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Red Darkness

Heart-Shaped Locket of Love

By CJ ElectraPublished 3 years ago 8 min read
“This is Hell”

Journal Entry #502

There is no night. There is no day.There is only red darkness 24/7 every day.

It’s the New World Order and they indend to stay. The demons have taken over, death won, they snuffed out the light. Death is now in power. There is no sun.

I’ve heard of the days when there was bright vivid colors. I can only imagine.

“Beautiful colors” is what I hear and all about the food, how delicious the food was, and the water, how the water was so crystal clear, you could see through it. How is that possible? How can you see through anything? It’s all red, the water is red the air is red, what is left is all destruction, all around, Chaos is here, there isn’t anything beautiful anymore.

I heard about how beautiful Gaia was with her rainbow of colors displaying all her beauty but there were forces, evil forces, that went against her. Going against her nature, her inner beauty and the humans they chose to not see it. They lost Gaia’s beauty to the darkness, the very darkness that tried to hide her from the beginning.

In the beginning, there was Chaos, Nothing, the darkness was created first not light, but darkness. Erebus and NYX are their names. And out of the darkness comes Gaia one of the Primordials.

The five primordials are Gaia aka Earth, Tartarus aka Hell, Eros aka Love, Erebus aka darkness/shadow, NYX aka night. They are immortal, how can you kill the beginning? You cannot! The primordials are life and began life. Life comes from the primordaials and death comes from the primordials, it’s the Ying Yang, the balance of life.

In the beginning, there was only darkness, and that is all that was known. Then Gaia fought against what was being forced and set herself free from the sky that was always being on top of her. Always Forcing his way.

Gaia set herself to be free so we can be free.

I don’t understand how the humans could let her lose her beauty. They were supposed be caretakers of the earth. The trees, the flowers, all the beautiful colors. I can only imagine what she once was. I go there in my dreams, it is breathtaking.

Today there are no green leaves, there are no flowers, no herbs, nothing grows on the ground, death took over.

Earth breathes red toxins and poisons into the air, spitting and spewing here and there. You can see it shooting up from “pockets” the holes in the ground. If you happen to be too close when one explodes you will not survive. The poisons are shot into your system and you die. We have not found anything so far that keeps us alive if we are too close when the earth breathes its deadly poisons. It’s all pure luck these days, where you are standing. And the food, there is no food, the earth stopped living. Gaia is dead, Death now reins, death rules all. Gaia is asleep in a coma.

There is no “good life”, there is no being happy, there is only torture and misery, and what is food? Where does it come from? Nothing lives here, nothing grows, there is nothing to eat, only the strong survive.

There aren’t any leaves on what they say are trees, the few that still stand, they are dead, there is no sign of life. You won’t find the color green, there is no healing, no blue, no purple, or pink, and no bright sunny yellow. There is only black and red, that is it. There is no other color. No green grass, no brown grass, only red darkness. No bubble gum pink clouds, no crisp blue skies, no tangerine orange outlining the golden sun. No purple majistic mountains in the distance, there is only red darkness. I’ve heard about the colors that covered the world, they have disappeared, it’s like they waved and said good-bye, and no one cared.

The only color is red darkness. It’s not just red and it’s not only darkness. You can see the red it’s all around and the smell is horrendous, it will burn your nostrils and knock you out. You won’t go outside without your mask on, you will die for sure, the “air” is pure poison, it’s what the humans wanted, always consuming posions, throwing poison all onto Gaia, what did they expect?

There is no night. There is no day. There is only red darkness. It’s like they brought hell to earth. That is what I say. “This is hell.”

What made Gaia go against all she knew? What made Gaia want more than darkness?

How could the people not see her beauty when it was all around? How could they let her be destroyed from the inside out?

They kept a blind eye living their own life going to work every day working to live, living to work keep their blind eye. Buying their fancy homes and shiny new cars not caring what they were doing to Gaia. Not caring about the future of others because they couldn’t see it?

Keeping a blind eye, keeps you in the dark how could they know what they were doing, they lived in the dark, so the dark took over.

What else would happen?

Now it doesn’t matter there are no jobs, no, homes, there are only monsters, the giants and demons, pure evil. There is only torture, and misery. There are no families, it’s survive or die. There is no trusting anyone. Your own parents are evil.

We are in hell and whatever you think happens. Your nightmares happen, your thoughts happen, so if you fear you are tortured and everything you think about happens and the demons are oh so happy to help you feel your fearful thoughts.

There are very few humans left. Why we cling to our life of misery, I don’t understand, but I do too. Every day I am alive it amazes me. How I am not like the rest of the world I don’t understand. I see it all around me. I am nothing like what I came from and how is that? How do I remember how Gaia once was, how? I’m only 21, this is all I know.

I don’t know my own story from birth and how I am here. I have no memory of how I got here or when. I’m pretty sure there are no more “human babies” being born.

Only the vilest creatures are being created in the fire pits. I’ve seen where they come from just outside The Black Forest.

The Black Forest never went away it was already black, dark, and evil so it could stay, and oh has it grown. It is twice the size since I got here. And it grows every day. How is that? It’s not alive, is it? How can it grow?

I hear even the demons are scared of the black forest. Oh yes, they too are tortured by their fears in the black forest that is why it grows. It consumes our fears. I know the why... but how? and what could a demon possibly be afraid of? Everything actually, they fear everything.

How do I know this? How do I know this word fear and what it means? I have no parents I have no one. Where did I come from? How is it I don’t look like anyone? I see it, I am different.

I am opposite of all I see all around me. All the last born humans have dark hair, dark black eyes, and dark skin. How am I so different?

There is a legend of a locket in The middle of the Black Forest that gives the forest its life.

The Beating Blue Heart in the Middle Gives Life”

They say in the middle of the forest hanging on a branch, is the Beating Blue Heart that Gives Life. It’s a heart-shaped locket, it glows in the darkness. I hear there is and inscription inside of locket saying “as for Love it will be found in the heart and the Soul can only enter heaven with Love”.

The legend is that the neon blue heart is so bright it lights up all paths to be found. It is the key to heaven and no one is brave enough to go retrieve it.

What could it be so bad? How could it possibly be worse than this? Why am I different? What if I was born to go into the Black Forest? What if The Black Forest won’t hurt me because I don’t know this thing called fear? Maybe I am protected from not knowing fear. I mean seriously what do I have to lose? nothing. I have no one. There is nothing to lose. Only something to gain. Something different, something I don’t know or understand I have only heard of the legend, there is no proof, no one comes out. You are there for eternity.

Do I dare? Should I do it? Should I test my strength? Who am I? Why am I different?

I’m going to do it. It is the only way to make it different is by doing something different. So what if I never come out, at least it’s not here anymore. I want to know, I want to see, I can feel it is true. Something is pulling me in. I am going to do it. What will happen I don’t know. I have flutters in my stomach, I cant swallow and my knees are tingling but my heart is beating hard and strong. I know this is something I must do. This is what I was born for. To be fearless, and find the beating blue heart-shaped locket, the key to heaven, and open beauty’s door again.

This treasure is waiting for someone brave enough, someone stronger than any fear, for that is the only way it can be found. A Soul Strong enough to get back up and keep searching, never giving up even when the world is evil all around. Love is hidden, it is a treasure only the brave seek it. Only the strong find it. Only God’s children wear it. Love is the answer because there is no war or fighting when it’s true love. Love is peace, love doesn’t hurt one another, love gives and doesn’t demand, love shares and there is no right or wrong, there just is.

This is my mission. I don’t fail. Only fear fails. I don’t know fear. So even if I go in and get lost and Never find the pendant. It doesn’t matter if I die or don’t die... it is what it is. If I get “stuck”, it doesn’t matter. It’s my new life and it can’t be worse, just different. So why is there fear?

I know I will be putting that pendant around my neck if it exists. I will find it. That is my new life my new mission. Make the legend real. Wear the Key to Heaven.

It doesn’t matter my name and it doesn’t matter what I look like.

Just know I am different than all around me.

When I find the pendant and end the darkness growing. I will be back and finish my story. I know you are dying to know what happens next.

I’ll leave the “dying” part to you.

Journal Entry #503

Before I go into the Black Forest. I just want to say. Could it have ever been any different? Or is this destiny and there was no stopping it?

But now that Death had its moment it’s time for him to step aside again and stop being so greedy.

Death is no more than You or Me. We give him our power with fear.

To Fear is Death, To live is to Die.

Short Story

About the Creator

CJ Electra

I always failed every English class. Writing is NOT my strong suit. I am writing thanks to my dead aunt Mary insisting on embarrassing me to make me be that which I am created to be. A writer. Ok let’s see how this goes

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    CJ ElectraWritten by CJ Electra

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