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A Simple Locket

Sisters are Forever.

By Shaelyne SmithPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

Well, It's official! Senior Year! It seems like just yesterday my parents were walking me and my twin sister into school. My sister was my whole world. She just had this glow always around her. We would always play under the biggest tree we could find during the summer. Our parents were working non-stop to try to start saving for both of us to go to University. We would play until our hearts were content.

My best friend Olivia became my rock after Sophomore year. I had a really hard year, as did my family. One night my sister & I were babysitting for the neighbors and their dog Rosie got out. I stayed with the children while Kaylee went to find him. Moments went by that seemed like forever. "Kaylee, the kids are sleeping, any luck?" I didn't hear anything until I went towards the door. "Someone call 911! Is she okay?" I just screamed as I watched my sister lay there on the sidewalk. All I could see was bright lights as police and help pulled up. They flew her to a nearby hospital. "Ma'am, are you okay?" One of the officers asked me. "My name is Madison and we were babysitting for the Thundermans. Where are my parents? I cried. My parents quickly picked me up and it seemed like the hospital was 100 miles away. When we finally got there, a nurse stayed with me while my parents talked to the doctors. All I could see is my parents just break down. I knew it wasn't good. It's like a part of me was gone forever. That day changed our lives forever.

The funeral and memorial was stunning, marigolds & sunflowers everywhere. She was a 16 year old who's heart just stopped. I started to question my faith, as did my parents. We ended up moving to another neighborhood about 20 minutes away. I think about her all the time. Her laughter, her joy, her ability to make everyone around her smile.

I took a little time before I went back into school. No one knew what to say to me, or how to act. They just gave me sad looks. My teachers were no different. Until one day, I got paired up with a girl named Olivia. She was the first person who just treated me like a normal teenager. We instantly became best friends. She reminded me so much of Kaylee.

Time went on and I had a nice group of friends, good grades, a part time job and maybe a boyfriend. Olivia worked in the food court with me at the mall. We were saving for University as much as we could. My parents spent alot on the funeral costs, and I felt so guilty about them putting me in college that was so expensive. I kind of wanted to stay with them. Leaving them just seemed so sad. Two daughters, and one gone, and one across the country. But I can still feel my sister, her optimism.

Senior year finally ended. It was one of the best years of my life. I learned about life, friendship, and my studies. Olivia & I both wanted to attend NYU. It seemed like forever waiting to see If we got in together. Finally, the letters came. I video chatted Olivia and told her to check her mail. She ran outside and grabbed it. We opened it together on the phone. "3, 2, 1.." We screamed, "WE GOT IN!" Our parents definitely heard us and came running in to hug us. The look in my parents eyes was pure happiness.

Graduation was so emotional, Olivia was ab0ut to make her speech. All of our teachers, parents, and friends were so happy that we are going into the world to explore on our own. We threw our caps into the air and I just started to cry. I was happy and yet something was missing, I knew Kaylee should have been right beside me. Olivia would always see me thinking of her and try to remind me that she never left. That night all of our friends had a huge pool party to celebrate. It was absolutely amazing. I would treasure all of the memories I had of school, my sister, my friends, my parents.

The day finally came for Olivia & me to leave for school. We were loading up the van and saying our good-byes to our families and friends. Once everything was ready, my parents told me to come inside, there was one more box I needed to bring. "Olivia, I have to grab one more thing." I ran inside, "Where are you, Dad?" "In the study," My dad yelled. They told me to have a seat, there's one more thing you need. They sat me down and gave me a box of Kaylee's things, and told me how proud she would be of me and what I've become. The box had pictures, crafts, and things from our childhood in it. "We want you to take this with you," explained my Mom. I could just feel the emotions coming in. My dad opened the drawer of his desk and pulled out a small box. "What is that?" I asked. My mother said. "We know that you've felt like a piece of you has been missing since we lost your sister. But always know, she will always be with you." I open the box and look down at it. It was a locket. "Open it." My parents nudged me. I peeked inside the locket and there was a marigold on one side & a picture of Kaylee on the other. I cried instantly and hugged my parents. Now I will always have a piece of her with me as I take on the world.


About the Creator

Shaelyne Smith

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    Shaelyne SmithWritten by Shaelyne Smith

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