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Heist Gone Awry

The legendary Heart of Nebulae

By kennedy kubaiPublished 12 months ago 1 min read
Heist Gone Awry
Photo by James Kovin on Unsplash

Rain poured down relentlessly as they crept through the labyrinthine museum halls. Sarah, the skilled lock-picker, deftly maneuvered her tools while Marcus, the acrobat, crawled along the ceiling, his lithe form almost melding with the shadows. Julian, the hacker, tapped into the security system with focused intensity. They were a perfect team, bound by trust and the promise of unimaginable riches.

Finally, they reached the heavily guarded chamber, where the legendary Heart of Nebulae shimmered within a glass case. Sarah's trembling hands began their delicate dance on the lock, sweat mingling with raindrops on her brow. The tension was palpable, time slowing to a crawl.

But just as the lock yielded, a beam of light from a passing security guard's flashlight pierced the room. Panic seized them, the precious seconds slipping away. Desperation fueled their actions, Sarah went on ahead eyes fixed on the guard movement.

And then, with a bittersweet mix of triumph and despair, Sarah placed her trembling hand on the case, only to find it already empty. The Heart of Nebulae, the prize they risked everything for, had vanished, leaving them with nothing but shattered dreams and the bitter sting of betrayal.

MicrofictionShort StoryMysteryHistoricalFan FictionAdventure

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