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Echoes of a Smashed Adore

Letter of Love

By Abdul QayyumPublished 23 days ago 4 min read
Echoes of a Smashed Adore
Photo by Museums Victoria on Unsplash

Echoes of a Smashed Adore

Maya sat by the window of her interesting coastal cabin, the sound of waves slamming against the shore a consistent update of her turbulent feelings. It had been five a long time since Leo vanished without a follow, taking off her with nothing but recollections and unanswered questions. Nowadays, be that as it may, it is diverse. In her hands, she held a letter stamped from the day he vanished, its paper matured and yellowed, but the ink still dynamic with his commonplace penmanship.

With trembling fingers, she unfurled the letter and started to study.

My Dearest Maya,

In the event that you're perusing this, at that point something has gone appallingly off-base. I never aim to take you off like this, with so numerous questions and so much torment. There are things around my life I never told you, privileged insights I had to keep to ensure you. But presently, I owe you the truth.

I have been involved in something unsafe, something that put both of us at risk. I can as it were trust that by the time you examine this, you'll discover it in your heart to pardon me. I adore you, Maya. I continuously will.


Maya's heart beat in her chest. She had gone through a long time attempting to disregard, attempting to move on, but this letter reignited her yearning for answers. Decided, she chosen to remember Leo's steps, beginning with the final put anybody saw him:

the ancient beacon at the edge of town.

The beacon stood tall against the background of a setting sun, its once shining paint presently peeling and weathered. As she climbed the winding stairs, recollections of Leo overwhelmed back—his irresistible snicker, the way his eyes shone when he talked of the ocean. Coming to the best, she found nothing but an surrendered room, purge spare for the echoes of the past.

Frantic for clues, Maya scoured the town, talking to anybody who might keep in mind that critical day. Mrs. O'Malley, the town's elderly bread cook, reviewed seeing Leo with a stranger, a man in a dull coat who didn't appear to have a place. The neighborhood barkeep specified hearing rumors of mystery gatherings and quieted discussions within the dead of night.

Piecing together these parts, Maya found that Leo had been assembling a secretive bunch working out of the neighboring city. Charmed and determined, she traveled there, her look driving her to a rundown flat building on the edges.

Inside, the discussion was thick with the scent of buildup and rot. She thumped on entryway after entryway, accepting as if there were doubtful looks and abrupt reactions, until she came to the conclusion of the corridor. The entryway squeaked open to uncover a man with puncturing blue eyes and a watchful expression.

“I'm trying to find data around Leo,” Maya said, her voice consistent in spite of the fear biting at her internal parts.

The man's eyes extended marginally, some time recently narrowing. “Who are you?”

“Maya. I'm… I was his fiancée.”

He considered her for a minute some time recently venturing aside. “Come in.”

The flat was meager, a couple of pieces of bungled furniture scattered over the room. The man presented himself as Alex and clarified that he and Leo had been part of an underground arrangement working against a capable organization engaged in illicit arms bargains and espionage. Leo had been one of their best agents, gathering basic insights that seemed to uncover the complete operation.

“But something went wrong,” Alex said, his voice tinged with lament. “Leo found out there was a mole inside our bunch. He was assumed to meet with me that night at the beacon to pass on what he'd discovered. When he didn't show, I knew something had happened.”

Maya's intellect dashed. “Do you know who the mole was?”

Alex shook his head. “No, but Leo's disappearance made it clear that whoever it was, they were close. As well as close.”

As Maya ingested this unused data, a sense of determination took hold. “I have to find out what happened to him. I have to know the truth.”

Alex faltered some time recently gesturing. “There can be one put to begin. Leo had a secure house within the slopes exterior town. It's where he kept his most delicate information.”

The journey to the secure house was strenuous, the way congested and misleading. But Maya squeezed on, driven by the hope that answers lay ahead. The little cabin, hidden among the trees, looked untouched by time. Inside, she found stacks of reports, maps, and photos enumerating the organization's exercises.

One photo in particular caught her eye. It was a picture of Leo with a man she recognized from the town—the stranger within the dim coat Mrs. O'Malley had portrayed. Flipping the photo over, she saw a title written in Leo's penmanship:


Equipped with this disclosure, Maya returned to the town and went up against Richard, who turned out to be a high-ranking official with ties to the criminal organization. Cornered and uncovered, Richard confessed to selling out Leo, dreading his claim to life and position.

With Richard's confession and the proof from the secure house, Alex and his group managed to bring down the organization, exposing its degenerate dealings. In spite of the fact that equity was served, the victory felt empty to Maya.

Standing once more at the lighthouse, she studied Leo's letter once more, tears blending with the ocean breeze. She had found the answers she looked for, but the torment of his misfortune remained. In her heart, she pardoned him, understanding the penances he had made for a cause more noteworthy than himself.

As the waves smashed underneath, Maya whispered to the wind, trusting her words would reach wherever Leo may be. “I love you, Leo. I continuously will.”

And within the calm that was taken after, she felt a sense of peace, the echoes of their cherish a comforting nearness within the endless field of the skyline.


About the Creator

Abdul Qayyum

I am retired professor of English Language. I am fond of writing articles and short stories . I also wrote books on amazon kdp. My first Language is Urdu and I tried my best to teach my students english language ,

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    Abdul QayyumWritten by Abdul Qayyum

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