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"INDOMIE" brand instant noodles: A must-have for Indonesian life

It's no secret that Indonesian people always prepare a pack of instant noodles for a rainy day.

By Grady DoylePublished 2 years ago 3 min read

It's no secret that Indonesian people always prepare a pack of instant noodles for a rainy day. There are many famous brand instant noodles on the market, but the most famous is the Indomie brand, which has almost become synonymous with instant noodles. Indomie brand instant noodles are produced by Indofood, Indonesia's largest instant noodle manufacturer. This brand has always been loved by Indonesian people because of its continuous innovation in taste, putting ingredients such as Soto Ayam (chicken curry) and beef Rendang in the seasoning package, including the chili powder that people need most. Instant noodles with flavors like Tom Yam in Thailand and Bulgogi in South Korea are also now available.

In Indonesia, Indomie can be eaten as breakfast, snack, lunch or dinner. Roadside food stalls even sell hot coffee or iced tea along with prepared instant noodles. These dried noodles are always distributed as a popular emergency food to the victims of volcanic eruptions and floods. They are not only used in Indonesia, but also for overseas aid because they are easy to transport, taste delicious after heating, and are also very conducive to satisfying hunger. You only need to add seasonings to the noodles, add chili powder according to your personal preferences, and cook the noodles for 3 to 5 minutes, and you're done with a delicious and delicious meal.

Although some people warn that eating instant noodles for a long time will damage the body's digestive system, people still like to eat instant noodles because it is convenient to eat, has a variety of flavors, is cheap, and is indeed very satisfying.

Some people have rumors that Indonesian instant noodles have become very popular in the world. They are considered to be truly Indonesian. No Indonesian, especially those living abroad, can leave it.

1 | Indonesia has a variety of flavors

All supermarkets have shelves dedicated to various brands of instant noodles. There are currently about 50 flavors of instant noodles on the market, mainly based on local Indonesian flavors, for example seafood. You can find many seafood terdekat dari lokasi saya. This has been expanded to include Asian flavors such as South Korea's Bulgogi or Thailand's Tom Yam. The latest trend is to add beef cubes containing real dehydration to instant noodles.

2 / Fun way to cook

Making instant noodles is easy and fun because there are many different cooking methods. People often add eggs, cheese, corned beef and vegetable slices to the noodles according to their personal preferences. Of course, people who like spicy food will add chili sauce and other seasonings. If you make "fried noodles”, you must cook the noodles now, then fry them with oil, sweet soy sauce and other ingredients, so that a portion of fried noodles is ready.

3 | Easy to eat anytime, anywhere

When traveling in Indonesia, you can taste Indonesian instant noodles wherever you are. It is sold in small “shops” or roadside stalls. People can easily eat instant noodles anytime, anywhere in any city or village, whether at home, office or street food stalls.

Since 2010, the independent brand “Ramen Rater” has sampled, inspected and photographed 1,750 kinds of instant noodles from all over the world, and also selected the most popular instant noodles. According to this survey, Indonesian instant noodles “Indomie fried noodles” or fried noodles ranked first. “This is really the best instant noodle I have ever eaten. I like this–flat noodles, very delicious. The taste of seasonings is also very rich. It is spicy, sweet, and delicious. ”The second place is the ”chicken barbecue" flavored instant noodles, and a “chicken curry” flavored instant noodles from the highly competitive brand Mie Sedap ranked fifth.

Indonesia's Indofood has now become the world's largest instant noodle manufacturer, and has begun to establish instant noodle factories in the Middle East, including Nigeria, Egypt, Sudan, Kenya and Ethiopia, because according to the world Brain. According to the com website, these countries have a high demand for instant noodles, and Indofood is becoming the most popular instant noodle brand. In 2005, Indomie broke the World Guinness Book of Records for the “largest package of Instant Noodles” that year.


About the Creator

Grady Doyle

Food lover. Read reviews of restaurants in yummyadvisor

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