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Best Motivational Speech Video (Featuring Robert Greene)

By zahmaraPublished about a year ago 7 min read

you've lost touch with who you are

the core of your being

you're on social media too much you're

listening to what other people are

telling you

you got to listen to yourself

you got to cut all that out

you have to look at the things that you

love and the things that you hate so

what you don't like is very instructive

to you right you're looking at things

that are very powerful inside of you

that are emotional they're not

intellectual they're feelings their

emotions their visceral things that you

connect to

I've always followed the laws of power

which has changed things up interaction

with boldness don't be afraid to do

things differently adapt your strategy

to the circumstance

it's never too late

the earlier you figured out the better

off you are but it can happen later in

life now I figured out at an early age

that I wanted to write I didn't know

what I wanted to write but I Loved Words

and I loved writing and if I didn't have

that connection when I was eight years

old all the way into high school and

college I would have been a lost soul

and I empathize with a lot of people who

don't have that feeling and they're

eight or eight

in their 20s but I've tried to tell

people everybody has it you're just not

listening to yourself you've lost touch

with who you are


there are five forms of intelligence we

normally associate intelligence with

intellectuals with a gnome Chomsky with

Albert Einstein no intelligence comes in

all forms working with your hands is a

form of intelligence a carpenter has a

high form people who are support to

athletically use their body that's

another form of intelligence there's

music there's math there's language

you have one of these frames of Mind by

the way your brain is wired you have you

are inclined but it's one of them figure

that out got to be a bit bold you have

to embrace what makes you different

it takes time to do anything in life

takes time and hours and patience and


so I like to tell people to go back to

their early childhood memories

things that really excited them before

they got mixed up with parents and

teachers and all that other people

telling them stuff you know

you got to cut all that out

you know I was I was frustrated I was

depressed I even have to admit I had

moments that was slightly suicidal

because I knew deep down that I could do


I was I was different from other people

I had different experiences you know and

I knew that I there was something I

needed to express it was a purpose to

the how my life had unfolded but I

couldn't find it I tried everything I

had every tried every form of writing

every possible Endeavor you can imagine

it just didn't click so I was very

deeply frustrated and the frustration I

tell people

good thing negative emotions are trying

to teach you something they're trying to

teach you the opposite something else is

going on frustration what would be worse

than frustration would be to spare

giving up no hope but frustration is a

sign that you haven't given up

you know you can do something but you

haven't figured it out so when you have

those kind of feelings look at them and

there's something positive in that so I

knew that there was something I was

meant to do I just couldn't figure it

out when

thank you

it's easy for me a boomer I have to

admit that to preach to you when you

have to gone through like two you've

gone through a pandemic that made what

looks like to be a recession and then if

you're a millennial you went through

another you went through the crash in 08

it's easy for me to preach you're

dealing with really difficult



so a lot of people are rethinking their

lives they don't want to work

and crap jobs just to get by and I

applaud that 100 right that's great so

you want to think about working for

yourself is the ultimate position in

this world and even though times are

difficult even though it may seem like a

Just a Dream there's so much potential

out there for entrepreneurial spirit for

creating your own startup for creating

your own podcast for going your own path

in life you don't have to follow other



it's not like it was when I was growing


there were things that were better back

then they're things that were a lot

worse right you have so many more


it's just that you're not going to reach

them you're not going to be happy in

this short time that you have to be

alive unless you take it seriously and

still have some fun and adventured

excitement you got to listen to yourself

you have to embrace what makes you



I got to be making a hundred thousand

dollars when I'm 23 and go to law school

and do all this stuff you're gonna burn


so kind of understand your I guess the

main thing I would say is know who you

are know what what you're what you're

you know deep down your core what you

love what you hate and what you were

destined to create in this world that's

like the most important process you go



everybody has that potential but I know

it doesn't come easy it's a process and

you have to be patient but you have to

put into work

but another skill that you cannot ignore

is the social we're social animals and

there are a lot of people in life who

ignore that

because they're shy and I was very shy

as a young man I was mostly very quite

introverted as well because they're shy

they just simply Lean On Their Own

Strength which is learning something

really well learning math or learning

how algorithms or learning how to write

Etc and they ignore the social because

they're afraid of it but you cannot get

ahead in this world as a social animal

dependent on other people in every

aspect of life unless you treat that as

another skill as well so yes the process

of looking inward is absolutely

essential but you cannot disconnect

yourself from your teachers your mentors

your colleagues you could have all the

skill in the world and know your life's

tasks brilliantly but if you continually

alienate people by your boorish Behavior

by your insensitivity all of the skill

level in the world will be completely

neutralized by your own mistakes



I didn't listen to other people at so

many turning points in my life I could

have been discouraged people could have

said get the you know I had somebody say

Robert you're never going to be a good

writer in life you know you need to go

to business school Etc my parents tried

to funnel me this way or that way I was

stubborn and I was rebellious and I did

my own thing and

um because of that

I have kind of a a different voice from

other people right and when I look at

books out there

I'm searching for that voice

for that voice of somebody who's


who has something different to say who

speaks in a different tone of voice that

has their blood and their personality in

their writing and I don't find it often

but when I do it's a great thing and so

to me success in life is kind of

being who you are there's a famous

expression of of the great ancient Greek

poet pindar about become who you are

it's a process of becoming who you

actually are and realizing what it is so

we talked about my weirdness earlier on

following that has allowed me to craft

my own message which is basically about

opening your eyes up to the reality of

the world and to what people are like

but I wasn't I'm not able to do that

unless I had ignored but other people

tried to foist on me earlier on in life

it's never too late


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