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How To Make 2 Ingredient Oat Milk In Desperate Times.

You're never more than 5 minutes away from having delicious plant-based milk if you keep oats in your pantry.

By Samantha WilsonPublished 4 years ago 4 min read

As the coronavirus sweeps the globe, affecting life as we know it, we are in the midst of panic buying, where the shelves of our stores may have been wiped clean of basic provisions.

I know many people who have visited their stores to find the shelves empty of both cow and plant-based milk.

As the crisis continues to deepen, it is unclear how we will be financial affected and whether our stores will be under siege in the future.

It makes sense to have a back-up in the event that you find yourself without your usual choice of milk.

So, what can you do for a replacement in desperate times?

Plant-Based Milk

With the rise of veganism, more and more people are turning to plant-based milks, even without a crisis. If your store has run out of your usual cow's milk, there are many different types to choose from such as:-

Soy Milk

Almond Milk

Rice Milk

Coconut Milk

Hazelnut Milk

Oat Milk

Why Choose Homemade Oat Milk?

As long as you have a packet of oats in your cupboard, you’re only five minutes away from having some homemade plant-based milk.

Oat milk is by far the easiest to prepare at home and is a simple mix of of rolled oats and water blended together then strained to remove the pulp. Some people recommend that you soak the oats beforehand, but I prefer just to give it all a good whizz.

The end result is a creamy, healthy DIY milk.

Oat milk is a personal favourite of mine for a couple of reasons. I prefer the taste in coffee, cereal or alone with added ingredients (see below). I can also make it for myself at home, which means no packaging and that can only be a good thing for the environment.

I tend to make a litre of Oat Milk every day so that I have a continual fresh batch to drink from. I use a base of oats and water and I can add extras such as dates, maple syrup, vanilla extract or cinnamon if I want a change.

What Can Oat Milk Be Used For

Oat milk is a healthy and versatile alternative to cow's milk and can be used in coffee, cereal and even a base for a smoothie. Once prepared, oat milk is best stored in the fridge and will keep up to 5 days. How will you know if it’s gone off? It’ll smell a little funny but nowhere near as rancid as cow's milk that has gone out date.

Is It Cheap To Make Oat Milk?

A definite yes, regardless of where you live. Oats are inexpensive and you’ll find that a 1000kg packet will make around 7 to 10 litres of oat milk! If you make your oat milk at home, you won¡t have to dispose of any packaging which also helps to save the environment.

How To Make Oat Milk

This recipe is a basic recipe for a creamy oat milk. You can add extra ingredients, such as dates, maple syrup, vanilla extract or cinnamon.

To make a simple oat milk with just 2 ingredients, simply add 1 cup of rolled oats and 4 cups of water into a high-speed blender and blend on high for 30-45 seconds.

If you prefer a creamier version, just add more oats.

I use a nut milk bag to strain the oats after blending, but you can use any material, i.e. a clean t-shirt or thin towel for best results. Simply place your chosen material over a jug and pour the oat milk through, leaving the oats behind. You can use the pulped oats in smoothies or cookie recipes if you prefer not to waste them.

How To Store Oat Milk

Oat milk can be stored for up to 5 days in the refrigerator. How will you know if it’s gone off? It’ll smell a little funny but nowhere near as rancid as cow's milk that has gone out date.

As oat milk does tend to separate after blending, you will need to give it a shake before use and stir well when adding to your coffee.

So, the next time you find yourself stuck without your usual store milk, remember that you are never more than five minutes away from having a delicious plant-based oat milk if you have a packet of oats lying around in your pantry. Especially in desperate times.

If you enjoyed my musings, come visit me at my website Samantha Wilson or follow on Facebook or Instagram.

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About the Creator

Samantha Wilson

Visit Samantha at www.samantha-wilson.com or follow on Facebook at www.facebook.com/samanthawilson or Instagram at www.instagram.com/samanthaemmawilson

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