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Diary of Death: Sixty Years of Reincarnation Sixty Years of Curse

This is a nightmare from 60 years ago. At that time, there was no me, even my mother was not born. At that time, my grandmother was a beautiful young woman who had just turned 17 years old.

By Eamonn DaviesPublished 2 years ago 8 min read

This is a nightmare from 60 years ago. At that time, there was no me, even my mother was not born. At that time, my grandmother was a beautiful young woman who had just turned 17 years old.

  After 60 years, it reappeared and bloodied the town!

Diary of Death: Sixty Years of Reincarnation Sixty Years of Curse

  Open the diary below and listen to me tell you about this nightmare in this silent night!

  4 August 2001

  Can ghosts appear in a small town, like the horror videos or horror novels we often watch?

  I am a woman who does not believe in ghosts. Although I love to write scary and strange novels, they are all fictional. If I really want to become a horror writer, I must try my best to conceive these non-existent things, otherwise I will fail!

  But a terrible thing happened in the afternoon. I don't know if these things are purely coincidental or what.

  I inexplicably began to fear, began to fear, I don't know if the next person to die strangely is me?

  At three o'clock in the afternoon, I was awakened by the crying in the street. I opened the curtains. The sunshine outside the house made my eyes black for a short time. A woman with long hair was holding a weak body while crying and running, followed by many people.

  I know that woman. Everyone in this town knows her. She works as a teacher in the only primary school in our town. I usually look at her with great quality. Why is she dressed like a shrew today?

  What she was holding in her hand was her only son, who was five years old this year. Did her son have any illness? I don't know. But from her crazy look, it could be seen that things were very bad, more serious than I thought.

  The whole street was filled with people, all of whom wore an indifferent expression that did not concern themselves.

  When my mother came back from watching the excitement, I realized that the female teacher's son was really dead. Speaking of her son's death, it seemed a bit funny, just because of a basin of washing water. She was going to help her son wash his face, but she forgot to take a towel and went to the toilet by the way. When she came back from the toilet, she found her son's whole head buried in the washbasin.

  In fact, things were still very strange. It was only when she went to the toilet that her son drowned in the basin of face washing water. Even if he fell down, he should know how to get up. He was already five years old and could stand up on his own, not to mention just falling into a basin of face washing water.

  Her son was the 25th person to die in these two months!

  These people died regardless of gender or age, but there was one thing similar. Their deaths were all related to water.

  Eight of them committed suicide by jumping into the river, two were drowned in a ditch by the roadside when drunk, fourteen were drowned by swimming, and today this one was drowned by face washing water.

  I started to fear water and didn t even dare to drink it!

  This is a very small town, all the people combined may not be enough for 500 people, 25 people died in a row in two months, so I began to fear.

  9 August 2001

  Today, it suddenly began to rain. There was no warning. According to my mother, the sun was still very dazzling in the morning. Why did it start to rain before noon?

  I only got up after four o'clock in the afternoon, and the rainstorm was still going on.

  These days I found a very strange thing, that is, my grandmother, she is a hunchback, blind old man, heard my mother said she was a very beautiful woman when she was young.

  She seemed to be out of her mind these days. She either sat there in a daze for half a day or kept walking around. She would knock over something in the middle, but she didn't care.

  In the evening, she suddenly called me to her room. She held my hand hard. I could feel her hand trembling very badly. It should be the whole body trembling. A chill spread all over my body, because I saw her wrinkled face was a pale and frightened expression.

  What was it that made her so scared? Did she suspect that she was about to die?

  I never dare to look her in the eye, because it reminds me of the skeleton in the movie. I don't know how blind she is. When I was born, she was blind!

  Her lips moved, as if she wanted to say something, but she held back and fell into deep thought again. Her face was a painful expression. Although I was curious, I still didn't dare to ask.

  After half an hour, she finally spoke, and her voice was very bleak. She said: He came to me, I know, 60 years, 60 years!

  Her voice was choked, but there were no tears.

  She continued, Maybe if I die, this nightmare will stop!

  I don't know who she said "he" is, nor do I know 60 years, let alone nightmares. I don't understand at all. I guess she may be old and muddle-headed and talk nonsense, so she is not interested in asking her.

  But then, when I returned to my room, I suddenly thought that there was a secret hidden in her heart, a secret that she had never told anyone else, a secret for 60 years!

  11 August 2001

  The rainstorm stopped after only one day. Today is still a sunny day. I hid in the house and slept. When I woke up in the evening, I suddenly found my grandmother sitting in my room.

  She sat on a chair in the middle of the room with her back to me, like a statue of a thousand years old, which really shocked me.

  I called her gently: Grandma...

  She ignored me and did not respond.

  I lie on the bed and dare not move, even dare not breathe milk. It usually hurts me the most. How can I be so afraid of her today?

  She exuded an imposing chill, as if she wanted to drown people!

  After a long time, she began to speak. Her voice had never been as calm as this moment. It was so calm that it was suffocating.

  She said: I will leave tomorrow. He came to me. I know that after 60 years, he has been drifting for 60 years. A reincarnation has passed and he has finally returned!

At this moment, I didn't know what to say. I didn't dare to interrupt her, afraid that she would stop or even die.

  In 1941, it was exactly 60 years from now. I thought he had forgotten the hatred, but he didn't. He had been retaliating, which is why he died today. 60 years ago, it was also in this town. At that time, it was very backward. This town was extremely poor. There were only more than 100 people in the whole town. No one knew how he came to this town. Only I knew, but I didn't say it. I wouldn't say it. I would keep it and bury it with me. He was such an excellent man. Later, we had feelings. It was a kind of feelings that no one could tear apart!

  At this point, she paused as if she was deep in thought, Since she kept her back to me, I couldn t see the expression on her face, but she was calm like she was reading a declaration.

  She went on to say, but at that time it was too feudal to allow us to have feelings. Besides, I had already made an engagement with your grandfather, but I loved that man so much that I was desperate, so they decided to drive him away, so he took me with him and eloped away from here, but was caught. The result was very miserable. I was hung on the beam by your grandfather and beaten violently. I lost contact with him. At that time, I thought of death and was saved several times. I didn't know until three days later that they actually drowned him at the bottom of the river. I once again thought of death, but he gave me a dream to let me live well and let me wait for him. He would definitely come back! So, I held the oath in that dream and waited for him. 60 years, 60 years, I waited for him for 60 years, and he finally came back!

  She sighed deeply. I only felt that my nose was sour and my eyes began to blur. I really wanted to go forward and hug her, but I didn't dare. The pressing cold on her body didn't subside at all.

  She continued, I remember very clearly that in July 1941, people died continuously in this town, almost all of them drowned. In a month, 16 people died. When the 25th person died, the people in the town suspected that he was retaliating, so they asked many people who did the law to imprison his soul so that he could never live beyond life. I wanted to stop it, but it was useless. They locked me in my room and sent people to monitor me day and night. I could not beg for death. But he often came to my dreams. I relied on his dreams to survive, and I have lived until now, 60 years! After finishing the ritual, the death in this town suddenly stopped. Maybe it was really his revenge, or maybe it was a coincidence. After 60 years, a reincarnation, he finally came back and was still taking revenge on the people in this town. I know, maybe if I die, these deaths will stop!

  Grandma... I found tears all over my face.

  The hatred in his heart is too deep for anyone to resolve. Only if I accompany him will he stop retaliating. Twenty-five people died 60 years ago, and twenty-five people died 60 years later. I know that when I leave, this is a curse. You will never understand. I can't let the 26th person die again. If so, this town will perish! This is the secret of my life, you know? If he didn't come, I wouldn't say it, but he did, so let me tell you, grandma is a sinner, a sinner! For 60 years, I have no tears and my eyes are blind from crying. But now, I can see and see everything. Do you believe it?

  She slowly stood up and walked out. She could really see that she didn't touch anything in the middle of the trip. Her hunched back seemed to straighten all of a sudden.

  At that moment, I knew, she saw him, she went to find him!

  12 August 2001

  In the early morning, I was awakened by a cry, which came from grandma's room.

  She lay peacefully on the bed with her hands clasped tightly and an intoxicating smile on her face. I finally believed that she was a very beautiful woman when she was young.

  She died at the age of 77!

  Closing this diary, I suddenly thought of a sentence in my previous novels: the reincarnation of a century is eternity!

  I don't know if it was a coincidence. From then on, the bizarre death in this small town completely disappeared!

Short Story

About the Creator

Eamonn Davies

An avid lover of stories about ghosts and legends, I love the thrill of having my bones tingle! I hope you enjoy my story.

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    Eamonn DaviesWritten by Eamonn Davies

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