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Baba Vanga: The Disturbing Predictions of the Famous Clairvoyant for the Future

The fame of the mysterious Bulgarian woman grew to such a level that she came to advise the highest authority of her country and be part of a paranormal intelligence center.

By Rocio BecerraPublished 2 years ago 10 min read
Wikimedia Commons

Do you believe in Baba Vanga's predictions?

Is it a warning to take care of ourselves?

Can we change the future?

After the pandemic that we are still suffering from and looking back on the past, it seems logical that we are afraid and do not want to get caught by surprise.

The fact that the world has changed so fast in just a few months is still too much for us to adapt to further changes.

But, after having lived a very intense year, it seems that we need urgent answers, even if we are not going to like them too much.

We have set our sights on those who see beyond what will happen tomorrow to satisfy our curiosity and have more hope for the future.

We turned to the visions of Baba Vanga, considered the Nostradamus of the Balkans, who, before she died in 1996, foretold what would happen this year.

Who was Baba Vanga?

Baba Vanga was born in 1911, the daughter of Pando and Paraskeva (Surcheva) Surchev, in Strumica, then part of the Ottoman Empire, and ceded in 1912 to Bulgaria; today is in northern North Macedonia.

Nobody believed that little Baba Vanga would make it when she was born.

The doctors gave her a life expectancy of a few weeks.

But she managed to save herself and only died in 1996.

She was born as a premature baby and suffered health complications.

By local tradition, the baby got not given a name until it was deemed likely to survive.

When the baby cried for the first time, a midwife went outside and asked a stranger for a first domain.

The outsider proposed "Andromaha" (Andromache), but this was refused as "too Greek" during a period of anti-Hellenic sentiment within Macedonian society.

Another stranger's proposal was a Greek name.

But since she was a Bulgarian, her name was Vangelia (from Evangelos).

In her childhood, Vangelia was an ordinary girl with brown eyes and blonde hair.

Her father was an activist in the Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization and got drafted into the Bulgarian Army during World War I.

Her mother died shortly, leaving Vanga dependent on the care and charity of neighbors and close family friends for much of her life.

Her mother died soon after, leaving Vanga dependent on the care and charity of neighbors and family close friends for much of her youth.

Strumica got annexed by Serbia.

Serbian authorities arrested the father due to his pro-Bulgarian activism.

Vanga was considered intelligent for her age.

Her inclinations began to appear when she thought of new games, among which was "healing": she played at prescribing some herbs to her friends, who pretended to be ill.

Her father, a widower, eventually remarried, thus providing a stepmother for his daughter.

When she was 12 years old, she got caught in a tornado that displaced her two kilometers.

She managed to save herself, but some of her injuries were irreversible, and from that moment, she was blind.

The mythology about her figure tells that it was at that precise moment when Baba Vanga began to foretell the future.

It got thought that her power derives from the permanent communication she had with invisible beings, which neither she nor anyone else could explain their origin, but which transmitted information about people and situations.

Baba Vanga's popularity grew steadily during her lifetime, and she gained a reputation first in Bulgaria and then in other countries.

She received many consultations after the Second World War when many people came to her house to ask the clairvoyant for information about the whereabouts of their loved ones.

Baba Vanga was not a cultured woman and never wrote down her visions.

However, shortly before her death, a group of people from a paranormal agency took it upon themselves to write down everything Baba Vanga saw or believed would happen.

For this reason, her prophecies continue to gain followers, and many closely follow everything this woman said during her lifetime.

She is especially popular in Russia.

Like all divinatory arts, there is the option of believing or not believing in what she tells.

But it is undeniable that Baba Vanga attracted with her word all kinds of people: from great leaders to ordinary people who wanted to know details about what was going to happen in their lives.

Of all the stories of ordinary people collected in his predictions, one of them stands out.

The story goes that a father was involved in a car accident with his nine-year-old daughter, he was practically unharmed, but his daughter remained in a coma.

Desperate, after weeks of not seeing any improvement in his daughter, he went to visit Baba Vanga, who only asked him one question:

"What are you doing here? You must go to your daughter's side because she is ready to leave." When he arrived at the hospital, the doctors told him that his daughter had died.

Baba Vanga's predictions for 2021

Baba Vanga passed away in 1996, but not before leaving some prophecies that, if interpreted correctly, would give clues about what could happen to us in the future.

For 2021 he left no less than five predictions that perhaps someone should consider.

1. First prophecy: Natural disasters

There will be no place on the planet that will not suffer some disaster or its consequences.

The medium assured that there would be devastating earthquakes and floods, among other things, destroying 'most living creatures' in coastal areas.

2. Second prophecy: A new pandemic

We do not know if he was referring to the coronavirus because, as Baba Vanga said:

"Even those who escape (from natural disasters) will die of a horrible disease."

If it is not the coronavirus, it could be a new virus that could devastate the planet, or the pandemic Bill Gates refers to here.

3. Third Prophecy: Destruction of the United States

It seems that 2021 will be the year in which the United States will end up with itself.

Biden has just taken the reins of a country plunged into a deep economic and social crisis, and it seems that the seer would not have predicted a too positive future.

"The great nation on the ocean, inhabited by people of different tribes, will be destroyed. It will be divided and flooded for the most part," says the seer, who predicts that the North American country "will have many misfortunes and lose its colonies in the East."

As if they had slight, they will also perish to the effects of climate change since "the great nation will be devastated by earthquakes, storms and large waves of water that will cause poverty and disease.

4. Fourth prophecy: Economic crisis

The effects of the health crisis are taking their toll, but the medium also prophesied something else: a major Europe-wide meltdown.

She seems to have been right because we are all suffering from the coronavirus.

5. Fifth prophecy: China as a world superpower.

It was clear to Baba Varga that this was going to be a turbulent year politically.

Not only because of the destruction of the United States but also because, as a consequence, it seems China will be 'crowned' as the world's great superpower.

In addition to China as an economic giant, countries like Russia would have some other events, such as the alleged assassination attempt on Vladimir Putin.

Baba Vanga's predictions for the future

Baba Vanga's predictions are almost countless.

She spoke about many prophecies, and many of them will hopefully never come true.

The future seen by Baba Vanga is not pleasant and speaks of the end of the world.

  • 2023: Earth's orbit will change slightly.
  • 2025: Europe will have population problems.
  • 2028- Humanity will launch a spaceship bound for Venus, famine will overcome, and new energy sources will create some controlled thermonuclear reaction.
  • 2033- The ice at the poles melts, and the ocean water level rises.
  • 2076- Society will no longer divide into classes.
  • 2084- Mother Nature recovers.
  • 2088- A new disease will cause aging in a matter of seconds.
  • 2100- An artificial sun will illuminate the hidden face of the Earth.
  • 2111- People begin to live as if they were robots.
  • 2130- An underwater colony got created.
  • 2164- Animals become semi-human.
  • 2167- A new religion appears.
  • 2170- A great drought will leave devastation.
  • 2183- A human colony? on Mars will become a nuclear power and demand independence from Earth.
  • 2221- Mankind searches for extraterrestrial life in the universe but discovers something terrible.
  • 2256- A spacecraft arrives on Earth and brings with it new diseases.
  • 2302- Many secrets of the universe are revealed.
  • 2341- Something terrible arrives on Earth from space.
  • 2371- A great famine appears.
  • 2378- A race expands on the planet.
  • 3797- On Earth, all non-human life forms end, but humankind will lay the foundations for a new life in another star system.
  • 3803- The human race finds a new planet in which the climate affects the organism of the people, so they develop mutations.
  • 3805- A war begins between the planets for the resources that each one has. More than half of the people die.
  • 3854- The development of the civilization stops, and the people begin to live in multitudes like beasts.
  • 4304- By this date, the panacea for curing all diseases has got found.
  • 4599- People attain immortality.
  • 5076- A divisive universe appears.
  • 5079- End of the world.

Studies on Baba Vanga

In 2011, an attempt was made to systematically summarize the existing knowledge about Vanga in the documentary Vanga: The Visible and Invisible World.

The film features interviews with some of the people who met Vanga in person, including Sergey Medvedev (press secretary to then Russian President Boris Yeltsin between 1995–1996; who visited her as Yeltsin's envoy), Nechka Robeva (Bulgarian rhythmic gymnast and coach), Sergey Mikhalkov (Soviet and Russian writer, author of the anthem of the Soviet Union), Nevena Tosheva (director of the first documentary about Vanga)

And Kirsan Iliumzhinov (billionaire businessman and politician from Calmuto).

Baba Vanga predicted Yeltsin's second election victory in 1995 and warned him about his heart condition.

Several researchers have studied the Vanga phenomenon to establish whether she had any extraordinary abilities.

One of the first studies involved the Bulgarian government and got described in the 1977 film Phenomenon, directed by Nevena Tosheva.

Bulgarian psychiatrists Nicola Ship Kovensky and Georgi Lozanov also studied Vanga's abilities.

According to Jeffrey Mishlove, some studies concluded that about 80% of Vanga's predictions proved accurate.

Baba Vanga's past predictions

Some of the social and political events that they claim were written in Baba Vanga's predictions that he foretold are the following:

  • The outbreak of World War II.
  • In April 1942, Baba Vanga told the Bulgarian Tsar Boris:

"Remember the date: August 28. On that day, all your goods will fit in a nutshell".

Unfortunately, the Tsar passed away on August 28, 1943.

  • In January 1968, he suddenly awoke from a dream shouting: Save Prague!

In August of that year, Russian tanks entered the city.

  • Among Baba Vanga's predictions, he considered foretold the fall of the twin towers in 1989.

"American brothers will fall pecked to death by iron birds. Wolves will howl in the bushes and rivers of innocent blood will flow."

In September 2011, the twin towers collapsed following terrorist attacks that changed history as we knew it up to that point, initiating new armed conflicts.

Baba Vanga's Predictions That Didn't Come True

Vanga incorrectly forecasted that the 1994 FIFA World Cup Final would be between "two teams beginning with B."

A finalist was Brazil, but Italy eliminated Bulgaria in the semifinals.

Vanga predicted that World War III would begin in November 2010 and last until October 2014.

Witnesses and close friends also claim that she never made such prophecies, and, when asked, she claimed there would be no World War III.

Vanga allegedly predicted another "realm of being," claiming that entire cultures would begin to spread across a "false world."

She claimed that in 2003 anyone could think in synchronicity with others, allowing for a secondary form of existence.

Vanga's followers believe that she predicted the precise date of her death,21 dreaming of dying on August 11 and being buried on August 13.

Shortly before, she had said that a ten-year-old blind girl living in France would inherit her gift and that people would soon learn about her.

Another prediction credited to her is that the 44th President of the United States would be the country's last Commander-in-Chief.

While Donald Trump's inauguration in 2017 disproved this prediction, Trump was technically the 44th person to hold the office because the 22nd and 24th President of the United States was Grover Cleveland.

Vanga's supporters also claimed that she predicted that the 45th president would have a "messianic personality," and that he would face a crisis that would eventually "bring the country down."

Some evidence has also presented that Baba Vanga made no predictions now attributed to her.

But people frequently attribute new false "prophecies" to her since her demise, and the lack of a written record of her prophecies means any predictions attributed to her are difficult to disprove.

Baba Vanga was semi-literate in the Bulgarian language; she could read some Braille in Serbian from what she learned in Zemun.

She never wrote a book herself, and what she said or supposedly written down by those close to her.

Later, numerous esoteric books got written about Vanga's life and predictions.


  • Vangelia, a 24-episode biographical television series with elements of mysticism, was broadcast in 2013 on Channel One Russia.
  • English gothic metal band Paradise Lost used a photo of her for the cover of their sixth album, One Second.
  • Baba's name appears in a song titled Baba O'Riley by the British band The Who.
  • Vanga's alleged predictions continue to appear in the media in different countries and languages.
  • Her image continues to be popular in Eastern Europe, particularly in the Balkans and Rusia.

Russian publications relating to the prophetess are many.

"Vanga's Great Encyclopedia" is a Russian online project dedicated to her work.



About the Creator

Rocio Becerra

I live in a house next to a river in the middle of the forest. I like horror stories whose main objective is to entertain, and my favorite writer is Stephen King. However, my passion is writing crime fiction.

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