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Top 10 Veggies for Weight Loss

Vegetables are the best food to eat when you’re trying to lose weight. They’re low in calories, full of fiber and nutrients, and are super-easy to cook, making them the ideal weight-loss food.

By Anirban BosePublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 5 min read
Top 10 Veggies for Weight Loss
Photo by ja ma on Unsplash

The two most important aspects of any diet are being vegan and being balanced. Vegan diets tend to be very calorie-restricted, so you’ll want to add in protein foods (beans, nuts, soy products) and healthy fats (e.g., olive oil, flaxseed oil) to ensure you get enough calories in each day. The best way to do that is by eating a wide variety of veggies—the more colors on your plate, the better!

1) Broccoli

This is a great food choice because it’s low in fat and calories, but it’s got a healthy dose of dietary fiber, protein, vitamin C and many other nutrients. Fiber can help you lose weight by making you feel full so that you eat less overall. Broccoli is also high in glucoraphanin, which has been shown to have anti-cancer properties (which can help prevent obesity). On top of all of that, broccoli helps regulate blood sugar levels so you won’t experience those dips that lead to food cravings later on. To add some broccoli to your diet, try it raw in a salad or steamed as a side dish with dinner. You can also toss some into pasta dishes or stir-fries as well.

2) Cauliflower:

With only 20 calories per cup, cauliflower is a low-calorie, low-carb veggie. It also contains a lot of vitamin C and other minerals. It's delicious in mashed cauliflower, roasted cauliflower, sautéed cauliflower, and other meals. . A simple side dish of boiled or roasted vegetables might aid weight loss without making you feel deprived. You can even manufacture rice out of cauliflower by grating it into tiny bits in a food processor, which is nearly indistinguishable from rice in both appearance and taste. This adds extra serving of vegetables to your meal without altering its flavor. !

3) Zucchini

Zucchini is an excellent fat-burning vegetable. There are just over 20 calories in a cup of cooked zucchini, and one cup contains about 4 grams of fiber. This makes it a good choice if you’re trying to lose weight because eating high-fiber foods can help you feel full on fewer calories. According to WebMD, people who eat higher-fiber diets tend to have healthier body weights than those who don’t get enough fiber in their diets. Zucchini also has no fat or cholesterol and is very low in sodium.

4) Celery

Kale is great as a low-calorie, high-fiber food. This veggie is also packed with antioxidants, making it one of the best veggies for weight loss and nutrition. Additionally, kale contains essential minerals such as calcium and vitamin K that are essential to maintaining healthy bones. Another benefit of kale is that it provides energy that lasts longer than many other veggies making it better at controlling cravings and keeping you full throughout your day.

5) Kale

Full of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, kale is a weight-loss winner. Its low caloric value and high fiber content fill you up while its vitamin K levels help regulate your metabolism. Additionally, its calcium and potassium levels play a role in fluid retention—helping to curb bloating. This dark leafy green also slows carb absorption so your body burns calories faster. Other veggies that belong on your list of top veggies for weight loss include Brussels sprouts, broccoli and spinach. These are good options as well? Enjoy!

6) Tomatoes

Tomatoes, like all lycopene-rich produce, is an excellent addition to your weight loss diet. A 2012 study found that a high intake of tomato products was linked to a lower risk of obesity. Lycopene is an antioxidant found in tomatoes, it has been suggested that the antioxidant properties help protect against free radical damage and reduce low-density lipoprotein oxidation (the worst type of cholesterol). Additionally, lycopene also reduces fat accumulation in liver cells and may be especially helpful for those suffering from nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). When buying fresh tomatoes look for riper ones as they have more lycopene than unripe ones. You should not eat grape or cherry tomatoes since they are higher in sugar content compared to larger varieties.

7) Spinach

This leafy green is a veritable treasure trove of nutrients and antioxidants. One cup of raw spinach provides you with over 100% of your daily recommended value of vitamin K, which supports bone health and is also linked to lower rates of heart disease. In addition, a one-cup serving provides 15% of your daily value of iron, which helps build red blood cells and can even support brain health. Spinach is also filled with phytonutrients that help suppress appetite, increase satiety (so you eat less) and improve digestion.

8) Leeks

Leeks are a powerhouse of nutrition, containing compounds that have been shown to protect against cardiovascular disease and even cancer. They're also high in inulin, a type of soluble fiber that's been linked to weight loss. Plus, they are one of few vegetables that contain vitamin B12, which has been shown to reduce levels of homocysteine—an amino acid that has been linked to heart disease risk when elevated—according to a recent study. Leeks are such powerful detoxifiers that some people claim eating them daily can boost your liver’s ability to detoxify alcohol! To lose weight safely but quickly, try adding leeks into your diet instead of other veggies on a regular basis.

9) Asparagus

With just 33 calories per cup, asparagus is a smart addition to any weight-loss diet. Asparagus contains a compound called asparagine, which aids in breaking down fat and may help prevent obesity and alleviate symptoms of diabetes, explains Dr. Axe. Plus, according to one study, cooked asparagus may reduce insulin resistance, which can help keep your blood sugar levels in check. Cook it with olive oil and season it with salt and pepper for an easy side dish or add it to salads and stir-fries—asparagus is versatile enough to find its way into lots of recipes during cooking! he says.

10) Lettuce

Lettuce is an incredibly filling and low-calorie option that's also high in fiber. Some varieties of lettuce are even known to help speed up metabolism. Lettuce is great in a salad or as a wrap, but it can also be used as a sandwich filler or tasty addition to other dishes, like fajitas and stir-frys. Make sure to use various types of lettuce on your plate at once; different types have slightly different flavors and textures and offer distinct nutritional benefits.

To Wrap Things Up!

Going vegan doesn’t mean your days of eating delicious food are over. Yes, processed vegan foods can be high in sugar and fat, but there are plenty of great options out there that will nourish your body while satisfying those cravings.

And if you really want to lose weight naturally and quickly, check out this fantastic product by clicking the links below:

Weight Loss Meal Plan

Fat Burner Men

Fat Burner Women


About the Creator

Anirban Bose


My name is Anirban, and I'm from India. I'm an E-Book and article writer with plenty of expertise. Article writing, E-Book writing, report writing, academic writing, blogposts, and social media posts are among my specialties.

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