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Heaven Sent

You Don't Choose Who You Love

By Mel ChesleyPublished 3 years ago 7 min read

Oliver lifted his nose to the scent of Seluna and suppressed a growl. He slowly lowered himself to the ground, his back against a tree, letting the shadows envelop him as he rested. He could almost feel Seluna breathing down the back of his neck, and it made his hackles rise. Oliver looked down, saw the blood seeping through his shirt, and applied more pressure to the soaked bandage. The acrid, metallic smell would draw Seluna, and the rest of the pack, right to him. He could fight the others, but he wasn't too sure he could take on Seluna, even if he wasn't injured.

Oliver leaned back and closed his eyes. Jaelyn was out there, searching for him, and if the others found her first, they would kill her. Oliver had gone against pack rules. He had refused Seluna as his mate. But how could he change his heart? he wondered. Where was Jaelyn?

As if in answer to his thoughts, he felt a whisper-like breeze across his cheek, felt her feather-light touch.

“Oliver,” she whispered. Her voice had a chorus of angels behind it that only he could hear, and it made him smile.

“You shouldn't be here,” he scolded, the words coming out in gasps of pain. He opened his dark brown eyes and gazed at the pale face he loved so much. She was a half-breed; part angel, part human. His heart always skipped a beat when she was near. He lifted his hand to caress her cheek, but his wounds dictated otherwise and he let his hand fall. She caught it in her own, pressed it to her face.

“You know you cannot keep me away. I'm part of this too.” Her voice was low as she chastised him in return. “This is as much my fight as it is yours.”

“Jaelyn –” he broke off as the gash in his stomach burned with sharp pain.

“Shh! Lie back and let me heal you, at least,” Jaelyn implored.

“No, no time! We need to get out of here.”

“You are in no shape to move. At least let me stop the bleeding,” she asked as he tried to rise. She scowled, pushing him back, not taking no for an answer this time. Her hands hovered over his stomach, a soft glow emanating from her palms.

She wasn't quite touching his skin, but he could still feel his face flush. As she worked, her wings unfurled and wrapped around them like a protective shield. Her scent always changed when her wings were out. Right now, as he inhaled, it was sweet, like baking cookies.

“There,” she said. “That should do for now.” She tugged at her long, red braid. “What?” she asked when she caught him watching her. He smiled as her cheeks flushed a bright pink.

“I love you,” he said.

“I love you, too,” she replied, smiling.

“You still shouldn't be here.”

“Oliver,” she said, exasperated. She threw her hands up, then let them drop back to her lap. “We've been through this. I love you, I worry about you. We're in this together if we want to be together.”

“I don't want anything to happen to you.”

“Nor I, you,” she said. Her cool fingers gently brushed a strand of his dark, unruly hair off his sweaty brow. “But we cannot help who we love. I don't regret it, and if something happens –” he placed a finger on her lips, cutting her off. Jaelyn removed it and kissed each of his fingertips. “I know I will be with you again, somehow. Somewhere.”

Oliver moved in to kiss her, he could smell her sweet, warm breath. Their lips had barely brushed when the howl broke the silence of the night.

“Come on!” he said, the pack was close, and he motioned to Jaelyn for help. She took his hand, pulled him to his feet, and held him firmly about the waist as he leaned on her. Oliver glanced around as he looked for a way out of the dense woods. The two of them moved as fast as his wounds allowed; he could feel the blood seeping through the bandage and down his side. As they entered a clearing, Seluna dropped from a tree, her small frame blocked any chance of escape.

“There you are, my love,” Seluna said, her voice a low, sultry growl. “Time to come rule the pack with me.” She held a partially transformed hand out to Oliver. It was covered in fur and her fingers ended in razor-sharp claws. Oliver attempted to straighten, to stand his ground. He looked her in the eye, testing, challenging. Moonlight shone through the branches, high above, and her eyes caught it, reflecting it much like a cat. Seluna’s face began to twist, to elongate, and fur sprouted on her cheeks. Her nose twitched as a breeze skipped through the clearing.

“I can't do it, Seluna. I already told you.” Oliver stepped away from Jaelyn. A glance over his shoulder revealed the pack had silently surrounded them. He placed himself between Jaelyn and Seluna, like a shield.

“You do not understand, whelp!” Seluna said with a snarl as she took a step forward. “You do not refuse me. If I offer you something, even a trifle, you take it, and be grateful.”

“I love her, Seluna,” Oliver stated. His voice was steady, but his body began to shake from fatigue and anticipation. Adrenaline coursed through him as he waited for her to give the command. He knew the pack would rip him apart in a matter of seconds.

“Fine.” Seluna snapped. “Then she'll just have to fight me. For you.”

“No!” Oliver shouted, but before he could move, two werewolves were on him and held him from behind. They twisted his arms back which pulled at his wound and forced a cry of pain from him.

Jaelyn stood straight and tall, her wings hidden and tucked away.

“I'll fight you,” she said with a defiant lift of her chin.

“Good.” Seluna nodded. Her body twisted and shimmered, leaving a silver wolf standing in the moonlight, teeth bared. Jaelyn spoke something in Latin, and a silver pike appeared in her hand.

“You fight to the death,” the pack said in unison and they all stepped back, taking Oliver with them. He knew it was useless to struggle. The pack leader had spoken and no one else would go against Seluna.

Seluna barked in response as she circled, her hackles raised. Jaelyn stood still and calm, one arm wrapped around the pike, waiting for Seluna to make the first move. Seluna leapt into the air, her fur shone in the moonlight, her muscles rippled as she twisted to land behind the angel. Jaelyn spun around, trying to keep her in view, and swung her weapon. She caught Seluna in the ribs, and the force of the blow knocked her to the ground. Seluna gave a yelp and quickly scrambled to her feet; she lunged again.

This time, Seluna caught Jaelyn's shoulder in her powerful jaws. Her teeth sunk into Jaelyn's flesh, and warm blood spurted and coated Seluna’s snout. Jaelyn screamed and Oliver struggled against his pack mates to try and help her. Jaelyn dropped the pike and grabbed Seluna by her scruff as if she were grabbing a wayward pup. Her wings unfurled and stretched out high behind her. With one strong beat of her wings, the angel lifted the wolf, and Jaelyn flung her like a rag doll. Seluna landed on her side with a loud thud, the breath knocked from her lungs, but she recovered quickly and scrambled to her feet. She gathered her haunches under her and launched high into the air, her massive front paws connected solidly with Jaelyn’s chest. The two women fell to the ground, grappling for the dominant position.

Jaelyn pushed against Seluna's chest as the wolf snapped at her throat. Her breath was hot and saliva dripped onto her face. Jaelyn reached for her pike, her muscles strained as she stretched, her breath came out in sharp gasps. As her fingertips brushed against the pike, she stretched further. The fur of Seluna's snout brushed Jaelyn's throat, and with a grunt, Jaelyn forced both hands under the wolf's chest, shoving hard. Seluna fell back enough for Jaelyn to twist and grab her weapon. When Seluna charged again, Jaelyn rammed the pike into her chest, blood spurting in her face.

Seluna howled as the fur melted from her body like ashes falling from an ember, her features blurred back to human form as she crumpled to the ground, dead. Jaelyn held the silver weapon tight, as she struggled to her knees, head bent, waiting for the pack to attack. Behind her, Oliver broke free as instead, they released him, and he ran to Jaelyn's side.

“Jaelyn,” he whispered. He fell to his knees and held Jaelyn, gently prying her hands loose from the pike. “Okay, it's okay. Let go, Jaelyn.”

The weapon clattered to the ground, and she leaned against Oliver's chest as all the tension left her body. Her hands wound around his neck and he held her close. The pack surrounded them, looks of quiet regard and respect crossed each of their faces.

“I won't leave her,” Oliver said, his tone defensive as he looked up at the group. He held Jaelyn a little closer.

“We won't ask you to,” one said. Oliver nodded as they all shifted into wolf form, and melted into the woods, leaving them alone in the moonlit clearing.


About the Creator

Mel Chesley

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    Mel ChesleyWritten by Mel Chesley

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