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An end to all hope of justice

By Emma PearcePublished 3 years ago 4 min read

“Pandora rises from the Earth; she is the Earth, giver of all gifts” (5th Century BC Amphora)

Zeus would not send a gift if it didn't do him some favour, and so we learn from Hesiod, “Before Hope could fly away, Pandora replaced the lid of the jar. This was the will of aegis-bearing Zeus the Cloud Gatherer.”

And his Moral ?


For once upon a time, after Kronos, there was an Apocalypse. It served the purpose of binding humankind – like a covenant. Religion, destroyer of reason, Hope, destroyer of life. Zeus, the all-seeing eye god, Victor.

The revelation that introduced Hope into our midst was as cunning as the serpent in the Garden. It was a takeover of the hearts of people, bringing with it endless misery and despair, and no foreseeable way to restore Eden. The walled garden became our prison, not our sanctuary, blocking out nature and controlling nurture; a Panopticon that needed no guard, hiding the one thing that humanity could not succeed without – courage.

For while Hope exists, there is no need for Courage, and without Courage, people don't have the heart for change. Hope is evil, the most evil of evils, and we should be afraid, very afraid.

But we're not.

Zeus, it seems, was not only intent on destroying humankind, he coveted the whole Earth - this makes sense, as Earth was never won; the Mother Earth Goddess never made a covenant nor treaty, and she was not defeated in war … humans are pawns to that end. With Hope planted in our breast, Zeus had plans for the future. This is his story...

The 'box' that held Hope was actually a Heart-Shaped Locket, and its motive for being was to subdue Courage. Courage is of the heart, and its power enables us to face the present and act upon it. Hope is an illusion that ultimately allows us to ignore reality. In fact, Hope IS the Heart-Shaped Locket … a heart-shaped belief system that has fooled people into having faith/trust/hope that things will be different in the future - in heaven - and tricked them into believing that Earth is meant to be this way because it is a sinful place and suffering is normal (Eastern propaganda - understandable, coming from the Indo-European Sky Father). A religious coup !

Hebrews 8:19 “We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain”.

Over millennia, we have been bred into submissive, hope-filled pets, socially sanctioned and tamed, and we wear our heart-shaped locket with ease. We eagerly await the promises that have been given for our next life. We eagerly await a better future. We are unaware of how insidious Hope really is. As Hesiod's Zeus says :

“But I will give men as the price for fire an evil thing, in which they may all be glad of heart, while they embrace their own destruction.”

Hope means that people who have it will never ever do anything to change the systems in place that keep this world in bondage. They will continue to uphold our dystopian society, its social inequality and idea of deserved poorness, its lack of choice and sub-standard food, and the harmful consumer purchases and commercial practices that are destroying the Earth's eco-system.

“The better world is to come”, say they.

“This is a world of suffering”, nay say they.

“Hope for the future is what we have”, they said.

People would let the Earth be destroyed before they would let go of Hope. In Russia there is a saying, "Hope dies last”.

PS :

We may have been 'civilised' by the locket, but our civilisation exists because of fossil fuels.

Oil is the foundation upon which our world was built; we bathe in an ocean of nanoparticles and other oil derivatives, and our society revolves around it – from clothes and food security, to cars and infrastructure, holidays and the entire throwaway, consumeristic 'plastic' lifestyle.

Oil woke the beast, coal fed it and advertising turbo-charged it, but people bought it – hook, line and sinker. We may have carried Hope over the finish line because of a deception, but the responsibility for the state of our planet can be placed solely at our door - we have forced the Earth to make a choice; us or her.

Zeus' squeeze paid off, his hegemony is assured, and he is set to return to annihilate us. The power is now in his hands, not just in Heaven, but on Earth; electricity, his weapon of choice. The final event horizon;

Big Blue Three Letters (and one fruit) to Bind Them All I.B.M. International Business Machines.

When humans can be downloaded to a 'box', what need for an Earth anyway.

-we shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye- (1 Corinthians 15:52)

With Hope, The Rapture is Guaranteed. IS IT NOT POSSIBLE TO ESCAPE THE MIND OF ZEUS ?


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    Emma PearceWritten by Emma Pearce

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