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Genuine Review of the 2016 Romance/Sci-fi Film 'Passengers'

Passengers (2016): A Honest Film Review

By Aarav RohillaPublished about a month ago 4 min read

"Passengers," released in 2016, is a sci-fi romance directed by Morten Tyldum and starring Jennifer Lawrence and Chris Pratt. The film takes place aboard the starship Avalon, on a 120-year journey to a distant colony planet called Homestead II. With an intriguing premise and high-profile cast, "Passengers" offers a mix of visual spectacle and thought-provoking themes, making it a noteworthy entry in the genre.

Plot Summary:

The starship Avalon is transporting 5,000 colonists and 258 crew members in hibernation pods. They are on a 120-year journey to Homestead II, a distant planet. However, 30 years into the trip, a malfunction causes mechanical engineer Jim Preston (Chris Pratt) to wake up prematurely, 90 years before the ship reaches its destination.

Jim is initially alone and desperate, struggling with the realization that he will live out his life on the ship with no company. His only companion is Arthur (Michael Sheen), an android bartender. After a year of solitude, Jim discovers Aurora Lane (Jennifer Lawrence), a writer, in her hibernation pod. Driven by loneliness, he makes the morally questionable decision to wake her up, knowing it will condemn her to the same fate.

Aurora, initially unaware of the truth, forms a romantic relationship with Jim. When she eventually learns that Jim deliberately woke her, she feels betrayed and angry. As their relationship strains under the weight of this revelation, the Avalon suffers more critical malfunctions. Jim and Aurora must work together to prevent the ship from being destroyed, ultimately deciding the fate of everyone on board.

Visual and Technical Aspects:

"Passengers" excels in its visual presentation. The design of the Avalon is sleek and futuristic, with state-of-the-art technology and luxurious amenities that make it a character in itself. The film’s special effects are top-notch, creating a believable and immersive space environment. Scenes such as the gravity loss in the swimming pool and the exterior spacewalk are visually stunning and add to the film's grandeur.

The cinematography, handled by Rodrigo Prieto, enhances the sense of isolation and vastness of space. The interior shots of the ship balance opulence with the coldness of its artificial environment, highlighting the loneliness of its occupants. The use of light and shadow plays a crucial role in setting the mood and emphasizing the characters’ emotional states.

Suspense and Tension:

"Passengers" builds suspense through its plot and the looming threat of the ship's malfunctioning systems. Jim's initial loneliness and Aurora's subsequent awakening create an emotional tension that underpins the narrative. The unfolding of the ship's technical failures adds a layer of physical danger, escalating the stakes and keeping the audience engaged.

The soundtrack by Thomas Newman complements the film's tone, with a mix of orchestral and electronic elements that underscore both the wonder of space and the tension of the unfolding drama. The music enhances key moments, adding depth to the visual experience.

Character Development and Performances:

Chris Pratt and Jennifer Lawrence deliver strong performances, bringing depth to their characters. Pratt’s portrayal of Jim captures the desperation and moral conflict of a man facing a lifetime of isolation. His charm and vulnerability make Jim a sympathetic character, despite his questionable actions.

Lawrence, as Aurora, brings intensity and emotional range to her role. Her character’s journey from excitement to horror and anger, and finally to acceptance, is convincingly portrayed. The chemistry between Pratt and Lawrence is palpable, adding authenticity to their relationship and making their interactions engaging.

Michael Sheen, as Arthur the android bartender, provides a touch of humor and philosophical reflection. His character serves as a confidant for both Jim and Aurora, offering insights that humanize the story’s broader themes.

Themes and Reflections:

"Passengers" delves into several thought-provoking themes, including isolation, ethical dilemmas, and the human need for connection. Jim’s decision to wake Aurora raises moral questions about loneliness and the right to make decisions for others. The film explores the complexities of human relationships and the lengths to which people will go to avoid isolation.

The concept of space travel as a metaphor for life’s journey is also present, with the Avalon’s voyage symbolizing the passage of time and the unknown future. The film reflects on the idea of making the most of one's circumstances, finding meaning and purpose even in the most challenging situations.

Critique and Unique Elements:

While "Passengers" has many strengths, it received mixed reviews, primarily due to its handling of the central moral dilemma. Some critics felt that the film glossed over the ethical implications of Jim’s actions, while others appreciated the exploration of these themes. The narrative could have delved deeper into Aurora’s perspective and the broader consequences of Jim’s decision.

Despite this, the film's unique blend of romance and sci-fi, combined with its visual splendor and strong performances, sets it apart from other entries in the genre. The movie’s ability to balance intimate character moments with grand, space-faring adventure makes it a compelling watch.


"Passengers" is a visually stunning and emotionally charged sci-fi film that explores the human condition through the lens of space travel. Chris Pratt and Jennifer Lawrence's performances, along with the film's impressive special effects and thought-provoking themes, make it a memorable cinematic experience.

While the film’s handling of its central ethical dilemma may be divisive, it raises important questions about loneliness, choice, and the essence of human connection. "Passengers" invites viewers to ponder the complexities of relationships and the moral intricacies of survival, making it a worthwhile addition to the sci-fi genre. Whether you’re drawn to its romance or its futuristic setting, "Passengers" offers a captivating journey through space and the human heart.

AdventureSci Fi

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Aarav Rohilla

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Comments (2)

  • Aditya Sharma19 days ago

    I loved how you highlighted the nuances of the film. Very insightful review!

  • Aditya Sharma23 days ago

    Your enthusiasm for the movie is contagious. Great review!

Aarav RohillaWritten by Aarav Rohilla

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