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A Night In Egypt

5 Friends who had a Sinister night in Egypt

By Bilal HaiderPublished about a year ago 3 min read
A Night In Egypt
Photo by Nicolás Varela on Unsplash

It was supposed to be the trip of a lifetime. Five friends, Samantha, Tyler, Sarah, Alex, and Jake, had saved up for years to travel to Egypt and explore the ancient ruins. But as they settled into their hotel room for the night, a feeling of unease began to wash over them.

The hotel was old and musty, and the air conditioning struggled to keep up with the sweltering heat. They could hear the sounds of the bustling city outside, but there was an eerie stillness in their room.

As they prepared to go to bed, Sarah noticed something strange. There were hieroglyphics etched into the walls of their room. She pointed them out to her friends, and they all gathered around to take a closer look.

Tyler scoffed. "It's just some touristy decoration. Nothing to be scared of."

But as they settled into their beds, strange things began to happen. The air grew thick and heavy, and the sounds of the city faded away. They could hear whispers and murmurs coming from the walls, and the hieroglyphics seemed to glow with an otherworldly light.

Samantha sat up in bed, clutching her sheets tightly. "Guys, do you feel that?"

The others nodded, their eyes wide with fear. The room was alive with a strange energy, and they couldn't shake the feeling that they were being watched.

Suddenly, the door to their room creaked open, and a gust of wind blew through the room. They could hear footsteps approaching, slow and deliberate.

Alex leaped out of bed and ran to the door, slamming it shut and locking it. But the footsteps continued, growing louder and more urgent.

Sarah reached for her phone, but there was no signal. "We have to get out of here," she whispered.

Jake nodded. "Let's make a run for it. We can't stay here."

They all grabbed their bags and headed for the door, but as they reached for the handle, they heard a loud, guttural growl. They froze, their hearts pounding in their chests.

The growl turned into a roar, and the walls of the room began to shake. Tyler grabbed Samantha's hand and pulled her close, shielding her from the chaos.

Suddenly, the walls crumbled, and the room was engulfed in darkness. The five friends found themselves falling through a void, with no sense of up or down.

When they finally landed, they were in a vast underground chamber, filled with strange carvings and symbols. The air was thick with the smell of sand and ancient dust.

As they looked around, they realized that they were not alone. Something was moving in the shadows, watching them with cold, unblinking eyes.

They tried to run, but the creature was too fast. It chased them through the darkened tunnels, its claws scraping against the stone.

They stumbled upon a hidden chamber, filled with artifacts and treasures. But as they reached for the golden urns and jeweled statues, they realized that they were not alone.

The creature was there, waiting for them. It lunged at them with ferocious speed, its eyes glowing with an otherworldly light.

They fought for their lives, using whatever they could find as weapons. But the creature was too strong, and one by one, they fell.

As they lay dying on the cold stone floor, they could hear the whispers of ancient spirits, calling out to them from beyond the grave.

The five friends had come to Egypt in search of adventure, but they had found something much darker and more terrifying than they could have ever imagined.


About the Creator

Bilal Haider

A person who loves to share experiences and adventures .

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