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Chapter 10: Michael's Funk

By The Freedom RunnerPublished 9 months ago 4 min read
Messy Apartment

Months go by, and Michael is still unemployed. Bills are piling up, and they are covering the end table. Michael's apartment is a mess. Clothing covers the worn-out couches and the living room floor. The floor is also cluttered with empty beer cans and pizza boxes. The kitchen sink is full of dirty dishes. Gnats and houseflies fly around the apartment. The stench in the place would be unbearable. Michael has yet to bathe.

Michael is asleep. He is buried under his blanket and piles of dirty laundry. The television is still on. The Chicago Marathon is on television.

Commentator- (from television) The strong quartet of East Africans continue to dominate this race. Three Kenyans and one Ethiopian. Great Britain's Willie Davis in the middle of the lead pack. The top American, Nick Daniels, all the way in ninth place...

Michael continues sleeping, and he is snoring loudly. Suddenly, a loud knock comes from outside his apartment. Michael still sleeps through it. More knocking comes from outside the apartment.

Michael finally wakes up.

Michael- (still half-asleep) I said I'll have your rent next week. Go away.

Michael's front door is opened, and Steven and Doug walk in. Steven covers his nose. Doug casually looks around.

Doug- (whispering) What, did this guy fire his maid?

Steven- (looks at Doug like he's crazy) What? Come on.

Steven and Doug quietly approach Michael, who falls back asleep. Steven pulls the blanket off of Michael. Michael is still asleep. Finally, Doug grabs an empty beer can. He drops it onto the floor, and then he stomps on it. Michael finally wakes up, startled by the noise.

Michael- What?! What the hell?! How did you guys get in here?!

Steven- Anyone could've walked in. The door was wide open.

Michael- (face palm) Ugh...

Steven- Bro, we need to talk to you. You've been hiding away from everyone for months now. Becky and Shelly both have been asking about you, and Jamie is worried sick. She called me crying and asking me where you were.

Michael- Look, I'm fine. I just want to be alone right now.

Steven- Why?

Michael- Why? Let's take a look at my life. That bitch Abby cheated on me the night before our wedding, and who the hell knows how many more times she's done that? I lose my job. I'm drowning in debt. For some reason, I'm unable to kill myself and I'm sent to a hospital. To top this off, I had to break my dad's heart by revealing the fact that my mother cheated on him.

Steven- I'm sorry you're going through all that, but who the hell are you right now?

Michael- What the hell are you talking about?

Steven- The Michael I know never would've given up. You're better than this.

Doug- Yeah, and we're here to get you out of your funk. I mean, look at this mess. You really think wallowing in your own pity, (looks around) and this filth, is going to help you feel any better?

Steven taps Doug on the chest.

Doug- What?!

Steven- (whispering) You're not helping, man.

Doug- Come on, man. Look at this place. I'm depressed for even being here.

Steven- Shut up, Doug.

Doug looks at Michael.

Doug- Michael...

Michael- Shut up, Doug.

Doug walks into the kitchen and sits at the breakfast table.

Steven- You know, Doug actually has a point. You can't sit here forever and rot until you get evicted.

Michael- It beats being out there.

Steven- You're only giving Abby the power she doesn't deserve by isolating yourself. Is this what you really want? You're better than this, man.

Steven notices the Chicago Marathon on television.

Steven- Doug and I noticed the marathon going on. We thought of you. Why not run marathons? You said you've wanted to run for a while.

Michael- Not interested.

Steven- Come on. Didn't you run back in high school? College? You used to be a track and distance runner. I bet you could be very good at this.

Michael- That was a long time ago before I got injured. I have no desire to go back to running.

Doug- Then why do you run every morning? Don't tell me you do it for your health.

Michael- That's exactly why I do it. I do it to keep myself from killing someone.

Doug- Bullshit.

Steven- Doug is right. Michael, you have a gift. It's in your blood. Your dad was a distance runner, and you were born to do it. I bet if you ran, you could hang with those guys.

Michael looks at the television.

Michael- You really think I can run with those Kenyans and Ethiopians who can all run a PB of 2:04:00 or better? Are you out of your mind? Look, I'm not interested in running anymore, and that's all there is to it.

Doug- Michael, what do you have to lose? I mean, you have no job. You live in this dump.

Steven- Doug!

Doug- Not now, Steven. Michael, really. What the hell do you have to lose? You're still young. You're 30.

Michael- I'm past my prime, and I haven't run competitively since college.

Doug- So, it's been a few years. Big deal. We can help you--

Michael- I said no! I'm not fucking doing that shit! Alright?! Just leave me the fuck alone, and let me die in peace! Okay?!

Doug and Steven are silent. Michael sighs loudly.

Michael- Look, guys. I appreciate you guys trying to help me. I do. I just want to be left alone.

Steven- Okay. (to Doug) Let's go, Doug.

Steven and Doug, both disappointed, leave Michael's apartment. Michael, now feeling guilty, continues watching the race on television.

To Be Continued...


About the Creator

The Freedom Runner

My series, Endurance, covers real-life situations that include love, romance, betrayal, jealousy, and compromising situations. My characters have interesting stories, and I hope you enjoy them.

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    The Freedom RunnerWritten by The Freedom Runner

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