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After The Uprising

The Beginning

By Mara EdwardsPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
After The Uprising
Photo by Tyler Lastovich on Unsplash

Hidden within the willow trees of Willow Falls is a smial, said to have once been the meeting place of the Guardians of the Glen of Willows. These Guardians met every fortnight to train for future battles and to discuss ways to better protect the home they had sworn to, from the evils of their less mystical kin. This, was, of course, before The Uprising, during which all Magical and Mystical Fold were hunted down, rounded up, and… well, no one has ever been precisely sure, as the humans have always had their own interpretation of history.

Faer Folk -always the Magical and Mystical’s choice for preserving history- kept detailed records; these records state that there were five knights, each gifted in the art of a particular element, and these knights were the Heads of their corresponding Elemental hordes. The records go on to say that there were Votives in the center of the meeting table, and each would glow in accordance with the knight that was speaking; however, the Votives never lit -could never be lit-, though it was said that only a knight of five could achieve this feat… We never were given the gift of truth.

Someone went out into that clearing in the glen one night, 2000 years after The Uprising -and the Votives were lit.

Lightning flashes across the sunset sky, the resulting mystical mosaic terrifying many, but energizing the few hidden enemies they haven’t any knowledge of. Thunder crashes through the glen, reverberating from the ground to the sky and into the hears of those who long for a change, back to what things once were. Lightning flashes and connects to a smial as piercing cries echo through the glen. Each remaining mystical creature -which the humans wish were also mythical- has new young to attend to. Ogre, Fae, Witch/Warlock, Dragon Shifter, and Werewolf -all young with the same birthday, down to the second. Maeveash, Trevan Islesky, Orion Drach, Viozi the Protector, and Lucia Hazelmere are the new generation of Willow Falls, and they have a lot to learn about themselves and each other, before The One learns of who they are -and who she truly is.

Just inside the town limits, a sixth cry echoes through the night, in time with the other five: The One has come to Willow Falls.

By the age of five, each Mystical Child was coming into their own and learning of their own species’ wonders. Maeveash, a Purple Ogre with speed that rivals all her ancestors, spends hours running through the creeks honing her skills, and Trevan’s adoration of nature is already guiding him toward his calling as he helps his mother in the gardens, flitting from one spot to the next. Orion already spends hours studying ancient tomes and runes, learning how to commune with spirits of each Mystical realm, and anxiously awaiting the moment he’s granted his want. Viozi spends her time soaring through the clouds in her orange Dragon form, and reading books about her ancestors, trying to help her father find anything pertaining to the legend of The One. Last, but never least, Lucia Hazelmere loves feeling the wind rush through her fur as she dashes through the Willows in her Werewolf form, and she climbs the Willows to howl at the moon. Each of the five is said to represent a Votive, though they are aware of this, until the sixth joins them, they won’t know which.

And what of the sixth child born on the 2000th anniversary of The Uprising? Her name is Eleanor Fontaine, her family’s surname having been changed right before The Uprising in order to protect the secret they’ve been tasked with since her many times Great-Grandfather and Great-Grandmother… Who’s names she’s never known.


About the Creator

Mara Edwards

I've always loved writing, and in the 8th Grade I would turn in chapters of a small story I was writing for class credit. I've always had a fascination with the supernatural and paranormal, and I'd love to follow my passion.

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