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A Free Online Science Fiction Novel- “Liberty”- Chapter 50

Meet with sheriff in Liberty

By Blaine ColemanPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
Image credit: JosipPlecas-LiY0KIVeIjU-Unsplash

*Note- A short prologue is on chapter one. Each chapter has a link to the next to make reading it easier.

This is chapter fifty of an online novel, Liberty, A Daughter Universe Novel.

~ ~ ~

Liberty Township




"It’s nice to meet you Mr. Lucas and Miss Sarah,” Billy replied. “I don’t mind showing you the way. The ‘net’s down and I’ve finished all of my chores.” He smiled and gave Lucas a quick, sly nod.

~ ~ ~

“Okay, then,” Lucas said. “Lead the way. And call me Lucas and this is Sarah. No need for Mr. and Missis.”

“Yes, Sir,” Billy replied. “Lucas and Sarah. Got it.” He led them out through the revolving door to the sidewalk then stopped and faced them. “I heard what you told John about somebody clearing a road through the mountains. Some people up here would be really mad if that happened. I know my dad wouldn’t like it. He bought the hotel and moved us here to get away from the city. He says it’s crowded and dirty and he didn’t want me growing up there.”

“I’m sure this is a much nicer place to live,” Sarah said took a deep breath of the fresh mountain air- so much different than in the city. “And a lot healthier, especially for growing boys.”

Billy smiled. “I guess so. I know the city has lots of stuff for kids that we don’t, but I’ve got caves to explore and woods to play in. Me and my friends even have a tree fort my dad helped us build!” Billy seemed especially proud of that. “He said we’d be lucky to even find a tree in the city.”

A tree fort...” Lucas replied. “He’s right. You’d never see that anywhere else.”

“I know,” Billy replied with the confidence innate in boys his age. “The sheriff oughta be in his office.” Lucas and Sarah followed as Billy jogged ahead then stopped at a door near the street corner. He looked back at them and then entered the building with Lucas and Sarah right behind.

“Well, hello Billy,” the sheriff’s voice boomed as he stood from his desk. “What brings you down here? I would’ve thought you’d be out running around with your friends on such a nice day.”

“Hi Sheriff Adams,” Billy replied. “These are two guests from the hotel, and they need to talk to you.”

“I’m Lucas O’Connell, sheriff, and this is Sarah Morgan.”

The sheriff reached to tip his hat only to realize he’d hung it on the hat rack when he’d entered the office, so he nodded and smiled at Sarah. “Ma’am”, then turned back to Lucas.

“O’Connell? Patrick O’Connell’s grandson?”

“Yes sir,” Lucas replied. “Poppa brought me here when I was a kid, but I haven’t been back since. I wish I had made time for a visit earlier.”

The sheriff’s face took on a slightly somber look. “We were all sad to hear he passed away.” The gravity in the sheriff’s voice was clear. How does he know Poppa passed away? I guess rumors do travel fast. I just told Chuck, less than an hour ago. “Your grandfather was a fine man.”

“Thank you,” Lucas replied. “I heard a couple of stories about Poppa from the guys down at the car show. I didn’t know he had been so important to Liberty. And please call me Lucas. Mr. O’Connell is my father.”

“Okay, then, and the sheriff smiled. “Lucas it is.”

“And I’m Sarah, sheriff; no need for the formalities.”

“If you insist, then hello Sarah.”

“Now that that’s out of the way, let me say that it’s always nice to meet visitors to our little town,” he said with a broad smile as he shook hands with both, then winked. “That’s what I’m supposed to tell all visitors. I guess you folks are here for the big show?”

“Yes, Sir,” Lucas replied. “I brought Poppa’s- uh- my Buick to enter. We came early to make it a long weekend.”

Sheriff Adams smiled. “That’s good to hear,” he said. “The longer you can stay the better. Now, what can I do for you folks?”

Billy spoke up. “They said there’s a road being cut through the mountains and thought you should know about it.”

“What do you mean, a road in the mountains, Billy?” the sheriff said, a hint of suspicion in his voice. “There ain’t nothing in the mountains but woods, Billy. You know that.” He paused for a few moments. “Why don’t you folks take a seat and fill me in on the details.”

“Thank you, sheriff,” Lucas said, and he and Sarah sat in chairs at the desk while the Sheriff Adams settled in across from them. They told him everything they had seen, including the damage to the farmhouse. The sheriff listened without comment and considered what they had told him. He lowered his eyebrows, looked doubtful about their story. Lucas realized this was probably not the first time someone from the city had been confused by some piece of farming equipment they had never seen before and gone to the sheriff about it.

“Ann Chuck said you stopped at the McCollister farmhouse?” The sheriff thought for a moment. “It’s been empty for five years or so. I think the children can’t decide how to split up the proceeds if it’s sold. It’s a valuable piece of property.”

“Well, I appreciate you taking the time to report what you saw back near the McCollister place,” he said. “Too close to dark now but I’ll check on it first thing in the morning.”

The sheriff stood from his desk. Lucas and Sarah did the same. “Mr. O’o- er- Lucas. I assume you’ll be taking your grandfather’s seat on the Board?”

Lucas nodded. Yes,” he said. “I really should’ve been out here sooner. Poppa passed almost six years ago. I’ll be sure to make the next meeting.”

Sheriff Adams shook Lucas’ hand, tipped an imaginary hat at Sarah, and walked them to the door. “If I find out anything, I’ll be sure to let you know,” he said. “But you two relax and enjoy your weekend. I doubt there’s anything to worry about.”

~ ~ ~

After waiting outside the hotel for no more than ten minutes, Duncan watched Lucas O’Connell and that hot chick come back out through the hotel’s revolving door. A pre-teen boy led them down the sidewalk toward the sheriff’s office.

What’s he up to? Duncan wondered. It doesn’t matter, the sheriff can’t do anything, anyway. No one can stop what’s coming. Duncan stayed out of view as Lucas, Sarah and Billy left the sheriff’s office and walked back to the hotel. A tight smile crept across his face. Things should start to get interesting, soon.

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Next Chapter

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This was originally posted on

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Sci Fi

About the Creator

Blaine Coleman

I enjoy a quiet retirement with my life partner and our three dogs.

It is the little joys in life that matter.

I write fiction and some nonfiction.

A student of life, the flow of the Tao leads me on this plane of existence.

Spirit is Life.

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    Blaine ColemanWritten by Blaine Coleman

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