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The Perfect Pairing

Boiled eggs and apples with cinnamon

By Kerri MiLLsPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
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There is something fascinating about the coming together of two substances, two objects, two atoms, two people, two foods. We, as people, as matter, as objects, are all about connecting; coming together. We rise together. We fall together. We drink together, we eat together.

One morning I woke up to the fragrance of freshly, cooked cinnamon, sprinkled over perfectly chopped and fried apples. In the other pot was steaming hot water with eggs boiling and a man with a smile. An interesting combination to say the least.

My boyfriend stood there. Smile on his face...cooking up a storm. Apples and cinnamon. An exsquiste taste. Tasty, natural, healthy apples with a dash of cinnamon for flavor. Who would have thought this combination would have gone nicely together. A hard-boiled, perfectly cooked egg with yoke, just a tad runny.

The combination sat perfectly on my tongue. Like a snowflake in the winter; snuggled up in your robe, fire on the fireplace, glass of wine in hand, the natural, savory taste reminds me of my first bite in the morning. The mixture of the soft and runny yolk, egg whites, apples melted in cinnamon. Light. Easy. Relaxing. Refreshing. Delicious.

Sweet and bitter at the same time, I wash it down my mouth. The first glass. The first bite. My taste buds tingle in delight. Warm, yolky eggs mixed with crisp yet soft, tangy yet smooth, the wine washes the day away. Relaxing, refreshing, soothing it slides down my throat.

Two boiled eggs with apples and cinnamon to start the day. One glass of Bright Cellars wine at the end of the day... maybe two, swirls perfectly in the crystal wine glass; wine in a wine glass the perfect pairing.

Have you ever drank wine out of a mug? Or maybe even a glass that's not a wine glass. Not the same. The way the wine swirls. Like a man and his guitar.. the music soothes me. That first sip... just as good as the last. I take a bite. I hear the sounds. That first bite... crispy, smooth, relaxing, refreshing.

The music soothes my soul. I can taste it. Swish, swish, swirl. The cold flow down my throat... my mouth embraces the taste. Apples and cinnamon. Melted apples and cinnamon. Melted, soft yet delicate, apples with a dash of cinnamon fused with the taste of yolky, perfectly rounded eggs. Delicious, relaxing, refreshing, soothing.

The Holidays are upon us. Let's get together. Let’s connect. Living and dying. Death and rebirth. Let's get together. Life and living. Let's taste that wine. Let's eat together. Hard, boiled eggs and apples with cinnamon. Family at Christmas. Christmas trees. Kids smiling faces. Kids at Christmas. Decorations. Lights. People. Family. People leaving their families. People not being able to visit their family. Life doesn't always happen as we plan.

Life and loss. Living and dying. Some days you wake up to boiled eggs and apples with cinnamon and a smile. Some days you wake up to oatmeal and a banana. Life doesn't always throw us lemons...but we can always make lemonade.

Elton John and music. The wine soothes my soul. Loss. Life. Death. Living and dying. Let's live. Pour yourself a glass of Bright Cellars wine; boil your eggs, fry your apples, sprinkle your cinnamon, throw on Elton John. Put your tree up. Put the lights up. Pour yourself a glass of Bright Cellars wine, crank up the tunes, even dance if you want. Dancing and music. Soothing. Relaxing. Refreshing. Delicious.

Life is full of pain, loss, love and, hurt. Life and Loss. Life and Death. Let's live. "Don't go breaking my heart." Music and wine. Wine in a wine glass. The taste you feel in your soul. Sweet, delicious, soothing wine. Crispy, fragile, savoury apples with cinnamon and a bite of soft egg whites and running yolk. Delicious. Tangy. Sweet. Soothing.

My mouth salivates at the thought. Orgasmic. That first sip...

The Holidays are upon us. Let's raise our glasses. Let's make a toast. To getting together. Away and far. To connecting. To living. To dying. To pairing. To waking up one morning to the smell of boiled eggs with fried apples with cinnamon and a smiling face.

The Perfect Pairing.


About the Creator

Kerri MiLLs

*Love thyself*


“Ooo baby, baby it’s a wild world” ❤️😉

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