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There are many things in life that we can't just do what we want to do

How to cope with the things in life you can't do anything about

By KurandaPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
There are many things in life that we can't just do what we want to do
Photo by Ryan Yao on Unsplash

Work hard on the cause, and follow the fate

There are many things in life that we can't just do as we wish.

For example, when we get sick, when we die, how much money we make, how long our company will be around, where it will go, where our children's IQ is lower than others, and so on. We simply can't predict or control that. So what are we supposed to do? Should we just suffer and fret?

Buddhism offers a solution: work hard on the cause and follow the fate of the result! Confucianism also offers a way: to do your best and listen to God's destiny.

Some may say, "Isn't that negative?

So, are suffering, worry, anxiety, and fear positive? Is cursing this, blaming that, making useless efforts, or even wrong efforts, positive?

The true way to be positive and wise is to "give in"! To "give" is not to be helpless, but to be actively "transformed". The greatest thing in Chinese culture and Buddhism is "transformation".

Turning troubles into Bodhisattva, sin into virtue, poverty into wealth, ugliness into goodness, obstacles into success, disaster into grace!

But the key to "transformation" is twofold: energy and technique.

In our lives, energy is merit and technique is dharma.

"Handing over" is a magical way to transform quickly and effectively.

There are three aspects of "surrender".

The first is to "give" oneself to what one is (oneself).

The first is to "give" oneself (oneself), to give one's heart and soul to the task.

The second is to "give" to the Divine (the law).

The second is "to the heavens" (the law), to follow the law, to follow the water to its conclusion.

Thirdly, "to" faith (other power).

Relying on the power of the sages and virtues, to perform beyond the norm.

You know, the Buddhists say that there are three kinds of power in the universe.

One is the power of self-merit (one's power)

Secondly, the power of Dharma Karma (the power of nature)

Thirdly, the power of Karma (the power of the sages' merit and virtue)

An animal can only use the first power, a human being can use the first two powers, and a wise person uses all three together. To give is to use all three powers together.

Plum Blossom


Surrender to what is, to oneself

The first level of "surrender" is to give oneself to one's duty.

It is like a tree that gives itself to the earth, to the sun, to the rain, and to time, and it will grow better and better. If there are no roots and no sunlight, it will not grow well. So we must do everything without second thoughts, with all our heart, with all our soul, and with 100% effort.

For example, when we are in any company and working we give ourselves to the company with all our heart and soul and the work.

It is the same with being a monk, it is also a matter of whether we have given ourselves wholeheartedly to the Buddha, to all sentient beings, to such a cause. When chanting the Buddha's name, have you given yourself wholeheartedly to the Buddha's compassionate aspiration? If we do, we will achieve something, and we will be inspired.

The word "surrender" may seem easy, but it is very crucial to have a sincere and wholehearted "surrender".

Plum Blossom


Surrender to the Divine, Surrender to the Law

The second level of "surrender" is to surrender to the heavens and the law.

We don't know when the peach blossom will bloom or when the fruit will ripen, we can't decide that.

We just do the best we can, like watering and caring, and then wait for the results, whatever they may be. What do you do when the grapes on the tree are sour in May? Get angry? Hurling abuse? Or complain? Or pour sugar water on its roots every day? None of these will help. The best thing to do is to give it to regularity, to time, and in another two months, it will be sweet.

Does giving it over here make it inactive? Not, we need to take care of the peach and vine trees.

Again, for example, if a child can't move a table, give it to an adult. We can't fix a computer, give it to a repair shop. We can't walk to Beijing, we leave it to the high-speed train or the plane. But what about not doing anything? A child has to go and call an adult, we have to take the computer to the repair shop, we have to get to the high-speed train station or the airport ourselves!

This shows that the second level of "giving" is based on the first level of "giving".

Only when we know how to "hand over" will our worries be reduced, our careers will be smooth and our life will be lighter.


Surrender to faith, to Buddha

The third level of "surrender" is to surrender to faith and Buddha.

To "hand it over" is to ask the Buddhas, Bodhisattva, and sages to use their compassion and wisdom, their aspirations and merits, and the might and light that they have cultivated over the immeasurable amount of time to help us achieve our wishes.

It is as if the sun is shining in the northwest and we give the solar panels to the sun to get hot water or electricity; we install the wind turbines and let the wind help us to propel the electricity. Without faith, it is like having no photovoltaic panels or wind turbines; the merits and wishes of the Buddha and Bodhisattva are like sunlight and wind, even if they are great, they will not produce any effect and will not benefit us in the slightest.

When it comes to faith, people may think that it is very simple, just burn incense and pay homage. You know, faith is also like reading, there is kindergarten and there is a P h. D. Like the internet, there are 3 G, 4 G, and also 5 G, with different speeds. Also like photovoltaic panels, there is a conversion rate - that is, the efficiency of converting the sun into electricity.

So, in addition to simple and devout faith, dharma skills are very, very important.

In the universe, with the Buddhas and Bodhisattva, there is infinite love, infinite wisdom, infinite power, infinite merit, infinite blessings, and infinite grace, so why do we still lack love, lack power, lack wisdom, lack blessings? What is the reason?

The answer is that we have not given enough! How do we give it over? The easiest way is to recite Sumatra, mantras, and Buddhas. With every recitation of the Buddha's name, we hand over our physical and mental world, karma, worries, disasters, illnesses, troubles, fears, concerns, helplessness and other good things, bad things and wishes to Tabitha Buddha and the Western Elysium.

The Elysium is limitless, infinitely beautiful, and built with infinite merit, so after we give any karmic obstacle to the Buddha and the Elysium, it can all become beautiful!

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