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Boundary Be Gone!

Free From Fear

By C. H. RichardPublished 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago 11 min read
Boundary Be Gone!
Photo by Filippo Ruffini on Unsplash

****The following are the eighth and ninth installments combined as one story which is part of a fictional series collaboration by Vocal Creators who belong to Vocal Creators Support Group on Facebook

Please check out the other parts of the series

The links to each of these chapters is at the end of this story.

Part I Beyond the Boundary by Lena

Part II To the Realm Beyond by Dannielle Nelson

Part III From the Realm Beyond the Boundary by Lilli Knight

Part IV Into the Boundary by Esmoore Shurpit

Part V In the Beginning by Abby Draper

Part VI Destiny Beyond the Divide by Gerald Holmes

Part VII Beyond The Truth by Tyrone Livingston

Boundary Be Gone!********************


Hues of sunlight warm my face and I wake to see his eyes encompassed in wonder looking at me. His touch is so gentle like none I have ever known. I feel connected to his soul, this man called Failon. We embrace why lying still under the morning sun. I know the moments are few that I can bask in his glorious caress. I watch him quietly nod into slumber. I stroke his hair and leave a kiss on his cheek as I cannot stay. I need to complete this journey on my own to save my people from the Sickness. I need to free them from the realm of the boundary. I must continue as my grandmother, Saraya, and cross over alone.

I gather several of mystical water flasks and pack them onto the wolf like beast, whom I now call Akis as he will help bring the cure for the illness to my people. Isha, Failon’s cat has wondered off, but I’m sure it will return. I leave three flasks for my love to journey home. I cut a lock of my hair and place it on one of the flasks with a rock over it and tie it with twine to show my devotion to him.

The water from the spring called Mist of the Curae will provide temporary relief to my people. The only way for true peace will be sovereignty and to be free from the realm of the boundary that divides all of our villages from the kingdom beyond.

I look once more at my love who sleeps and then again at the dove-white mountain tops that jut into the orange glow of the sky.

“It is time Akis, we must go!”



I came anyways even though I was warned not to leave my village. Initially I left to find Tau. Tau, my friend, who tried to fight the kingdom on his own. I believe now that Tau may have fallen into illness or been killed in battle. I decided to continue when I saw the one called Saraya. Another dream from my grandfather also said I must go.

I followed her, Saraya the one whom my grandfather spoke of, the princess warrior, who will bring to our village and all the villages of these mountains the hope of her name. I watched as she met with Failon from the village of Raya where the water spring called the Mist of Curae can save us from the Sickness. It can only be swallowed in small doses for those who are honest and true. The evil ones will perish if it touches their lips. The Mist of Curae will render the Kings powerless over our destiny.

I followed them here. I followed to help and to show my village how I am no longer a child, but a man and a warrior for my people. I came to the cliff overlooking the valley. My eyes are still sleepy, but I look down to see Saraya and the wolf like beast leave for the wooded trail. Failon remains in slumber unaware that he is alone. My gaze moves from the valley up to the mountaintop across where I see the outline of King Auron with his men and horses behind him. He is looking at the sleeping figure below. I grab Vulpes before she starts to bark and head down to warn Saraya and Failon of the danger they are facing.



From a mountain cave I see them. I watch in anticipation. She may have thought she destroyed me, but I was able to move in the ice. I am the sickness. I moved in a frozen capsule and then broke free with just a drop of the water though I made sure not to taste so I would not perish. I am to be the queen. I am to have the kingdom. I will partake in more of the water to bring my youth, but I will not taste. I know that it is poison for the likes of my soul.

I gaze upon the two as they show affection to each other. I smile to think how they will fight to save each other and their villages. Yet I will be the menace to bring their hope to exile. I will kill them both with illness. Their eyes will grey, their bodies will weaken, and their minds will betray them.

I watch Saraya leave with the beast and decide she will be the first to perish.



I can feel the brisk chinook through my hair. The warmer air feels comforting as I move through the wooded terrain with Akis. We walk in the silence only to hear birds starting to chirp as we leave the snow -covered mountains and frozen tundra. As the it became easier, we run together. My trusted Akis leading to the kingdom where we will overturn the barriers that have forsaken my people to live within villages of illness.

My mind begins to wonder what the moment of freedom will feel like. My village free to live without fear. Free to wander past all villages and mountains. Free to be in peace.

My dream is interrupted by a death curling scream. I command Akis to wait.

“Failon!” I whispered. “Akis we must help him! Take me to my beloved!”

I hoist up on my white furred beast who flys over the rocks with precision. We travel back into the mountains. I hear another scream as we come upon the old woman, Ikora holding ice to throat of a young man. A small dog is pulling at her robe trying in vain to remove this evil hoarfrost enigma. Her eyes are a glow and the young man is turning blue as her ice pick hands hold his throat.

“I thought you perished in your frozen state!” I yell to the cold -blooded ice queen.

“Saraya, You, cannot kill me!” she turns to me as I dismount from Akis with a flask in the sheath of my belt.

“I am the sickness who will rule!” her eyes glow with blue lasers towards me as I duck and reach for a stone.

She comes running towards me as I turn and hail the stone towards the deadly harridan.

I hear the thump as she lands on the ground. The blood pours from her scalp. I grab my flask and jump on top of her. Her mouth is open and I pour the Mist of Curae down her throat.

“Ikora, only the evil will perish when drinking this water. Those who mean harm will lose their breath. Those who wish to bring forth life will gain health and prosper! Let’s see which are you?”

I watch as her eyes became large and she stares wide open at me. I pour the fluid into her open mouth. Her lips are purple then gray and she starts to disintegrate as the sun casts an orange red glare over her form. She evaporates to the dirt with one strand of her hair left. I quickly pour a drop on that too and it withers away. I run to the boy is barely breathing. I pour water from the flask to bring him to life. His color returns, but he will need rest and remedy in his village. I lift him on to Akis and instruct the beast to bring him to his village. I take a piece of cloth from my coat and make the little dog a basket. I add him to Akis as well and wave them off.



I feel a rush of jubilation as we surround the poor lad who lay alone in the valley. He woke in panic and tried to run. One of my guards quickly captured him and he stands here looking so sad in front of me. I then laughed as he looks in horror at his cat Isha who has betrayed him and sits with me. Isha came to me last night and led me to the sleeping fellow.

“So, what is your name?” I ask of him as the guard pushes him onto his knees.

“I am Failon, warrior for the village of Raya!” He shouts back

“Well laddie da! Failon, warrior of the village of Raya!” I repeat in imitation, mocking this captor to my guardsmen who burst into laughter as I expect they should.

“Where are your weapons? Your swords? Some kind of warrior without a weapon!"

I mutter to him.

“We don’t need weapons, we have water!" He answers.

“Ah the village of Raya! Where that hot spring dwells that will conquer evil. What is it called?”

“The Mist of Curae! You and all evil kings like you will be doomed when we pour it down your throats.” He yells back at me.

“Yeah, yeah! Well, that will be hard to accomplish from the darkness of my dungeon now won’t it Failon, eh warrior of Raya?” I turn again to the laughter of my guards. “However, I really don’t want you and we can make a trade, I will let you live and return to your village if you bring her to me.”

“Her?” he looks at me.

“Don’t play foolish with me! The one they call Saraya! I have seen her. I have seen her with you! Seen her in your arms and yes, I watched!” My eyebrows raise at thought of their naked bodies. “She is much too beautiful for you! She is to be my queen and I will be her lover!" I watch as he struggles with the guards.

"Providing for her!” I laugh as his eyes stare at me with anger.

“I will never betray my beloved. She will not be your queen! I will die before she is betrothed to you!” This sorry lad screams as I point for my guards to grab the ropes and tie him to one of the horses.

“Well then Failon, warrior of Raya, off the to dungeon you will go!” I sit back on my horse and trott off.



My eyes opened to a blurring vision of women from my village hovering over me. I can hear my grandfather calling from the background or is it in my imagination. “Khione, my boy! Look his eyes are open!”

I nod and turn to see someone holding Vulpe who starts to lick my face.

“Open your mouth Khione!” grandfather yells in my dreams and a woman from the village pours warm water down my throat. As the fluid travels through my body, I began to feel the sickness leave. Memories start to flood my mind.

“Where is she?” I ask to the stunned crowd around my bedside.

“Who?” the voices ask.

“Saraya!” I yell she saved me from Ikora the evil queen.

“She is not here, Khione. You came back on the large beast with Vulpe tucked under your arm. The beast took off once we unloaded you and the water flasks." the woman with water says or is it my grandfather? "Wait grandfather are you there?" His image starts to fade and again I see the woman with the flask

The leader of my village appears in front of me. “Your grandfather is not here. What do you need Khione?”

“We must help her!” I say as the vision of Auron comes flooding back to me. “Saraya is in danger and going to fight the kingdom. We must gather the villagers who are able and come to her defense!”

The leader looks at me and stares. “You are right Khione! She will need our help. We cannot live in fear anymore!” He turns to the crowd and yells “Anyone who is ready to fight for our freedom! Anyone who wants live beyond the boundary and no longer live in fear. Gather stones and water from Mist of Curae and follow me. We will leave in the morning!”

He looks over at me and I nod as I drift back into sleep.



I walk in silence and try to run when I can find the life in my bones. I am becoming tired and weary, but I must continue forward. Is it possible Ikora has struck me slightly with her eyes as it was harder for me to move? I need to rest and find a smooth rock just beyond the boundary to lay. I can feel warmth again, but I still have not left the mountains. Am I having the visions? Can I continue? My mind wanders to Failon. I long to be in his arms. I fall into slumber.

I wake to echoes in the forest. There are birds darting at me, there are screams. I turn to find nothing. My grandmother whispers my name, I hear Failon yelling for me, I see the boy screaming. The Ibilis are flashing in front of me! Then they are gone! Am I going mad? Ikora must have spread the sickness to me. I reach for my flask to find it empty. I sent the other water tins with Akis and the boy. I am struggling to breathe. I try to pull myself off of the rock and fall back. The world is spinning and then I hear something rush through the brush and through the snow hills.

I turn my head to see Akis running towards me. Akis, the beast has come back and in her mouth is a flask with the rock and lock hair I left for Failon.

I take the flask and drink. I can feel my body being replenished with life. I know I need to save what is left. I look into the eyes of Akis as I now know Failon is in trouble.

The villages of the mountains are in need. I cannot wait any longer.

Again, I tell the beast, “Akis it is time! We must journey forward!

We will free our people from the kingdom beyond. Boundary Be Gone!”


Look for the final chapter of this series from Caitlin McColl

Here are the previous links;


About the Creator

C. H. Richard

My passion is and has always been writing. I am particularly drawn to writing fiction that has relatable storylines which hopefully keep readers engaged

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    C. H. RichardWritten by C. H. Richard

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