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18 keys

By Rigved and Kyle

By Rigved VangaPublished about a year ago 6 min read
18 keys
Photo by Michael Dziedzic on Unsplash

One frigid Saturday Kyle and Rigved were on a camping trip. Kyle and Rigved went out to gather firewood in the cold breezes of the night because Kyle’s father said so.“I think we have enough firewood.”, said Kyle. “Yup," said Rigved. The boys headed back arms full of firewood they soon found themselves face to face with a tall rusty gate. “Hey this wasn’t here before.”, said Kyle “There is a note on the gate.”, said Rigved. He picked it up. “It says 18 keys.”, states Rigved. “What does that mean.”, said Kyle. They looked up to find 18 keyholes “does that answer your question?”, said Rigved “Awoooooooooo,grrrrrrr.” “What…was….that!”, said the two boys teeth chattering. “RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!”they screamed. Both boys locked into a sprint.

“Why are we running again?”, asked Kyle.“THERE IS A PACK OF HUNGRY WEREWOLVES RIGHT BEHIND US!”, yelled Rigved. “Look a rusty chariot.”, said Kyle. “This?”, said Rigved.The boys hopped in. “Look a key!”, said Kyle. “Hmmnn I guess it looks right.”, said Rigved. “One down 17 to go!”, said Kyle. Suddenly the chariot broke, and the boys lay unconscious. They later woke up in a cold dungeon. “Hey there is a note on the wall.”, said Kyle “It’s a poem,” said Rigved as he read the poem. “The key is the key to the dungeon doors steal his key and go outdoors Find the statue that once was gold then travel northwest to the devil’s hold.” read Rigved.“I think there’s another key here with one of the werewolves!”, said Kyle. He then stopped “Wait I know what key it is.”, said Kyle. He took out the key from the chariot from his pocket. The boys unlocked the door and went off to find the other key. The boys saw 100’s of werewolves fast asleep. “Good that they are not awake.”, said Kyle. The boys went to the end of the hallway. They crept inside a door to find a humongous werewolf sleeping next to a shining bronze key. The boys slowly grabbed the key when suddenly Rigved saw two rings. He gave one to ring to Kyle. “Here put this on .”, whispered Rigved. The boys put the rings and snuck out. “I got the key .”, said Kyle. The boys slipped through the exit. “Maybe the rings will help us find the statue.”, said Kyle. He pointed his ring up, and a white beam of light shot out and pointed west. The boys started to walk west. They came upon a broken-down statue with gold bits on it, it pointed northwest. The two children began to walk northwest. After an hour of walking the boys reached a crooked old hotel. The double doors slowly creaked open. The boys were shocked to hear a loud laugh coming from upstairs. They stepped inside.

All of a sudden the doors closed “...weird.”, thought Rigved. Suddenly a five-headed snake passed by. The boys blinked, it was gone. “Am I dreaming ?”, said Kyle. “Maybe you are.”, said Rigved. Suddenly a room numbered 666 appeared in front of the boys, and they went inside. The boys found a doll on the ceiling, two beds, and a broken window. The boys went to bed. Suddenly they both woke up. “Hey, the doll is on the window now.”, said Kyle. “It’s 2:30 in the morning .”, said Rigved. A slow smile spread across the doll's face. “He, he, he.”, said the doll. Kyle muttered,” R-r-run!”. They burst through doors and ran through quarters, the boys then reached a dead end. “Bye-bye.’’, said the doll. The boys held up their rings and disintegrated the doll in an instant. The boys went back to room 666 and surprisingly the doll was still there lingering on the wall. They noticed the doll pointing to a trapdoor behind the two boys. They walked down the long staircase that was inside the trapdoor. They soon found a small room. Through a gap in the door, they saw 5 shining bronze keys. They entered the tiny room to find an unheard-of creature “Do you know my name, well if you don’t I’m the devil.”, It said.“Can you give us give us the keys?”, asked Kyle. “NO,” said the devil “But you can fight me for it”.The boys pointed their rings at the devil. The devil got trapped in a ring of light they grabbed the keys and exited the hotel. They could still hear the devil roaring and struggling to get out. They saw an old ruined temple in the distance “Let’s search over there.”, said Rigved. They then ran off to check

The boys rushed to the top of the temple and there they found 11 keys in the center of a pattern that was surrounded by candles. The moment the boys stepped into the ring of candles the pattern shot out dark light that later intersected in the air. At that moment an old sage came up behind them “Oh-no.”, said the sage “What do you mean oh-no?”, asked Kyle. “First step back.”, said the sage. The boys stepped out of the ring of candles “Shall I tell you the ancient prophecy?”, asked the sage “Um…Okay.”, said the boys “There was once a kind beast who helped raise the children and took care of the cattle but it was not to be forever, for one day a restless demonic spirit took control of the beast and created 18 keys and scattered them all around this forest, the beast additionally created a gate to let no one escape without all 18 keys but 1 day 4 brave heroes had sealed the beast away in the temple, so my friends you now understand. And also the beast was renamed the Lord Of The Keys after creating the 18 keys, so now you see you have awakened the ancient Lord Of The Keys.”, told the sage “But what about the dark energy? asked Kyle “Oh well, I’ll get the weapons,” said the sage “What! Weapons!”, the boys shouted. “Well how else will you kill The Lord Of The Keys?”, asked the sage “Okay.”, said the boys

An hour later the sage was heading back arms full of staffs “Why are they all staffs” asked Kyle. “Well these are filled with magic,” said the sage “YOU HAVE AWAKENED ME” a loud voice thundered behind them “Take the staffs now!”, ordered the sage. The boys had no hesitation and took the staffs. They pointed their staffs and an amazing blast of light hit the Lord. “RAAAH” shouted the beast in pain. Kyle grabbed the keys and ran out of the temple to the sage who was holding the sacred candles “I’ll perform the ritual you get home!”, shouted the sage. The sage snapped his fingers and a portal appeared below the boys they were sucked in. In an instant, the boys found themselves right at the gate. “This is where it all started right Kyle?”, Said Rigved “Yup.”, said Kyle. They unlocked the gate and headed home.

Later that day Rigved and Kyle learned that they had been gone for 3 whole months! Kyle spits out his milk “We spent 3 MONTHS in the forest!?”Shouted Kyle in absolute confusion. “Apparently we lost track of time” said Rigved “WE MISSED THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!”, shouted Kyle. “Oh yeah we did,” said Rigved “HOW CAN YOU BE SO CALM!?”, Kyle loudly stated. “I have not the slightest idea, eh maybe it’s a side effect from staying that long in the forest.”, said Rigved. Right at that moment there was a knock at the door. The boys went to get it.

When the boys opened their front door they were in for quite a shock. The old sage was right at their doorstep! “It’s you and did you perform the ritual?”, asked the boys“First my name is Elron and second no the great lord is still out there.”, said the sage. “So Elron, if the lord escaped where is he now?”, asked Rigved. “The lord is traveling North to the great Arctic.”, answered Elron “ Is that our Arctic or is it not?”, asked Kyle. “It is an Arctic from another dimension.”, said Elron .“But how will we get there?”, said Rigved “You’ll aid me in the quest, oh well we will ride Draco my dragon.”, said Elron. “Wait we’re going on a quest and you have a dragon!?”, shouted the boys. “Are you coming or not?”, asked Elron. “Of course, we are we’ll just pack a few things” responded Rigved. Later they were heading out and climbing onto Draco.

The boys and the Elron were out of the atmosphere in seconds while riding on Draco. “Huh, how am I able to breathe?”, asked Kyle. “I don’t know but I think it has something to do with Draco,” said Elron. Just then Draco opened a warp in time-space. The 3 of them went off to their next adventure, one to finally stop the Lord Of The Keys.


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Rigved Vanga

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    Rigved VangaWritten by Rigved Vanga

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