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A Silent Night

The mirror showed a reflection that wasn't my own...

By Joe HarrisPublished about a year ago 5 min read
A Silent Night
Photo by Roger Bradshaw on Unsplash

The mirror showed a reflection that wasn't my own. Of all the things I could've noticed; the yet-to-be-unpacked box of clothes, scuff marks on the wall when I brought the bed in, or the bookcase I'd put together upside down. Yet it was the smudge on the newly hung mirror that bothered me.

Despite how tired I was from moving, I couldn't sit in bed now that I'd noticed that. I was just thankful to even own glass cleaner having just moved in.

I wiped the smudge away, admiring the mirror. It had an ornate gold frame that my slightly dull looking room some character. There were a few scuffs here and there, but it was a charity shop purchase so I couldn't complain.


It was my phone. I jumped onto the bed, grabbing my phone. My heart was beating, I knew he would text me back.

Never mind. It was mum, "just checking in, hope you're all settled and moved in, have a good night's sleep in your new place, can't wait to visit this weekend".

It was hard not to feel disappointed. She meant well. I just wanted it to be Harvey. Christ, its been months.


I know break-ups are hard, but I thought I would've been over this by now.


I paused. There must've been something dripping outside. Was it raining? It didn't matter. I just looked at my phone, willing Harvey to just text me, let me know that he had changed his mind.

Tap. Tap.

That was enough for me to notice.

Tap. Tap.

Something was definitely breaking my peaceful silence. But what was it? Was it outside? No. Was it coming from the bathroom?

Tap. Tap. Tap

I looked at the door to the ensuite, had I left a tap on? Now that I'd heard it I couldn't ignore that persistent noise. I threw the duvet off my legs and stormed to the bathroom. None of the taps were leaking, even the shower was silent.

Back out in the bedroom, frustrated and slightly freaked out, I listened. Nothing.

Forget this, I just need to pull myself together. One night and then I'll be used to this.


The loud bang startled me. It sounded like a door slamming shut. Had that been my door? It certainly sounded like it came from the hallway behind me. I definitely locked it... didn't I?

Now there were footsteps, slow and heavy, getting closer to the bedroom door.

I back away from the door. The wooden frame was shaking almost as much as I was. What was I going to do? I could grab my phone, ring the police. But no, I just stood and waited for the door to swing open.

Only it wasn't my door that opened. Instead, it came from above, those heavy footsteps belonging to my clearly heavy-footed upstairs neighbour.

I let out a sigh of relief, laughing at my own stupidity. Of course, nothing was going to happen, it was just my overactive imagination.

Letting out a deep breath, I sat at the end of the bed. It was too late in the night to text anyone, but it was sure to make mum laugh tomorrow.

Tap. Tap.

The tapping was coming from the mirror. There was something else reflected on it's surface, something that wasn't in the room.

As I took a closer look I realised it wasn't a something, but a someone. Not just a someone, it was Harvey.

"Evenin" the reflection said, sounding so much like Harvey really would.

I stared back, my mind swirling with questions, fighting to get out. The first to escape was, "am I dreaming?"

The reflection of Harvey laughed, "even your imagination couldn't make this up".

I looked behind me at the bed, unlike the reflection, Harvey definitely wasn't there. When I looked back at the mirror, he'd moved, now stood behind me.

"Whats wrong? I thought you were missing me?"

My throat was dry, my palms wet with sweat. This couldn't be happening. I've moved on.

He smiled, "I can see this is really freaking you out. Then again you were always very easy to spook". His gaze shifted past me, looking at the phone lying on my bed.


"Oh, you might want to check that. It could be me".

I knew it wouldn't be him. A part of me was screaming to just leave. Get out the flat and go to mum and dads. "You can always try again tomorrow night," I thought.

Unfortunately, I couldn't ignore what my heart wanted more than anything. I moved fast to the bed, grabbing the phone. As expected, nothing. My heart felt heavy, tears welling in my eyes.

"Don't worry" Harvey said from the mirror, "maybe I'll text eventually".

"I know you will" I replied.

Harvey fell silent. It unnerved me. That silence increased my fear, only now was I starting to piece together what was going on. But this couldn't be real surely. Just a bad dream.

I looked back at the reflection of Harvey.

"Do you know what I find curious about those noises you heard?" Harvey asked.

I tried to swallow my ever-increasing fear, "what?" I replied.

He chuckled, "well, your phone pinged, but there was no text, correct?"

My phone was blank in my hand. No text had come through.

"And what about the tapping?"

I glanced towards the ensuite. There hadn't been any leaking tap. "It was the rain outside," I replied, trying my best to sound brave.

"You're forgetting the most important one" he said eagerly.

I raised one eyebrow, hoping my shivering body wasn't too noticeable.

His reflection placed a hand on my shoulder. I looked at his hand, it was almost as if I could feel him. Emotion welled up inside me. It felt like Harvey was really here. "You haven't questioned the noises from upstairs".

"It was just the neighbours" I stammered.

He laughed. There was something behind that laugh. It sounded ever so slightly like breaking glass, or nails on a chalkboard. Then he asked, "don't you live on the top floor?"

I could feel the blood drain from my face, my breath caught in my throat. He was right. But what could've been making those sounds?

"Its ok" he cooed, his voice comforting in my ear, "I'm right here".

Another hand held my other shoulder. There was a warmth, a sense of safety that I'd been missing for so long.

When I looked up at him he seemed to be changing. His brown eyes were fading to empty sockets, it now felt cold where his hands lay on my shoulders, his grip tightening.

The last thing I saw was a toothy smile, his teeth now razor sharp, more like glass. Then he lunged.

Short StoryHorror

About the Creator

Joe Harris

A lover of writing with a tonne of thoughts and opinions stuck in his head. Lets see what comes out!

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    Joe HarrisWritten by Joe Harris

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