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A Pleasant Surprise

In an ordinary day

By Annette FriarPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
A Pleasant Surprise
Photo by Robert Zunikoff on Unsplash

My route to school each day would pass through the estate by the old local library. I'm not sure when the library closed its doors for the last time but I knew it was way before I was born.

The building fascinated me. The heavy oak doors were nearly falling off the hinges but I vowed one day I would push them aside and explore the vast rooms inside.

It was unclear as to why the building wasn't torn down or even restored but my father believed money was involved. It was his favourite subject, usually after a whiskey or two on a Sunday night, in which he would ramble on about "politics" and "money" and Mr Craven the local Police Inspector. I usually fell asleep at the point where Mr Craven was mentioned and never really understood his relevance to the story but each week I would try and stay awake in the hope of solving the mystery.

My school was at the far end of town, a couple of miles in total and most kids took the bus but I loved the walk to and from school. My mother was quite happy for me to walk, as I knew nearly everybody along the route and she felt it was good training for transition to big school due to happen in a years time.

I purposely left for school a little earlier than I needed to avoid the other kids and so that I could study the library with a good ten minutes to spare before the other kids descended.

My heart started to beat faster as I approached the corner and already I was visualizing the big, stained windows in my mind.

I slowed down as I turned the corner and purposely stared at the pavement relishing the vision about to appear before me. I slowly raised my eyes just to peek but a flash of orange caught my eye and I whipped my head up trying to make sense of what I was seeing.

The cobbled pavement leading up to the large doors were usually covered in a greyish sand. I don't remember ever seeing anyone sweep the path or for that matter cut the overgrown grass. Yet, today the pavement had been clearly swept, the grass was freshly mown and there were orange flowers planted along the verge.

I walked up to the fence that surrounded the library and peered over standing on tiptoes so that I could see better.

By Sarah Evans on Unsplash

The aroma wafted over to me, and I almost fell backwards in surprise.

I lifted my nose up to the scent, its deliciously sweet tangy smell caused me to groan slightly in pleasure.

"Oy" A raspy voice broke my concentration. "You there? What do you think you are doing?"

"Oh...Oh I'm so sorry." I stuttered. "I was just looking!"

"Just looking are you? Well I'm not sure I should let you do that really!"

A face appeared over the fence causing me to step backwards for real this time. His reddened cheeks, and stern mouth scared me slightly until I met his eyes. The lines around his eyes were soft, friendly and there was a twinkly look as he peered back at me.

"So lass, how can I help you exactly?"

" Oh " I was stumped for words. Strangely, I couldn't think of a single reason why I was I was looking! "The flowers...they're beautiful!" I exclaimed in a rush.

"You're quite right lass. They are beautiful. Do you know what they are called?"

I shook my head. My parents didn't know much about gardening and I must admit it wasn't my favourite subject either.

"Well, lass they're Marigolds"

"Oh right!" I tried to look interested but to be honest I was more intrigued by the changes happening to the library.

"But why have they been planted?" I really wanted to know. " I had had big plans to explore this building and now it looked as if it wasn't going to happen.

"Well, between you and me, someone has bought this old building and intends to live in it!"

"Oh!" My voice dropped to a whisper. Suddenly,I was devastated, no more secret looks or secret plans to explore inside. I felt sick.

"Why so glum ?"

"No reason" I couldn't tell him my thoughts. It was my secret. I slowly turned around back to the main path and back to reality, back to school.

It had taken several months of renovating but soon the old library had been transformed. The old, oak doors had been replaced with more practical doors which opened up into a glorious hallway. My bedroom was above the stairway, and every night I would look out of the round, stained glass window and hug myself. The Tangerine marigolds blossomed in the garden and each evening I would raise my nose heavenward just so that I could smell the sweet, tangy citrus smell. A very pleasant surprise indeed!

Short Story

About the Creator

Annette Friar

I have come late to writing as I've had lots to do and no time to do it!

It's my time now so please be patient as I intend to practise, practise and practise......

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    Annette FriarWritten by Annette Friar

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