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Mother Earth's Sweet Potato Brownies

The Ultimate No-Guilt Dessert. Don't Get Rid of Carbs Too Fast. Use Them In All Of Your Favourite Foods. Try this Easy-Peasy 4-Ingredient Treat!

By Talia DevoraPublished 4 years ago Updated about a year ago 3 min read

Sweet potatoes are loved by vegans, paleo dieters, gluten-free eaters, and any health-conscious human being. They are delicious, sweet, bright, soft, and nutritious! They can be roasted, fried, steamed, mashed, or used in beverages and desserts. While getting all the vitamins and minerals that the body needs, all the carb lovers don't have to get rid of their carbs so fast! Just pick your carbs wisely, and you'll do just fine!

Since I was 4 years old, I have always been a "sweet tooth". I would indulge in anything from brownies to the most decadent ice cream sundae. Over time, I developed a sugar addiction which affected my weight and overall well being. It became impossible for me to cut back on sugar, since I gradually became unmotivated to eat healthy.

As an adult, I started learning about nutrition, and gradually applying the knowledge I’ve obtained to my meal and snack plans. There are a heap of nutritious staples that I absolutely love. Several of them are sweet potatoes, bananas, apples, lentils, chickpeas, brown rice, oats, spinach, and hominy. I am also a big dessert fan, so I would incorporate nutrition into my desserts. Sweet Potato Brownies really satisfy my sweet tooth, on days where I want to eat two chocolate cupcakes, or three swiss rolls. It's the best of both worlds for me!

Before you think of abstaining from sugar and carbohydrates, try to take a step back. There are always ways to accommodate your sugar addiction while you’re watching your health and nutrition. I suggest you give this recipe a try. and see how much you love sugar and carbs without relying on the unwholesome sources of sugar and carbs! Here is the recipe for my 4-Ingredient Sweet Potato Brownies!

Photo retrieved from Google Images.


1/2 cup of nut butter of your choice

1/4 cup of cocoa powder (I recommend unsweetened cocoa powder)

1-1.5 cups of mashed sweet potatoes (can be orange, purple or white)

1/4 cup of maple syrup

1-2 tbsps of Stevia (optional)

Photo retrieved from Google Images.


1. In a large pot, boil the hot water for 4 mins. Once the water is boiled, put the pre-cut sweet potatoes into the boiling water for about 1 hour. Cook the sweet potatoes on low-medium heat.

2. After the potatoes are cooked enough, drain them, and then trasnsfer them into a bowl for mashing. After the potatoes are mashed, combine the cocoa powder, maple syrup, nut butter, and optional serving of Stevia.

3. Preheat the oven to 375F. Continue preparing the brownie mixture. Bake the brownies for 35 minutes, or until ready to eat!

4. Once finished, let the brownies cool for 5-10 mins. Top the brownies with your favourite chocolate ganache, nuts, chocolate chips, sugar-free sprinkles, vegan frosting, or berries!

5. Enjoy on a plate with a cup of tea, a scoop of vegan ice crean, a dollop of vegan yogurt, or by itself with a spoon or a fork!

Photo retrieved from Google Images.


1. On low heat, boil the sweet potatoes in a large pot. Mash the sweet potatoes, and store them in the fridge before using them. Depending on when you make them, store the mash potatoes a day or two before making the brownies. This will give you extra time to retrieve the other ingredients (if you don't have enough), and prepare this awesome dessert without rushing!

2. If you want to reduce your calories, I suggest using sweeteners like Xylitol, Stevia, or Erythirol. Other natural kinds of sugar such as coconut sugar, maple sugar, date sugar, organic cane sugar, palm sugar are also possible alternatives. Remember to mix well, so you don't notice any orange chunks in your brownies. If you don't mind the orange chunks, you don't have to strive for an impeccable brownie batter.

3. Nobody likes to eat brownies without any toppings or coating! To make this a nutritious but decadent treat, there are many ways to create a "chocolate ganache" without buying frosting. Use your favourite chocolate chips or dark chocolate bars, and melt them in the microwave with butter, non-dairy milk, peanut butter, or coconut oil. Mixing cocoa powder and maple syrup will also make an awesome ganache for the brownies. It is easy, healthy, aand does not require any melting in the microwave! This is a perfect option for people who want to take a "pastry chef's shortcut".

4. Store them in the fridge after eating, if you have any leftovers. Putting them in the fridge will not only keep them fresh; they will last longer, and they will be there for whenever you want to indulge after a good meal!

Photo retrieved from Google Images.


About the Creator

Talia Devora

Poetess, visual artist and lifestyle/quiz writer! My pastimes include reading, sleeping, gaming, music, fitness, etc! Be yourselves, be kind and value life! Let's connect and be friends!

My IG accounts: @tdwrites24 & @tdcreates97

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