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Finding my Other Half PART 2

Short Story

By Delaney CarlsonPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Finding my Other Half PART 2
Photo by Nicola Fioravanti on Unsplash

I lay there and looked at myself. I peeked under the gown and saw the scars all over my torso, the mark of the surgeries.

For one surgery two years ago, I had to shave all my hair off my head. It was very unpleasant and I was bald for weeks. I was mistaken for a boy a lot for the rest of that year.

I looked down at my 16-year-old body. I would be going back to school in a few weeks. I most certainly am not in any way ready for that. I heard the doctor come to the door, my mother stood up and left, talking to her briefly before leaving.

“Maya!” My mother ran up and hugged me 20 minutes later. The doctor had come in and I had been unhooked. Then the doctor left and I dressed in the clothes I packed for today. I packed up my things and then my mother came back in.

“Mum! Can we go get my results now?” I asked excitedly.

“Of course dear!” She said, she picked up my duffel bag and walked out. We both knew this hospital very well, and we went straight to the desk where I had signed out after all my surgeries before.

“Hey Chad, hey Martha!” My mom was on a first name basis with most of the staff. Chad and Martha stood up.

“How are you?” Martha asked, giving me a tight hug. She was so sweet, like an aunt to me.

“We’ll miss you Maya!” Chad hugged me. He was definitely like an uncle to me, a crazy uncle!

“I'm better, and I'll miss you both too!” Chad picked up the large brown envelope from his desk and shook it. I quickly grabbed it, jumping up and down with glee.

“Your birth certificate is also in there, so be very careful dear.” I looked at my mother in confusion.

“They need identification to allow you into serious surgeries.” Martha said. She and Chad sat back down, sniffing silently into tissues.

I opened the envelope and handed the papers to my mother, but I kept my birth certificate in my hands. I wanted to see it. Something drew me to it.

“All the tests showed up negative!!” Mum squealed. I gave her another confused look. “You don't have anything they tested for! You're all clear!!” We squealed and jumped around for a minute, then I turned back to my birth certificate. Suddenly I froze in shock.

“Mum.. Why does my birth certificate say..” I stumbled over my words, unsure how to ask her about my most recent discovery.

Hey guys! Author notes are in bold and will be at the end of every chapter! Do you like the story so far? Please feel free to comment any suggestions for grammar or spelling or anything you would like to say. What do you think Maya could have found out? Please vote if you enjoyed the first chapter of Finding My Other Half! This is my first Wattpad story, so please keep any rude opinions you might have to yourself. My chapters will probably all be longish, I can sometimes get carried away!

I will not be giving out my name or any of my personal information, so please don't ask for it! Thank you all so so much for reading my story, which I really hope you enjoy!


Chapter 2: I Have A What?!

Maya stood in absolute shock, her legs felt like jello and she was wobbling like it too. Her mother quickly grabbed her sides and guided her to the car.

Short Story

About the Creator

Delaney Carlson

I’m a cringy author uploading stories I wrote when I was like 10, so please enjoy the depressed weirdness.

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