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Part 3: What Do I Do Now?

By Cody KennedyPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
Photo by Alexander Krivitskiy on Unsplash

The trip to the Annual Trade this year was different form before. I was asked to join the head family of the coven. Lilite, Andreo's daughter and only pure-breed heir, asked me to wear my one formal dress. I found this very odd. It had been maybe one hundred years since the last time I wore it. And the last time I had worn it, attention I did not ask for nor want was given. Lilite was excitedly blabbering on about how the Trade would be for the best Prize(s) yet. I would smile or where it called for it but on the inside I had a feeling that this year with me being allowed to speak more freely, I would overstep my welcome. We started going through the human cities. This was always my favorite part of the trip. The lights looked like stars in some towns and fireflies in the cities. I would see all the colors of rainbows everywhere. People would be smiling and laughing until we would pass. Then all the happiness would drain and you could see the pure terror creep into their expression. " Zapphire! We're there, " the shrillness jarred my attention back to Lilite. That's when I heard the music. We removed ourselves from the transportation. I allowed the family to go in front of me to show I was still not an "equal". Lilite was apparently having no part of it, grabbed my arm and was just about dragging me into the theater. When we were inside I finally spoke, " Okay. I get it. stick with you all." She started chuckling and nodding as she let go. The hostess escorted our head family to an assigned booth along the wall. I was the last to take my seat just as the lights dimmed to a spot light.

" Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Annual Trade. For those of you who are here to experience the first time, let me explain what will happen tonight. Each clan has chosen a group, of Half-breeds, human or a combination of the two, to preform dances or sing songs in hopes to please the Opals. The Opals then choose a winner, and from whichever clan the winner is, that clan then get all participants as prize." The announcer motioned towards a balcony booth directly across from the stage he was standing on. I had heard and seen this hundreds of times. It honestly made my blood boil. The announcer bowed and then continued, "Tonight, we would like to start off with Trayia. She has hair as black as her soul. . ." laughter was heard throughout the event, " and the trademarked spinel eyes. She has agreed to start the night off with an exotic dance. Without further ado, Trayia." I couldn't help but shake my head at the thought of what we were about to witness. She did this every year, always the same salacious dance and always to the same song. As the night went on, the performances became better. Beautiful voices and amazing routines from all ages graced us all. I started getting the feeling that we were being watched. From face to face, I slowly started to scan for any indication that I would need to protect those close to me. The light dimmed, and a skittish acting kid was center stage. Anyone could tell he was beyond nervous. As his turn started, his voice crackled. From all around the room, laughter could be heard. It was not the kind of "haha that was a good joke laughter" either. My anger overflew the cup. I instantaneously went to help the poor soul. Everything went silent. Footsteps were heard overhead. Everyone turned and bowed. I swiveled on my heel and looked up. I saw the same white eyes and small grin from all those years ago. A girl appeared next to him smiling then said, " If you think you can do better, show us."

I may not do it often but I could sing. She knew it for she had heard it many times over the years. "Only to assist this boy, if that is okay with you," I questioned as I bowed. They looked at each other and then nodded. I then proceeded to encourage the boy that it would all be okay in the end. We took deep breathes and began our duet. When the song ended, I continued to stand on stage. The announcer came out asking, " Are you going to just stand there staring or may we continue?" That was the what started the avalanche. "This is trafficking. Not only that, you are separating children from their parents. For what?. . . " I have no idea how long I ranted but the only thing that stopped me was Aura walking up to me and quietly say "That's enough, follow me to the back." I did as she asked. When we got to the back,two guards quickly had me pinned against the wall. One covered my mouth while the other did a few quick hard jabs to my stomach. Aura objecting the whole agenda. Andreo, Lilite, King Edward and David were all around now. I could see the disappointment in Andreo and Lilite's face. I saw nothing but anger in Edward's. Vanaura was quickly and quietly arguing with David in the behind the rest of the group. "If she thinks she is strong enough to pull a stunt like that, she must be ready for the Half-breed Examination. Therefore . . ." he was interrupted by a hand being placed on his shoulder. "Father, she has yet to show an ability. Maybe allow her to continue training for one more year then test," David was for some reason defending me. As to why, I did not know.

The trip back to the clan's castle was a quiet one. We made only one stop at a crossroad. Here, Andreo gave something to a hooded stranger. He or she nodded then vanished in thin air. As we arrived, everyone started heading to where they slept. "Not you Zapphire. You are to head to the training room," Andreo demanded. Oh yeah, he was furious. He did not demand things of me often. I did not argue or try to fight. We walked to the training room, where apparently, I had a visitor.

"I believe it is time for you to know who your parents are along with the reason why you have been under Andreo's care," was said by a beautiful zircon eyed woman. Great! What have I gotten myself into now. . . .


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