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A New Start

Humans among the stars (prologue)

By Thaddeus J StirlingPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
A New Start
Photo by NASA on Unsplash

“Nobody can hear a scream in the vacuum of space, or so they say.”

‘Whomever claimed that, sure,they might have technically been right. But define a scream.’ The bobbing head on the display spoke as students across the sector watched on. “When we left the earth behind, the hundreds of craft departing the surface could be felt in orbit. Or so history has noted”.

The prerecorded instructor droned on. One point or another made as Jonas yawned. He hadn’t slept well the night before, he had spent most of it assisting his mother in correcting one systems failure after another.

“Does it really matter if they could be heard or not? That was a century ago. It’s not like it applies to us now.” He found himself muttering to himself. Civilization had stagnated and communications hadn’t really caught up to how humanity had spread across the solar system. Sure, there had been advances in technology, but it had been haphazard. It seemed those with the ability to invent new things either opted to congregate and co-operate, or to segregate themselves. Perfectly happy to study and work on private projects. Both had resulted in humanity surviving in the early days of sub orbital living. Certainly inventions from the later made the next generations more viable to settle on Mars, Io, and man made platforms of a more permanent nature.

Jonas glanced out the viewport. The ship for the most part drifted as it traveled between Mars Station and the newer facility near Io. He had felt ground beneath his feet perhaps a dozen times in his 14 years. He had spent no more than an hour or two in a classroom with other kids his age.

For “socialization” or so it had been explained to him. Kids he felt no connection with. Kids he would have no hope of connecting with, partially due to the nature of his family’s work, partially due to the time involved in creating lasting friendships.

Yet he didn’t really feel ‘alone’. “Some of those guys… I doubt they could…” his thoughts suddenly interrupted as a hand came down on his shoulder as the on screen instructor signed off.

“You know kiddo, this is all stuff you’ll need to know when you head to the academy next year yeah? Don’t be day dreaming”

Jonas smiled at his father, “yeah I know… it’s just… how is that useful? It’s just some old dead guy pontificating on…”

“No, no, you’ll need to know it one day. While it’s true sound doesn’t carry though space, there are times you swear it has.” The mans features smiled kindly “whether it’s imagined, or actual, it’ll have you wondering and even second guessing what you think you know. At least a dozen ships have been lost to so called ‘space madness’”

Jonas could only nod at that. He had heard the stories of early space farers limiting time in orbit, or in open space at the least. At least until some of the early nanites where developed to ease the bodies evolution to be a space faring race.

”Hey dad? Why CANT we just settle in on one of the bio domes or orbital platforms?” Jonas looked at his father. It’s not like he WANTED to be alone. It’s not like he WANTED to spend years on the cargo lane transfering goods to newer habitats.

”Look son, you know your grandfather was one of the first independents to leave Earth. You’ve also heard the stories of the great laws, and the great problems earth had as humans were forced to abandon it“ the pan paused a moment. “You also know the rights and freedoms we’ve gained as a part of being able to chart our own course”. He smiles softly. “Besides, life in the habitats isn’t as great as you might see on the vids”.

“It’s also… not like enough people managed to leave earth… the fate of humans… needs us nomadic merchants…”

Jonas nodded silently... It hadn’t been the first time he had heard the stories of the great exodus.

Sci Fi

About the Creator

Thaddeus J Stirling

I like to write.

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