. It is riddled with bullet holes. Ok she says as she draws back an arrow. Thwump. Not only does she hit the sign she shoots straight through a bullet hole. Lucky shot I say smiling. Let's see you do that again. She fires 3 more arrows all going through the same hole. My jaw drops as she turns to me and asks, am I good enough to join you now? Give me some time to think. It's getting dark and I'm sure we are both tired. In the morning you will either stay here or come with me depending on my decision.

Part 5

I let the girl have my bed and I took the couch. It was hard to sleep. Was I really going to let this seventeen year old girl travel with me to such a dangerous place. And how did her parents know about lucifer's diary. The night went by in a flash and before I knew it the sun began to rise. I hadn't slept a wink. The girl was sleeping soundly. I figure she will probably be hungry when she wakes up so I decide to make some breakfast. Having food in your stomach is a necessity in these times but finding fresh food is not easy. I had invented a contraption using dry ice to keep certain foods fresh. I installed them in all my safe houses. I had some eggs and 2 year old bacon that may still be fresh if my device actually works. I open the package and I couldn't believe it. It smelled like bacon I had just gotten back from the store with. I pull out my camp stove and start cooking. The girl must really be hungry because as soon as I put the bacon on she rose up. May I have some of your meal, she asks. Of course you can, it's for both of us. You are very kind. Breakfast is the start of a productive day. And we are gonna need our strength. So that means I can go with you,she asks, eyes widening. As long as you promise not to cause trouble. OH THANK YOU ALEX, she screams while running over to give me a hug. Yeah yeah now let's eat I reply. After breakfast we pack up and head out. I have my handgun and trusty side knife and the girl has her bow. I loaned it to her along with a small knife for emergencies. We were about fifty miles from the church but both agreed that walking would be our best bet to not draw attention to ourselves. The trip was going to take a couple of days so I paced it out on my map where we should be before we stopped for the night. Our first stop is a gas station about ten miles out. There we could gather supplies. As we begin our walk I realize that the girl has no shoes. Where are your shoes? I lost them. Well we can't have you walking around this place barefoot you will catch a disease. There is a shoe store just up ahead we can stop there. I decide I'll get new shoes as well since we are stopping anyway. As we enter the store we notice how rundown and empty it looks. Boxes all over the floor and bloodstains from people fighting and getting eaten. But no monsters. Alright let's make this quick. I go grab a standard pair of black shoes that are one size too big so I have toe room. Found mine, the girl shouts. I turn around and see here holding a sparkly pair of pink shoes with a unicorn on each side. Are you sure those are what you want? We aren't coming back. Yes she says with a huge grin on her face. They are perfect. As we leave the store I slam a handful of cash on the counter. Why did you do that, the girl asks. I may be many things but I'm no thief. She looks at me puzzled as we continue our walk. It's a long way to where we are going. Are you sure you are up for this? Yes I'm ready. I'm going to save my parents. Then it hit me. She thinks her parents are still alive.


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    JEJWritten by Jayson Edward Johnston

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