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Trying TikTok heathy recipes part one

Mozzarella basil salad

By Miquela WallacePublished 4 years ago 2 min read

The last few years, TikTok has become sensational! With videos and content from almost every single category and neich imaginable. There is no shortage of entertainment, and inspiration.

I recently have embarked on my own personal health journey, both mental and physical. So my for you page is filled with art, healthy food recipes, and fun and quirky exercise routines. So I decided that, I’m going to try a TikTok inspired cook book of sorts. I’m going to make and taste, different recipes I find on my for you page, and review them. I’m going to base them on three things. 1)level- how simple it difficult was this to make. 2) time-How long did it take to make. 3) taste- does it make taste as good as it looks online?

So without further-ado let’s dive straight into my first review!

This recipe calls for:

-Mozzarella pearls.

-Fresh basil (Cut into fine strips or piece)

-Cherry tomatoes ( sliced.)

-Avocado (Diced)

-Lemon juice.

-Balsamic Glaze

- Everything bagel seasoning.

-Spinach (Optional.)

Mix all of the ingredients in a salad bowl. And top with the glaze and bagel seasoning.

I am actually surprised at how easy this was to make. The whole process from prep to plate, took less the five minutes. This is definitely A super quick and healthy meal or snack that can be taken to work for a lunch, or eaten on the Go. If your in a crunch, its easy to make in bulk, and have for a few days. 10/10 for level and time.

I also as amazed At how well it tasted! Seriously, this is so good, Id pay money at a fancy Italian bristo to have it served to me. Not only where my taste buds jamming out to the decadent flavors, My eyes where in awe of how well it looked plated. My mother used to own her own restaurant, and when I say that the presentation of the food is almost more important then the food itself, I'm not kidding. This didn't take hours to make look nice, or any kind of elaborate stacking or fondant designs. It looked good naturally! A little creative drizzle of the glaze on top.., and bam! I just unlocked my chef skills. This defiantly tasted better then I looked or sounded online. I for one am not a huge fan of tomatoes. So for me to be going gaga over a dish with my least favorite Fruit(?) Its defiantly worth it.

Overall, I would recommend this salad to everyone. Its simple, delicious and a healthy alterative to other side dishes and meals. I hope you all give it a try.

As I continue on my journey for health and wellness, the more I find food recipes that more I become impowered to want to continue to thrive!

This is just one of hundred of health recipes out there, and the sheer amount is way to many for one person to tackle.

But I think the best way to keep myself encouraged is by helping others too. So I’m going to be making quite a few more of theses reviews in the near future. I’m really excited to share the things that I find with everyone. Maybe this will help someone gain the knowledge, the drive to make small changes towards a healthier lifestyle.

We all are deserving of health and wellness. Each and every person!

Don’t forget to credit the amazing TikTok creator who inspired this recipe and made me feel like eating healthy isn’t so hard after all!


About the Creator

Miquela Wallace

Starting my path as a Personal Health Coach!

Grad date set 07/2021 (I.I.N)

passionate about helping others become the best versions of themselves.

Striving to live in a better world!

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