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Death Among Us


By Kathleen KilePublished 3 years ago 3 min read

Death Among Us

I grasped on to the gold heart shaped locket that was the last remaining object to my passed. Clutching it to my chest.I sit in the dark corner on the bed in my son's room rocking back and forth as amother would do with their child. In a sense that was what I was doing. Inside the gold heart held everything I loved and cherished most, a picture of my son and I on the day he was born.

It came so fast, it was over within hours, no one had time to prepare. Oh, I am sure the politicians that started this, as well as their families were resting comfortably in well stocked shelters. I am not sure I can call it a “War”, after all it only lasted a matter of hours. Long enough for our governments to push the buttons. Then it was just a matter of time before their bombs to hit us and ours to hit them. I am not sure anyone would have expected total destruction of our planet. I am sure there were conversations of reasonable or acceptable lose but, I do not think even the greatest of minds could have anticipated what happened. I guess no one taught them if you play with fire you will get burned.

The humans closest to the bombs were the luckiest. Their deaths were quick, burnt up in the ball of fire. It was the ones that died the slow painful deaths from the poison they released into the environment. Within days all the hair on the body fell out. Then came the sores, the vomiting, and uncontrollable shakes. At that point, you wished for death. But God…..No I take that back, God cannot be blamed for this, THIS was all created by mankind. So I will say but, Mankind was not threw with us yet. It was when the bleeding started that things got worse. First the nose, eyes and ear bled. Even that wasn't so bad, it was the blood from the bowls that was when the real horror began . The only thing you could do was lay in the shower and have the cold spraying of the water landingon the lower half of your body, washing the blood down the drain. Luckily, death came after that. It wasn’t a quiet death, it came with blood curdling screams of pain and fear. It was a death no one should ever have to experience.

That was the last time I saw my son. Laying naked on the shower floor, as the last remaining blood from his body flowing down the drain. After the screaming stopped, I shut the water off, covered him with a towel and went outside. I placed the red flag in my yard and waited for the body disposal truck to come remove his body. There where no words spoken, the truck pulled up grabbed the flag and went into the house. There was no need to ask where the body wasn't the first or last body they were going to pick up.

So here I sit, huddled in the corner of my son’s bed rocking back and forth try to comfort who I am not sure? Myself? My dead Son? As I take the end of my house dress and with shaky hands wipe the bloody tears from my eyes. I know I am not strong enough for what is coming next. I know I am weak and don't have the strength for what my son went through. If I was a good mother I would have ended his life, so that he did not suffer tha way he did but, I couldn’t I was too selfish, I had to keep him with me as long as I could. Even if it meant listening to his screams.

Clutching the heart in one hand I reach down and retrieve the gun sitting next to me. Putting it in my mouth I Scream and pull the trigger.

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    Kathleen KileWritten by Kathleen Kile

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