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By D.Priyanga chandrasekarPublished about a year ago 4 min read


Weaning, or the process of introducing solid foods to a baby's diet, is an exciting milestone for both parents and infants. While breast milk or formula is the primary source of nutrition for babies in their first year of life, starting solids can provide important nutrients and help develop their taste and texture preferences.

When starting weaning, it is important to introduce foods gradually and one at a time to help identify any potential food allergies or intolerances.


Start with single-ingredient foods: Start with simple and nutritious foods, such as mashed fruits and vegetables, pureed meats, and single-grain cereals. Avoid adding salt, sugar, or spices as babies' taste buds are sensitive and may not be able to handle strong flavours.

Offer a variety of foods: Introduce a range of different textures and flavours to help develop your baby's palate. This can include soft fruits and vegetables like bananas, sweet potatoes, and avocado or cooked meats and fish.

Gradually increase texture: As your baby becomes comfortable with smooth purees, start to introduce thicker textures with small lumps or soft finger foods. This can help them learn how to chew and swallow more solid foods.

Be mindful of choking hazards: Avoid offering foods that can be choking hazards, such as whole grapes, nuts, popcorn, and hard candy. Cut food into small pieces and supervise your baby while they eat.

Offer water with meals: Introduce sips of water with meals to help your baby learn how to drink from a cup. Avoid offering juice or sweetened beverages as they can be high in sugar.

Follow your baby's cues: Let your baby guide the weaning process and pay attention to their hunger and fullness cues. Don't force your baby to eat if they're not interested or full, and avoid using food as a reward or punishment.

Weaning can be a fun and exciting time for both you and your baby. By introducing a variety of nutritious foods and following your baby's cues, you can help them develop healthy eating habits that will last a lifetime.


Here are five recipes for weaning foods that are nutritious and easy to make:

Apple and pear puree:

  • Peel, core, and chop one apple and one pear.
  • Steam or boil the fruit until soft.
  • Mash or blend until smooth, adding a little boiled water to thin as needed.

Sweet potato and carrot mash:

  • Peel and chop one sweet potato and two carrots.
  • Steam or boil the vegetables until soft.
  • Mash with a fork or blend until smooth, adding a little boiled water or breast milk/formula to thin as needed.

Avocado and banana puree

  • Mash one ripe banana and one ripe avocado together.
  • Add a little boiled water or breast milk/formula to thin to a smooth consistency.

Chicken and vegetable puree:

  • Cook 1-2 chicken thighs in a saucepan with enough water to cover for around 20 minutes, until fully cooked through.
  • Steam or boil a variety of vegetables such as carrots, broccoli, and peas.
  • Blend the chicken and vegetables until smooth, adding a little boiled water or breast milk/formula to thin as needed.

Lentil and vegetable stew:

  • Rinse and soak 1 cup of red lentils in cold water for at least 30 minutes.
  • In a saucepan, sauté one chopped onion and a minced garlic clove in olive oil until softened.
  • Add 2 cups of water, the drained lentils, and a mix of chopped vegetables such as carrots, sweet potato, and spinach.
  • Simmer for 30-40 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the lentils and vegetables are soft and tender.

Pumpkin and lentil puree:

  • Peel and chop half a pumpkin.
  • Cook lentils until tender, then add the pumpkin and blend until smooth.

Zucchini and quinoa puree:

  • Peel and chop one zucchini.
  • Cook quinoa according to package instructions, then add the zucchini and blend it.

Blueberry and Oatmeal Puree:

  • Combine 1/2 cup of cooked oatmeal and 1/2 cup of fresh or frozen blueberries in a blender or food processor.
  • Add a little boiled water or breast milk/formula to thin to a smooth consistency.

Spinach and Broccoli Puree:

  • steam or boil a handful of spinach leaves and a few broccoli florets until soft.
  • Mash with a fork or blend until smooth.

Pumpkin and Banana Puree:

  • Peel and chop 1 cup of pumpkin into small pieces.
  • Steam or boil the pumpkin until soft.
  • Mash the cooked pumpkin with a ripe banana until smooth.

Brown Rice and Vegetable Puree:

  • Rinse 1/4 cup of brown rice and cook in boiling water until tender.
  • Steam or boil a mix of vegetables such as carrots, green beans, and peas.
  • Blend the cooked rice and vegetables until smooth, adding a little boiled water or breast milk/formula to thin as needed.

Potato and Carrot Mash:

  • Peel and chop one potato and one carrot.
  • Steam or boil the vegetables until soft.
  • Mash with a fork or


Remember to start with small amounts and gradually increase them as your baby becomes more comfortable with solid foods. Enjoy making these nutritious and tasty weaning recipes for your little one!


About the Creator

D.Priyanga chandrasekar


mama for girl baby


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