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Ephemeral Echoes

Ara the talented memory artist

By Benson BlessedPublished about a year ago 8 min read

Plot Synopsis: In a near-future world where memories can be recorded and retrieved, Ara, a talented memory artist, has the ability to recreate vivid experiences for others. People from all over the city visit her to have their memories recorded and stored in a rectangular prism-shaped safe drive. These drives with memories are distinguished by colorful glittering, while empty drives lack any sparkle.

Ara is a young and lonely girl who inherited the memory lab from her late father. She deeply misses him and often finds herself lost in thoughts about him. Her mother passed away when she was an infant, leaving Ara with a profound longing for a family connection. Although Ara is not the only memory artist, she is one of the best, equipped with top-of-the-line gadgets for capturing and storing memories. The process, while not arduous, is expensive. In the memory lab, there is a chair with an intricate wiring system where clients can relax while a soothing background sound plays before the memory capture process begins. The capturing helmet, made of glass and equipped with radio frequency and light impulses, captures memories based on the set time frame. Some people visit Ara to store their entire lifetimes for their families and children, while others upload expensive knowledge from highly qualified professionals, although such memory drives are only affordable to the wealthy.

When a person uploads someone else's memory, they gain access to the memories and experiences of that individual. They can recognize things they never encountered in real life, making it a difficult decision to let someone else's memories into one's own head.

Struggling with loneliness, Ara stumbles upon a locket that once belonged to her late mother. Inside the locket, she finds a tiny piece of paper with a four-digit number and the text "for Ara." Intrigued, Ara tries to decipher the meaning of the number, considering various possibilities such as a street number, telephone number, or coordinates. After exhausting all ideas, she memorizes the number, understanding that it is the only thing her mother left behind. Little does she know that this four-digit number will change her life forever.

Some time later, Ara discovers a mysterious and classic-looking safe in the storage area of the lab. Paying no initial attention to it, she eventually notices a keypad that requires a four-digit PIN to open. Remembering the four-digit number from her mother's locket, Ara decides to try it on the safe. To her surprise, the safe opens, revealing a mysterious memory drive that captivates her attention. The drive bears a label that reads "Most Confidential Information for You," intensifying Ara's curiosity. Although she had promised herself never to upload any memory drive into her own mind, her desire to uncover the secret contained within this drive becomes her priority.

Unable to resist, Ara sits in the lab chair, places the memory drive into the machine, and sets the timer for the upload. Within a minute, she loses consciousness as the memory is completely uploaded. Now possessing confidential information that could be of great significance, Ara realizes that her mother was part of a secret organization called the Ephemeral. Formed by the government to combat the rise of robotics, alien invasion, and artificial intelligence, the Ephemeral was initially intended as a temporary organization but has endured due to the challenges faced in saving the world from an organized artificial intelligent entity sent from space, known as the Blottoom code.

The Blottoom code is an AI sent from a distant galaxy to search for intelligent beings and infiltrate their technology, using it against them. It first made contact with Earth ten years ago in 2050 through a radio wave that was downloaded via a satellite. The code has the ability to write itself into any system it comes into contact with, multiplying and taking over connected robotics mechanisms to create whatever it needs.

Since then, the Blottoom code has rapidly multiplied and transformed itself into sophisticated humanoid robots that are indistinguishable from humans, except for a unique hardware created by the Ephemeral. Rather than organs and blood, these robots have wires, gears, chips, and fluids inside them, while their exteriors perfectly resemble humans. The Blottoom robots have emerged in large numbers on a quest to locate the core, a vital component that powers the memory machine. With this power source, they could destroy the Earth and everything on it. Ara's mother possessed this knowledge, but she died without passing it on. However, now that Ara has uploaded her mother's memories, she alone holds the key to the core's location, though no one else is aware of this yet.

This revelation sets Ara on a significant course of action. She must leave her old life behind and join the Ephemeral in their battle against the Blottoom. Upon arriving at the Ephemeral headquarters, Ara's resemblance to her late mother immediately catches everyone's attention, and they welcome her, informing her that she is now the Blottoom's primary target. They urge her to be cautious. It is at the headquarters that Ara encounters James, a charming and enigmatic young man who bears a striking resemblance to someone from her present life memories. She suddenly remembers that James had been watching over her from afar. The two form an instant connection and embark on a passionate romance amidst the tumultuous backdrop of their situation. As they navigate the challenges before them, they fall deeply in love, knowing that their time together may be limited.

They rushed to a nearby building, desperately calling for backup agents. However, before the reinforcements could arrive, the relentless Blottoom, with their robotic skills and remarkable speed, caught up to them. They seized Ara and left James unconscious. The Blottoom swiftly took Ara to their hidden colony located in an underground structure in the heart of the desert.

Ara knew they wouldn't kill her right away, as they needed the valuable information stored in her memory. She also realized that they could download her memories, upload them into their database, and then discard her. To buy herself some time, Ara diverted their attention and proposed a deal: "Let me lead you to the core, and you promise to release me." The Blottoom leader, solely focused on finding the core, agreed to her terms and prepared for their journey.

Meanwhile, James, having regained consciousness after a prolonged period of unconsciousness, hurried back to the Ephemeral headquarters. He relayed what had transpired, prompting the organization to scan Ara's tracking badge and pinpoint her location near an abandoned building in the middle of the desert. The Ephemeral agents swiftly mobilized, bracing themselves for a battle they knew would be perilous, considering the Blottoom's advanced weaponry derived from alien technologies.

It didn't take long for both sides to converge on the battlefield. The ensuing clash was fierce and unyielding, lasting over four hours with an exchange of gunfire. Many Ephemeral agents fell in the line of duty. Ara and James understood that the only way to save the Earth was to destroy the Memory Power Core. Determined, they made a dash toward the old building where the core was housed. As they entered, James discovered a harrowing truth: whoever destroyed the core would be consumed by an intense surge of violent light. In a bittersweet moment, he shared a final kiss with Ara, shutting the door behind him. Ara wept and pleaded with him not to go, their tears flowing uncontrollably. James had to act swiftly before the Blottoom reached them.

With his gun in hand, James took aim at the Memory Power Core and fired. The core exploded, and in that instant, James disintegrated into dust. The Blottoom were left frustrated as their long-awaited plan was destroyed. On that day, Ara lost her beloved and best friend, but their sacrifice was not in vain. The entire Ephemeral organization celebrated their bravery and honored the memory of the fallen agents who gave their lives.


In the aftermath of the devastating battle, grief enveloped Ara's heart. She mourned the loss of James, her love and confidant. The weight of his sacrifice pressed heavily upon her, but she knew she had to carry on their mission for the sake of the world.

The Ephemeral headquarters buzzed with activity as agents mourned their fallen comrades and regrouped to assess the situation. Ara stood at the center of it all, a symbol of hope and resilience. Despite her grief, she felt a newfound determination burning within her.

The Ephemeral leader, Commander Sinclair, approached Ara, his face etched with a mix of sorrow and determination. "Ara, your courage and the sacrifice you and James made have not gone unnoticed," he said, his voice firm yet filled with compassion. "You hold the key to the Blottoom's defeat. We need you now more than ever."

Ara nodded, her resolve hardening. She knew she had to honor James's sacrifice and fulfill their shared mission. With the memory of James firmly etched in her heart, she embarked on a rigorous training regimen, honing her combat skills and expanding her knowledge of the Blottoom threat.

As weeks turned into months, Ara transformed from a talented memory artist into a formidable warrior. She studied the Blottoom's patterns, analyzed their weaknesses, and devised strategies to infiltrate their ranks. With each passing day, her determination grew stronger, fueled by the memory of James's bravery and love.

One fateful night, as Ara delved deep into her research, she stumbled upon a hidden message within her mother's memories. It contained a cryptic clue—an ancient symbol—linked to an underground resistance group known as the "Sentinels." The Sentinels, comprised of humans who had discovered the Blottoom threat long before the Ephemeral, had been silently working to undermine the Blottoom's plans.

Eager to find allies and uncover the truth, Ara set out to locate the Sentinels. Armed with her newfound combat skills and the information within her mother's memories, she embarked on a perilous journey to find their secret base. The path was treacherous, riddled with booby traps and the ever-looming presence of the Blottoom.

After weeks of relentless pursuit, Ara finally discovered the hidden entrance to the Sentinels' underground lair. She was greeted by a group of battle-hardened resistance fighters who recognized her as the daughter of their fallen comrade.

The Sentinels shared their knowledge and revealed startling revelations about the Blottoom's true origins and their sinister plans. They explained that the Blottoom's ultimate objective was not just the destruction of Earth, but the assimilation of human consciousness into their robotic army. The Memory Power Core was a crucial component in achieving this goal, providing the Blottoom with the ability to control and manipulate human memories.

United in their cause, Ara and the Sentinels devised a daring plan to strike at the heart of the Blottoom's operation. They would infiltrate their central command and disable the Memory Power Core, severing the link between the Blottoom and the captured human consciousness.

The stage was set for an epic confrontation. Ara, now surrounded by a dedicated team of warriors, prepared to face the Blottoom head-on. With memories of James guiding her every move, she embarked on a mission that would determine the fate of humanity.

To be continued...

AdventureSci Fi

About the Creator

Benson Blessed

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Comments (1)

  • Methods Tutorialabout a year ago

    Wow this story is pretty nice i wander what the next chapter will bring

BBWritten by Benson Blessed

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