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Snowy Winds and Sacrifices

By Mara EdwardsPublished 4 months ago 1 min read
Photo by Yen Vu on Unsplash

The battle had been fierce, the clash of swords echoing through the snowy peaks of the mountain. Blood stained the pure white snow, a stark contrast to the serene landscape. As the dust and smoke settled, the survivors emerged, battered and weary. They had fought for their kingdoms, but at what cost? The once majestic mountain now lay in ruins, scarred by the violence that had taken place. Amidst the wreckage, the survivors converged. Each warriors of varying degrees, but sharing heavy hearts and heavy burdens; for the victory had come at a great price, the loss of friends and comrades on all sides.

One warrior looked out at the desolate landscape -knowing that the scars of this battle would never truly heal- she looked back at the warriors from the other kingdoms and offered a truce. The snow would cover the blood, she stated, but the memories would remain. It would be up to them -as the sole survivors from each kingdom- to make sure their respective Lords, Maesters, and people knew how things had happened. As the winds howled and the snow continued to fall, those four warriors made a promise to never forget the sacrifices made on that snowy mountain. And to always remember the true cost of war.

And that is the story of Polemistes tou Chioniou, or Warriors of Snow, four warriors that not only survived the worst war in their lifetimes, but also changed the course of history by united their four kingdoms forever.


About the Creator

Mara Edwards

I've always loved writing, and in the 8th Grade I would turn in chapters of a small story I was writing for class credit. I've always had a fascination with the supernatural and paranormal, and I'd love to follow my passion.

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  • Penny Fuller4 months ago

    I like how you turned this into a sort of origin legend. It was a nice spin on the theme.

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