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Another Boring Monday


By CJ ElectraPublished 3 years ago 7 min read

Another boring Monday, the same ol' boring day every day. Alarm at 6 am, rub my eyes, making them open. Go the bathroom, shower, dry and style my hair, get dressed, brush my teeth, eat breakfast, grab my made lunch, "Thanks mom" and catch the bus at 7:07.

I am one of the first stops so I'm on the bus for a whole hour. I usually sleep. We arrive at school a little after 8. School starts at 8:25 I have just enough time to say hey to my peeps at my locker, grab the books I need for all of my morning classes. My locker is too far for me to go back to it in between classes. So I just carry all of them with me. I don't understand why we still have books? We can learn everything on the internet. Since Goggle god was completed the web has everything we need to know or want to learn. I believe this is to keep the jobs for the teachers. But if that is the case, some things really need to change. Thank goodness the boys like to walk with me, so they usually offer to help carry the load. Perks of being a cute girl.

My first class is Math with Mr. Monger. Mr Monger is an overweight man in his 50's he wears glasses and hardly has any hair. He wears drab ugly clothes like I wonder if he has a wife? He has a permanent scowl on his forehead from all the years of him being so mean and grumpy, I call them grumpy eyebrows. If he doesn't drink coffee, maybe he should. I hear people say they are happy after their coffee. Maybe it would work on Mr. Monger, and maybe not.

I'm very aware of people and their behavior, yes I know I'm only 13 but the adults tell me I'm an old soul, whatever that means. I think it means I say things they aren't expecting. lol, maybe that's why school is so boring for me. I'm an old soul and I already know all this stuff. Mr. Monger also smells so bad, his breathe is bad and the stench from his body is so gross, does he even shower? He keeps the door shut, there is no fresh air. It is nauseating. I would have a difficult time concentrating and probably fail if it were my English class. I do not like English, I always fail, I swear English is the only language I know and I still fail it. I'm good with math though, I don't have to do anything, it just comes to me. I just somehow know how to do the work.

This school thing sucks, being trapped in these small cramped rooms with all these mean grumpy people all day long is really bad for me and we are supposed to stay happy and in a positive vibe in this environment? How is that possible for a 13-year-old? Not seeing it. Our emotions are heightened and all these adults know it. I've heard them talk about how hard it is to be 13, where is the sympathy for us? Why do teachers get paid to be grumpy and mean just because they didn't have coffee? Or whatever their excuse is?

Why do teachers get to behave any way they want with the children and there are no consequences, even though there are a lot of teachers that actually bully the children themselves. Why is this still going on? I've heard my grandparents talk about their teachers and how they had were all mean, only one nice teacher in all their years of going to school and it's something I keep hearing from a lot of adults. Why is there not a check system for the teachers?

Why aren't the children and parents allowed to rate their experience with the teacher? We are 5-star rating everything, people are being rated for everything. Why aren't the teachers being rated?

Math is easy for me, I don't even have to think, it just comes to me. There isn't any reason for Mr. Monger to be so mean every morning, If anyone says hi or good morning to him, he growls, if anyone asks him a question, he growls. Why is this behavior ok for a teacher? He never lets anyone leave his room for any reason. Not even to go to the office or bathroom. I'm stuck in this room that smells so bad with this mean grumpy, growling man for a whole hour, It seems like ten. There are no clocks in the room. The teachers thought it would help us to focus on our work and not the clock, so they removed them. The teachers all have computers at their desks and there is a clock on the computer.

Above the doors in the classrooms are lights, a green light means you can come and go into the room. Red light means the door is closed and you may not come and go. Mr. Monger always has his light red as soon as the bell rings for class to begin. It's like we are his prisoners his "workers", he acts like he is "god" over us and better than us because he has to "teach" us something we don't know. Except I do know what he is teaching and half the kids don't understand him, so they all come to me for me to explain it to them in a way they understand. So I am doing Mr. Monger's job for free!!! While he gets paid to teach badly and be mean. How is this possible that teachers can be bad teachers, be mean, and bullies to the children and still have a job?

Where is the voice for the child who is being FORCED to go to school all day for free while the teachers make money teaching us so badly no one understands so our own education suffers, and we "fail". We have these bad teachers not teaching and we get the "bad grades" but it's because he doesn't teach. Where is the 5-star rating system for the teachers?

They think they have it SO bad having to teach us, the teacher's band together and formed a strong political stance. Now they are paid well for working fewer days and fewer hours than a lot of Americans and are not held responsible for their actions as a teacher.

The only class I like going to is after lunch, I don't even like lunchtime. They are always "taking" the green light off telling us we can't talk. They think it's too noisy and they put the red light on telling everyone to stop talking, if you are caught talking it's detention and 0's for 3 days on all assignments. How is that fair? How is showing adults wanting children to learn? That is insane to me.

The "millennial" parents, just don't care. They don't care about anything but their own lives and what they are doing. So they don't know what's happening in the schools and most really don't care. We are the "new age generation" and we need some rules to protect us from the "adults".

There are all these "laws" to keep the children "safe" when none of them keep us safe. No one can stop death, even I know that. So where are the laws that protect us from the real dangers? The real bullies? Our teachers and parents?

The adults are programming us forcing us to believe their ways as if what they believe is the truth. I have read my older sister's history book and they change history in the short 10 years she has on me. What they wrote for me to believe in my history book about 911 is very different than what is in my sister's history book from 10 years ago.

And she told me her history book was different than what really happened. My mom remembers she was 13 when it happened. I asked her about her memory and what she remembers. She didn't remember as much as my grandmother. She will tell you so much more than what's in the history books. She tells great stories, she tells them in a way you feel like you are there.

My favorite class is my "elective" class, criminal justice. It's a class where we are learning about laws, and criminals and how they are caught. CSI stuff. It's only an hour-long, OMG it goes by so fast, nothing like my first class that feels like ten long miserable hours. lol

Not only is the class cool and fun, but my classmates and I also have more in common and I talk to them. My teacher Mr. Cooper used to be a cop" he says". He says he got out of it because it became too violent, and he had the opportunity to show young people the world of criminal justice and decided to give it a try. Better pay, less hours, no dangers, gravy job.

So Cooper is cool. I like him and his style, he's a lot more laid back and leaves the light on green most of the time, unless it's test time. Then the red light is on. Mr. Cooper is my favorite teacher, I'm glad he changed his career. He makes it look so interesting, but I'm not sure "it's safe" lol since he himself gave up the career because it was so violent. Of course, he came from New York, but still. Danger is everywhere. He later confessed, he wanted to be here for his daughter and didn't want to put his own life at risk for a paycheck when it could take his life away every day. That made a lot of sense to me and I understood.

So police work is for the lonely, those who don't want families. I'm only 13 but I am NOT a fan of small children so this could be a possibility for me. An old classic but goody, Minority Report is one of my favorite movies. I am drawn to those kinds of movies, So maybe who knows.

But for now, my focus is how do we get the ball rolling for parents and students rating the teacher and their experience. If the children are the "future" it's time the children have a say in how they are treated and how they are being taught. If the teachers were held responsible for their actions and are rated to keep their jobs, I bet they would be a lot more helpful and kinder, even without their morning coffee.

Short Story

About the Creator

CJ Electra

I always failed every English class. Writing is NOT my strong suit. I am writing thanks to my dead aunt Mary insisting on embarrassing me to make me be that which I am created to be. A writer. Ok let’s see how this goes

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