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Part 2: My Journey Really Begins

By Cody KennedyPublished 3 years ago 7 min read
Photo by Harry Quan on Unsplash

The many times I have walked down this corridor, never have I ever been this angry and grateful. "Why did you decide on me," I asked after about ten minutes of suspenseful silence. ' No reply. Of course, I should have known. If you are not one of them, you are not worth a word.' "Well, anyways , thank you." " You're welcome. Now listen, I am going to go ahead and inform you of some of the things you will need to know about Vanaura. She loves playing games, and unlike most of the Opal clan, she is more sensitive. . . " At that word, I recalled all the rumors I had heard about her ability. What would she sense in me? My hatred for the way things were set up, or perhaps she would sense I hate being a prisoner. The questions just continued to race through my mind as Danq continued escorting me. I realized where he led me when I heard him knock. The screech the hinges made made me cringe and know they had yet to be oiled this month. We both walked in, our "prizes" were practicing for the next annual trade. Andreo, David, and Vanaura were all sitting at the jeweled table. Every clan had one that was decorated in the oldest gems that they had at their disposal.

Andreo had always seemed fair to me. Even though my eyes were not the color of the half- breeds of his clan, he allowed me the same things. I knew the fighting styles of old and new, which I was especially deadly with the whip-staff. The closeness of the staff position allowed me to get more personal, yet if I needed time to reach that point disconnecting it turning it to a whip allowed for a lashing of fierceness. If I was ever sick, he had the healer confirm which half needed healing. That was usually the vampire side because I refused to drink from healthy humans whom have years left. I would only drink from the ones who came to me dying and willing without having anything said to them. There have been many attempts to see if I have an ability, as to why, I'm not sure. It is as if he knows something that no one else does. All I know is it has to do with my parents. I believe that out of all the half-breeds in his clan, I was the most favored and that is how I was able to talk as I wanted. "My prince, may I introduce one of my half-breeds. This is Zapphire," Andreo said in an unchanging tone. David nodded at him and then turned his clan's snow white eyes on me. I just stared right back into his wondering why females through themselves at his feet. His eyes are intense, yet gentle. He then stood up and walked within two feet of me studying me. I did not bow or show any sign of concern; I just watched him as he started to circle me. " Prince? What are you looking for? I'm sure she would gladly tell you," Andreo said with such emphasize I knew I needed to show "respect" for the interest. When David was back in front of me, I bowed. He seemed to be thinking as he walked back to his seat.

"Brother? May I look at her now?" the sweetness that came with that voice made me feel like a complete idiot. I had been so in my thoughts that I momentarily forget why I was here. David motioned his hand towards me and I watched as the owner of the voice walked to me. I looked down and saw the whitest eyes I had ever seen and knelt down so that I would be face level with Vanaura. I couldn't help but smile. She stood there staring at my windows. At first, she looked baffled then upset and finally she turned around. I stood up and started to turn to leave the room when suddenly a pair of small hands held my left. "Will you take me outside to play?" Vanaura pleaded. Without having to look for approval from the heads of the clans or the time, I calmly picked her up and replied "Miss Vanaura, if we were to go outside right now, I would have a sunburn and you would be ash." Her look seemed depressed compared to before. "However,when the sun sets tomorrow and should you still like to, I would love to take you out to the yard." The biggest smile I had seen in a long time appeared on this girls face. I was shocked when she wrapped her arms around my neck, gave me the biggest hug she possibly could, slipped down, ran to her brother and said " David! David! PLEEEEEEEEASE?!" The hard look that had been on his face eased, and I believe a small grin even appeared as he nodded then looked at me. " While we are visiting waiting on our father, you are her carer. It is her bed time."

As I was walking back to the Quarters, I was stopped by Grey. You could say he was one of the errand runners. Apparently, his errand this time was to inform me to return to the show room. The sun was rising by this point, and as I passed a window returning, I caught a glimpse of the sun. "Beautiful, isn't it?" I was started into swinging my arm and realized what a grave mistake that could have just been. "Why did you lie to my sister about the sunburn and ash? We all know that Pures can last a couple hours in the sun and half-breeds the whole day." I jerked my arm from his hand, stepped back and just looked up into his eyes. Okay I did not know that he was at least a foot taller than me. For a moment, I had no idea what was going to happen or what could truly be wanted. When he respectfully stood still seeming to understand what could possibly be running through my mind, I answered " The sun was about to rise and she seems to be a child. Children need sleep to grow along with other things. If it bothered you, why didn't you say something then?" That small grin again. He pulled out a picture smiled at it handed it to me and softly said "Her." He then walked away.

When I made it back, Crystal was still up waiting on me. I began telling her the whole thing leaving nothing out. "Oh my gosh! You do understand had it been anyone else, we would have been drained on the spot, right?" All I seemed to be able to do was nod. For some reason, the look in David's eyes along with that grin as his sister was overjoyed wouldn't leave my mind. After talking with Crystal some more, we both passed out. The next morning, as promised, I spent time with Vanaura. Caring for her, between training my fighting skills, was my task for the next week. On the day her father was to arrive she just wanted to talk. "Zapphire? If I ask you to do something, even if you are told not to, would you do it?" I simply looked at her slightly confused why she would ask such a silly question. She knew over this past week I had grown to enjoy her company. "What would you ask? After I know, then I will answer your question. Deal?" She sat on the couch like seat in the sitting room right next to me thinking. "Would you call me Aura?" Shocked at the simpleness of the question but yet understood her concern. She had grown to really love me. So much, she had even tried convincing Andreo into letting me stay in her room a couple nights. "Aura, you know your father is to arrive in a few hours? We should both go get ready." She squealed, jumped up and down the scream, "Thank you! Okay, I have a surprise for you. Come get ready in my room."

"Why. . . why would you have this made Aura?" Her smile went from ear to ear. " You will see. Zapphire, you know I am still a child but I'm also a couple hundred years old right? I notice things. I know that will make you be noticed too." She wasn't lying about either. But when I turned and looked in the mirror, my own jaw drop. It was floor length, light lavender color, slitted on the the right side up to my hip. It hugged every natural curve: hips, waist and chest. One strap took a turn around my neck, and the form-fitting sleeves only connected the rest of the dress by a slip of shear to the strap around my neck. As I stood there gawking at myself, I hadn't noticed Aura get dressed in her formal dress. "I'm ready when you are Zapphire," she said in the most satisfied tone. I turned to escort her to the ball Andreo was throwing in Edward's honor, and just before we opened the door to Aura's room I said " You can call me 'phire. All those I see as friends do." She turned smiled ," Will do."

As the years passed, Aura got bigger. Just as I got stronger. Whenever she wasn't around I would train. Through the years, I even earned the "right" to train with the Pures. I had even started to see the differences in the clans. there were five in all. Two of the them were always respectful to anyone in their clan. Two were the monsters I originally believed. Finally, the last always depended on who was the head of the clan. The more I learned about the clans, the more I had felt like I owed Andreo a lot. I was even allowed to learn what I could about the witches. There was not much information in any of the books I ever found. Each time the Opal clan visited or the Emerald clan was in their company, I knew my job.

However, something odd was about to happen this year at the annual trade. . . .


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    CKWritten by Cody Kennedy

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