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What Veganism and Environmentalism Have In Common and Is It Possible To Convert Others to a Vegan Lifestyle?

Veganism and Environmentalism and Convert Others to a Vegan Lifestyle

By Adrian PraljakPublished 4 years ago 5 min read

A lot of people want to go vegan because it is something they believe lines up with their morals. They are against cruelty toward animals and want to do something meaningful that will contribute to their liberation or to a better and more humane treatment during their lives in the factory farms where most of them are raised. This can be a very noble and worthy goal, but there is more to it than that.

Going vegan is important not just to show that animals are important, but also because the environment is affected as well. The same factory farms that are abusing the animals and keeping them in inhumane living conditions are also huge contributors to global warming and other environmental destruction. The toxic runoff from these farms infects the water supplies, and the methane gas that is emitted in the farms, specifically cow farms, is horrifying. That gas can deplete the ozone, which ultimately contributes to global warming.

It is a horrible connection. Not only do factory farms cause needless suffering for the end goal of upping production of meat products, but it also ultimately causes issues in our water. There have been studies done of coral reefs that are affected by hormones and have been found to be sensitive enough that they have even caught sexually transmitted diseases from polluted water runoff.

If this isn’t a sign that we, as a species, have some responsibility to take with our practices regarding the environment and the foods we eat, or don’t eat, then it is hard to say what is. We all have the power to make a difference. Every single choice we make can contribute to a better lifestyle, whether for ourselves, our animal companions, or our families, friends, and future generations.

Some people may think that veganism and environmentalism are mutually exclusive. They may not realize the very direct impact that factory farms have on the environment. Not only are they massively toxic and unethical, but they can even cause issues with food distribution.

That seems counterintuitive, doesn’t it? But the unfortunate fact of the matter is that each factory farm that feeds cows uses a lot of farm land to produce their feed. The cows eat the grains, then they are slaughtered and eaten. However, if there is a food shortage as many people claim, those farms could be utilized to grow food to feed starving humans, not to feed cows that are ultimately slain and eaten. The food yield would be much higher if they were dedicated to foods that are beneficial for the human diet rather than the cow’s diet.

It can be very beneficial to live a vegan lifestyle. If you find it to be a difficult transition, remembering that you are supporting the concept of a better way of life with the choices you make should provide a boon. Remember that we hold the future in our hands, and if we aren’t fighting every step of the way to make it better, then nobody else will.

Convert Others to a Vegan Lifestyle?

One thing many people attempt to do is to push their values and beliefs on to others. In fact, it is unfortunately one of the things that vegans are infamous for. Because it is such an emotional issue and one that involves things that are deeply passionate and that seem very urgent, many vegans will do very extreme things to get attention for their cause. The suffering these animals endure is remarkable, and those who are connected to it and wish to prevent it may feel that pain almost as if it is their own. So of course they are eager for it to end.

The sad thing about it is that the more urgent and pushy we may be to explain why the issue is important, the faster it seems the rest of society dismisses us. They do not want to feel responsible for the pain that the animals are enduring. They do not feel personally involved in the way these animals are raised or the things that happen to them before and after they are slaughtered. We have been taught that food just simply comes to us in these pre-packaged forms and we should be grateful we have anything to eat at all.

Truth be told, being vegan is a luxury. We are lucky to have the option. Some places are not so lucky and they are impoverished enough that if they are not eating meat they are starving. So of course there is a lot of high tensions around attempting to convert others to a vegan lifestyle. We want to help spread an ideal of love and unity and peace for all, including the innocent animals. But it is simply something that is difficult to do. We are all very personally involved in the foods we eat and the lifestyle we live. Asking someone to give up meat can almost feel like asking them to give up their mother. They don’t respond to it well.

However, one of the greatest ways to lead is by example. We may not get very far preaching and spouting out facts and statistics and trying to guilt trip people for the way they are eating. But they will see us and admire that we have made a choice that is out of the norm. many people will say they have thought about it but they know they could never do it. You can take this as an opportunity to ask questions. Like, why can’t they do it? You can inform them on ways it has made you feel better, and things that you do to make it easier for yourself. You can even suggest they simply try a meatless Monday every once in a while just to get used to the idea. Even one day of not eating meat makes a difference in the life of the animal that isn’t being eaten.

If you practice what you preach, you will have more sway. But try not to be too pushy, or you could push others right in the opposite direction!


About the Creator

Adrian Praljak

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