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A Spark

My Crypt Keeper Ch. 1

By kayla painterPublished 11 months ago 12 min read
A Spark
Photo by Peter Herrmann on Unsplash

It was midnight, as I was closing up shop. Just then, I heard the bell ring, and I shouted out. “I’m about to close the shop. Is there anything I can help you with?”

Looking up from where I shouted, I saw a gentleman staring at some of our more ancient-looking books. It seemed he paid no attention to me, so I walked up and asked. “Sir? Would you like me to unlock the shelf so you could get a closer look?” Startled by my approach, he quickly jumped back and said. “Oh, I-I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to. Wait, what was the question again, Miss?”

“Lilyanna is fine, and I asked if you would like me to unlock the shelf so you could have a closer look?”

He smiled softly and said. “Yes, please. Can you grab that one there?” as he pointed to a book that looked more ancient than the rest. As I grabbed it, I noticed it had a unique texture, hard like leather; but soft and light like a feather. It had jewels spread out. The drawings of bats, wolves, and the night sky surrounded the moon in the center of the cover. I couldn’t make out the handwriting when I handed it to him. His eyes seemed to sparkle with delight, and he said. “This will please my father. He loves stories like this one.”

“Really…what is it about?” I replied, leading him to the check stand. He grinned, asking. “I don’t know if a beautiful woman like you should hear horrible tales of the dark like this one. It’s about two different creatures from two different worlds. Love, hate, sex, and even death. They both die in each other’s arms from killing one another.” I looked up at him to see if he was telling the truth, but at the same time, I said. “Wow, that is horrible. But not all stories seem horrible, only written out so.”

He smiled and paid for the book. When he takes it from my hands, my fingertips and his meet. Seeing this blue spark appear. As I pulled my hand away, he said. “I'm sorry... I hope I didn’t scare you off. I do wish to speak with you again, Miss Lilyanna.”

“No, you didn’t.” As I spoke, I noticed that he had vanished from sight. Huh? That was weird, but there is always something going on. I sighed and locked up the store before I left, thinking about the man I just meant.

On my way home, I stopped at the foot of the gate surrounding that Manor on the hill. The energy seemed different than the night before. Happier, like the house finally has someone to take care of it. While staring at it, I couldn’t see anything move in or out through the windows.

No one lives in the Lilgard Manor. When I walk by it, I can feel it come alive. Like the dead are dancing and singing. Sometimes I can hear a voice so quiet that it’s almost a whisper saying. “Come join us, dance with us, let yourself go.”

I sometimes smile at the thought, but my fear stops me. I’ve never really been scared of anything. So why am I? I think it is because of my gift, more like a curse. I see the supernatural that goes on around us and that haunted house. It’s at the source of it. When I see those creatures go in and out of that place. I don’t want to go by it, but I have no choice since it’s on my way to my grandmother’s home. I continued to walk forward, Sensing that someone or something was watching me. I paid no attention to it and made my way to the cemetery.

Once in the cemetery, everything was quiet. Only the trees blowing in the wind made any sound through the night. I liked it. No noise or energy to make my head spin. Ever since I was young, I hated to be part of the village. There are demands of following a strict path for every living thing. I knew it all too well. What life waited for me if I had to obey? I was not that kind of person, or should I say a “normal” person. My gift made it easy to see the true hearts of men and what hidden creatures live within our world.

People are interesting. Soo desperate to find a purpose that they would make up rules to satisfy their needs. Sometimes these creatures act just like us, feeling up their desire and needs for survival. I wonder who is the hunter or prey. I sighed while walking past my grandmother’s tombstone. I stopped, noticing the fresh flowers. Father must have put them in her vase. I smiled sweetly, remembering her words. “Now. Lilyanna, your gift is special. Yes, not everyone will accept it. You must never tell anyone about it. Only your father and I know. You are a blessing in disguise.”

“How so?” I would ask, and she smiled saying. “You will know when it is time, but for now. You are part of this family, nothing more. Never forget you are a scarlet, no matter who your real parents were.”

I sat there quietly, gazing at the stars, wondering where I truly came from. I pulled out the kerchief, my birth parents left behind. I traced the crest on it and memorized its design. “Who am I?” I said quietly.

Suddenly I heard, “I thought you said Lilyanna is who you are, miss?” I turned around to find the man I saw in my shop a few moments ago.

“Oh my…W-What are you doing here?” I said while checking my pockets for anything that might be amiss. He smiled and said. “Don’t worry, I would never steal from a beautiful woman like yourself.” He winked and inches his way closer to me.

“Really? So is it common for you to be at the cemetery at this hour? I thought you said you were heading to your father’s house?” I said while noticing the book still in his hands.

“Oh…Well, I was until I saw you walk past.” He smiles nervously, as he runs his right hand through his hair. “However, why is a woman like you out so late?”

Women like me? Why would he use that kind of dialect to categorize me? “Well…that’s not what I was expecting to hear. However, if you must know, I live past the cemetery. I also don’t close up shop until midnight as you have first-hand noticed, Sir.” I said more angrily than I intended to. Oh, Helliate! What did I do now?

Noticing the shock in his eyes, I waited to hear the reprimanding statement my father might receive for the savage I am. Or what the townsfolk liked to call me before for my rude remarks.

Suddenly I heard him laugh with delight as if I had made a humorous remark. Confusion entered my mind as I said, “What is so funny…”

“Oh…I’m so sorry, my dear. I just have never met a woman who has.” Shaking his head as he tries to speak. “Miss Lilyanna…I am sorry if I upset you or even disrespected you, but it was never my intention to. I was just simply trying to say that you are special. You have a spark that I haven’t seen in ages.”

A spark. Remembering that incident at my shop just moments ago. “Is that so? Well, it is getting late. I should be getting home.” I turn to leave, but then I’m stopped by his hand on my wrist.

As I turned back to face him, He said. “I hope there are no hard feelings between us. I do wish to see you again, Miss Lilyanna.” I nodded as he let me go, and I walked straight into the forest. I stopped by the tree and suddenly felt the urge to look back. I noticed he was gone, but his presence was still lingering.

I looked up at the sky and took a deep breath. “Grandmother…what is going on?” I sighed and continued.

Once I entered the front gates of the house, I turned to see Crystal in the garden. I smiled and headed in her direction. “Hey Crystal, what are you doing? You know better than to.” I trailed off, noticing the amulet my grandmother had made me lay in the dirt.

Huh? I didn’t notice it was here. I remember that day. Thinking about, How happy I was until my Aunt ruined it. Looking at the amulet as I’m petting Crystal, the memories start to enter my mind.

It was the beginning of summer, and the garden smelled of fresh, sweet honey fruits. Veggies crunch at the sound with the first bite you take. Honestly, I loved the garden. It was so warm and peaceful. Sometimes I would look up at the sky and see the trees shimmer with life from the sun. That’s when I noticed my first creature. I ran and called her.

“Grandma! I saw something. I saw it!” As I grabbed the hem of her skirt, she leaned down and said, “Oh...And what did it look like, my child? Did it have wings that flutter in the light and sparkle like the sun?”

“Grandma…” I said, thinking that I looked all serious back then. She laughed while grabbing my hand, leading me to the creature. “You see it?” She pointed and said. “It’s a fairy, a child creature of light and nature. They help the plants grow strong, like the roots of the trees. So they can be here all year long. Now Lilyanna, these creatures will watch over you. If you are nice to them. Treat them with respect, and they will do the same. Understand?”

I nodded and asked. “Grandmother, how do you know so much about this world?” She smiled and bent down to whisper. “It is because we are family but above all else. I promised to protect and guide you. I won’t always be here, and the others do not believe me. Like your Aunt Felicita. Here, I made this for you.” As she held a necklace close to my eyes, I noticed a round silver pendant shaped into a crescent moon on one side, filled with a light shade of blue sapphire gem. On the other is a dark purple gem with a symbol I've never seen before. “If you ever feel lost or need guidance, this will lead the way.” Before I could ask what it was, Aunt Felicita headed straight to us, calling out. “Mother! Mother! Where is the child? Where is Lilyanna!”

Grandmother grabbed my hand and led me back to the garden while calling back. “Coming dear, meet us at the garden.” Once we reach it, I see my aunt fumigating with anger. I giggled at the thought of smoke steaming out of her ears. “Lilyanna, this is no laughing matter. do you know what you’ve done?”

Grandmother and I looked at her in confusion. She shook her head and said. “You have missed several days of school, playing fantasies out here then learning about your lessons as a future woman in this society.”

I looked between the two of them, unable to speak. Feeling the slight fear of loud yelling coming from both. Finally, I heard my grandmother sigh. “Felicita, Lilyanna is not like the people of this town. She can not be bound to the rules those people make, nor will she ever live a life that-“

“Enough, Mother! You may have turned your back, but I will not let you ruin this child or our reputation in this town!” My aunt then picked me up. I struggled to break her grip. At that moment, I felt my amulet fall to the ground, like a wave crashing into the rocks by the shore. The screaming pain I felt of losing all my breath, I couldn’t breathe, nor could I make a sound. Tears swelled up inside me but couldn’t come down. My aunt continued to drag me away, as I wanted to say don’t go, please stay.

Looking back at that memory, I wonder why I felt that way. Was it because I knew so little of the world my aunt wanted me to be in? Or was it simply the pain of losing something that meant everything to me? How could I or anyone understand that? I placed the amulet back around my neck, feeling a sense of warmth and relief wash through me. I picked up Crystal and headed into the house. Reflecting on what the day was like.

“I forgot to tell you, Crystal. I met someone new today. So far, he seems to be different from everyone else. I don’t get the sense that he is from here. I also didn’t get his name.” I sat her down on the chair while she meowed in response. “Well, I guess we will wait and see. Hopefully, something good will come.” As I closed the door, I heard that same whisper again. Only it was much more sad and lonely. “You're finally home.”


As Tobias watches Lilyanna enter the house. He sighed. “You're finally home.” Listening to the silence of the night, remembering the old women in the house. He walked back through the graveyard. “So that’s your granddaughter. How she has grown, Emelia, you must be proud.” Looking at the tombstone on Emelia’s grave, he placed a piece of jewelry on top of it.

“You’ll make sure she gets this, and don’t worry. I have no intention of harming Lilyanna. I can promise you that.” Once out of the Cemetery, Tobias turned his attention to his father’s home.

As he walks up the long road to his family manor, smiling at the thoughts of wicked deeds his father once did through the ageless nights. With howling fun, goons and goblins came to join. Tobias was greeted with the same notion as he opened the doors. Walking by everyone he meets with a smile. He looked through the book, remembering what Lilyanna said. “I wonder how she would feel if she knew the truth.”

Just then, a voice spoke. Sending him back into reality. “And who is it that you're referring to?” Tobias smiled, looking back at a familiar face. “Father, it’s good to see you too.”

Tobias’s father hugged his son. “Well, I see some things never change.” Noticing the book in his son’s hands. Tobias laughed. “Well, of course not. Here you are. A new book every time I come back. Like I promise.”

Tobias hands over the book, seeing his father’s eyes sparkle with delight. “Well, I can’t wait to see where this one will lead. Oh, before I forget, there's someone I need you to meet.”

“Oh. What is this one going to be like?” He laughed as he followed his father. “Son, I know we had an agreement. However, I think you should give this one a chance?”

“Father...You know I-” Suddenly, a voice rings out from the crowd. “Ingvar!”

“Ah, here she is now. Son, this is Drucilla Thornhart.” Seeing his father take her hand. Tobias swallowed his anger. “I remember. Drucilla, it is good to see you again.”

“Tobias, it’s been ages. You look even more handsome than ever.” She grinned and then turned her attention back to Tobias’s father. Upon that notion, Tobias excused himself and headed to the music room.

Once inside, the noise from the party was gone, bringing a feeling of stillness to the air. A heaviness began to form, weighing down on Tobias's shoulders. “Why? Why do you do this to me?” Tobias sighed.

Across the room, a single grand piano lay in the middle. In the left corner were other interments sitting still in their locked cases. Three of the four walls lined themselves with portraits of the past lives; Tobias and his father once lived. The fourth wall was two double-door windows leading to the balcony, overlooking the town. Dark velvet drapes cover the opening as Tobias peers through a corner, looking at the moon. “I guess it’s almost time.” He said. Hopefully waiting for a response, but none came. He heads over to the piano and begins to play. The wind whistled through the night. With each note he played, a storm began in his heart. Is it because its master has come back? Or is it because Tobias played to awaken a box he has kept shut for so long?

Tobias’s melody rang out to every dark creature waiting for the twisted games to begin. He smiled at the sounds that resonated within him. Imagine those chains breaking, finally being set free. However, the memory of that night still haunted him. When it was over, Tobias wished those nights didn’t go away. Yet again, those agonizing temptations he kept hidden. Knowing that the one person he needs can disappear. Like his heart that is now among the dead.

The stillness in the room was no more, and a sense of being reborn was left behind. However, the night wasn't quiet. Tobias could hear the blood-grueling screams begin to rise. Tobias whispered, “It’s done.” Tobias looked down at his hands, wishing he had a different role to play. “Please forgive me, Lilyanna.” Tobias leaves the room, joining the others on this bloodthirsty night.



About the Creator

kayla painter

When I think about writing, I think about all the things I wanted to say that I couldn't communicate before. For four years I've my life I didn't speak, not sure if it was my autism or too afraid to. Writing is my voice and my passion.

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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  1. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

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  • Mike Singleton - Mikeydred11 months ago

    Oh that is excellent, I know a group on Facebook that this would be perfect in so I will share it there. Hope that's OK. It's called True Crime, Horror Story & Dark Poetry

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