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Dear Diary

Day 282

By Broderick McClendonPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
Dear Diary
Photo by Dasha Urvachova on Unsplash

"Dear Diary, It's been 282 days since the fallout. Jonny left yesterday morning to find food but he hasn't gotten back yet. I really hope he's okay. The raiders have been coming onto our side more and more. We're going to have to leave the city soon and try to build a farm or something. It's getting nearly impossible to find food. Teddy and Serena were found yesterday down by the bridge. Both of their throats had been slit. They were completely stripped! They even took Serena's heart-shaped locket! What the fuck did they need a locket for? Fucking idiots! There's got to be light at the end of the tunnel. Things are so bad here.

I'm so fucking hungry! I can't even remember what real food tastes like. Seriously! Everything was so simple before. We totally took it all for granted and now look at us. Mathew has a theory about why the power went out. He thinks it was a Solar Storm or something. That's why we saw the northern lights down here. It makes sense. Not that it matters now, but you know how Mathew is, he just never stops thinking. Thank god for that too because we'd all be fucked if it wasn't for him. If he hadn't found me that day and given me a suit I'd have died with everybody else. I still don't know how he knew the rain was going to be radioactive, but thank the fucking lord he did! I guess no power means no way to cool down the power plant. Makes sense I guess. Still, Mathew is the man! I remember when I first saw him coming down the fire escape with that radiation suit on. I thought to myself, "who the fuck is this guy?" Then he threw that ridiculous looking yellow rubber suit at me and screamed "put this on!" I thought he was crazy! It had just started to rain and I remember that smell. It had been almost a month since the power had gone out so that means a whole month of no sewage pumps or garbage trucks. I mean it had gotten to a point where you could barely breathe it smelled so bad. But that fresh rain smell... You know, when the rain first hits concrete and everything smells like a new sidewalk. I fucking love that smell! I never in a million years imagined that everyone I knew was about to die. I mean, who would? If I hadn't trusted that goofnut in the yellow suit I'd have gone out the same way Marcy did. Poor Marcy, she was so sweet. It was so horrible the way she died. God, I think it took two whole weeks. It was like she was melting from the inside out. I throw up in my mouth a bit every time I think about it. God! Poor Marcy! Fuck! What are we going to do? Mathew says that we might not even be able to have kids because of the Gamma Radiation from the sun or something like that. He said the same thing happened to the Mayans. God I hope he's wrong. Shit, maybe this is what we deserve. I mean, look at what we've done with our time here. We've waged wars, sucked the life out of everything in the name of capitalism, caused the extinction of, well, everything, and most of us only gave a shit about what we were going to wear for our next Tik Tok video. I mean seriously, mankind is such a joke!

God I just miss everyone so much! My mom, my sister, my boyfriend. I mean he was kind of a douchebag, but at least he was my douchebag. Fuck! I can't even cry anymore. My eyes just burn all the time now. I mean I'm crying, but nothing is coming out, it just burns. I'm sorry... I need to be more positive. I have to trust that God has a plan and we survived for a reason. At this point all we have left is faith and each other.. Oh shit! I think Jonny is back! Boom! Chow time! This is Sarah, signing out! I'll try to write something tomorrow."

Jason blows the dust off the side of the book and turns to the next page. "It's blank." He murmurs as he turns a few more pages and the aged diary starts to fall apart in his hands. "They're all blank" he says.

Paul looks down at the skeletons on the ground. "I guess one of these is her then."

"I wonder what happened?" Jason says.

"Who the fuck knows, that was ten years ago man. Just grab whatever you can and let's get the fuck out of here. These cities give me the creeps." replies Paul.

Jason gently lays the dusty old diary onto the chest of the female skeleton below his feet.

"God rest your soul Sarah. I'm so sorry you didn't make it." He says.

As he stands and turns to leave he notices something shiny on the floor. He reaches down to pick it up. "Hey look, I found a locket!" He exclaimed.

"What the fuck are you going to do with a locket?" Says Paul, grumbling under his breath as he rifles through the clothes of the dead looking for something to trade at the border.

Jason turns the locket over and notices an inscription on the back. It reads "To my dearest Serena, You will forever hold my heart in your hand, Love Teddy." "So Sad" He says as he slips the heart-shaped locket into his pocket and follows Paul out the bedroom door. Jason turns around to glance once more at the group of skeletons strewn about the room, wondering what tragedy befell Sarah and her friends. "Farewell Guys, perhaps we'll meet on the other side" He says as he gently shuts the door.

The End

Sci Fi

About the Creator

Broderick McClendon

Just a man who comes from a place where dreams are real and reality is the illusion.

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    Broderick McClendonWritten by Broderick McClendon

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