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FAQ About Turkish Coffee

FAQ About Turkish Coffee

By EfulPublished 2 years ago 6 min read
FAQ About Turkish Coffee
Photo by svklimkin on Unsplash

Turkish coffee would be the oldest method of producing espresso. This is a short post with answers to frequently asked questions about Turkish coffee. It is also possible to post your request as a comment and I will do my best to answer it.

Requests are in bold.

What espresso should I use for Turkish espresso?

Turkish coffee today is usually created from Latin American blends. There are usually two varieties of coffee in blends: Arabica and Robusta. With the exception of Latin American coffees, blends may include coffees from Asia or Africa. Some of the best coffees for Turkish blends come from Brazil, Ethiopia, and Yemen.

Do I need to use coffee specially made for Turkish coffee or can I use any blend?

Turkish blends are uniquely designed to be optimized for Turkish espresso. Many people who drink popular Turkish espresso brands are used to the special flavor. This does not mean that you cannot use another coffee blend to make Turkish coffee. For example, you must use an espresso blend. The only real need is that it must be incredibly good as a powder. If the coffee is not finely ground, the coffee will not foam immediately after you help it, and the taste will be weak.

So, to paraphrase, you can experiment with whatever blend you want for those who grind it well enough for Turkish coffee. Although the taste may differ from the usual.

Can it be balanced?

Turkish espresso is just as healthy as any regular espresso. In fact, according to some research, two small Turkish espresso cups (demitasse cups) can be good for the heart. If you exceed this amount, then it may well turn out to be negative for health, like some other espressos. Keep in mind that Turkish espresso cooks almost as fast as instant coffee, but it's much better for your health and fitness.

What is this thick factor besides Turkish coffee? Is it like espresso?

As soon as you prepare Turkish coffee properly, you can observe a dark, thick and uniform foam on a large layer. It is certainly commonly known as kaymaks in Greece. If there is no kaymaki in the espresso, then there is undoubtedly something wrong with the coffee body:

small amount of espresso

not heated enough

the floor is rougher than required

rather stale coffee

In some Japanese countries, it is considered an insult to serve Turkish coffee without this special foam on the lid.

Kaimaki foam is similar to espresso foam, but it is extremely unique in terms of bodily properties. Espresso crema is formed not only due to heat, but also due to high voltage, so it can be very diverse.

By Gabriele Stravinskaite on Unsplash

Do I want any unique expensive Turkish espresso machines?

Earning Turkish Espresso is extremely easy and very fast. All you need is a small espresso pot and a supply of heat. You need to use a small stainless steel pot as well as an electric stove, but a standard copper or brass Turkish pot is preferable. As far as heat supply is concerned, it is indeed better to use a small oven to make coffee. A gas burner or liquor burner is my favorite heat source for home use.

What size coffee pot do I need?

This can be a problem that leads to a lot of misunderstandings. Basically, it depends on how much espresso you are going to make each time.

First, you need to understand that you will need an espresso pot that can hold about twice as much coffee. This is due to the fact that the coffee must have enough room from the pot to froth, and in addition, because of the so-called "oven effect".

Allow me to explain...

Classic Turkish espresso coffee pots are shaped like an hourglass. This unique shape creates an oven-like effect when preparing Turkish espresso. The oven effect is highly desirable for flavor enhancement. The only prerequisite for this "oven effect" is usually the filling of the pan to the point where the diameter of the pan decreases. This usually means the pot is half full.

So, for those who would like to make two cups of demitasse, both for themselves and their partner, you will need a coffee pot the size of four cups of demitasse.

Make sure you notice that sizes vary from manufacturer to manufacturer. So, instead of looking for a 4-cup espresso pot, look for a pot that stores 4*60ml, which equates to 240ml. 60ml or somewhere around 2oz would be about the size of a demitasse cup.

How about an espresso pot for just one cup?

In this case, you will need an espresso pot that can hold 2 * 60 ml = 120 ml of coffee.

How about a normal human cup?

1 regular cup is close to 250ml, which means you'll need a 500ml pot.

These numbers will not be accurate. These are just guides to help you. In the vast majority of cases, buying a slightly smaller coffee pot will also suffice.

Can I grind Turkish espresso with a coffee grinder?

Turkish espresso is half the finest grind. Most grinders for home use are not capable of grinding as well. If you have a blade grinder, consider switching to a burr grinder. This does not mean that every grinder can grind Turkish espresso. So if you're in the market looking into a coffee grinder, make sure it's set to Turkish coffee. Some grinders don't have a Turkish coffee setting, but they can be changed very easily so that the grind is more than enough for this espresso. This data is often very easy to see if you come up with a couple of searches within an Internet search engine.

An additional tool are manual Turkish coffee grinders. These grinders are much cheaper than burr grinders, and because of their very slow speed, the espresso is thoroughly ground without getting hot. In inexpensive burr grinders, due to the tiny proportions of the burr, the rotation speed is higher. Thus, the friction is greater and also the heat dissipation is greater. The extra heat means much more coffee style destruction! So, in other words, the slower grind speed of manual coffee grinders is better for your personal taste! The big downside is that this kind of sanding can at times remind you of manual labor...

Is there a special way to serve Turkish coffee? Any special custom?

For those who have friends and want to impress them with your coffee making skills and hospitality, there are a few very simple things you can do. First, use a large standing tray on a saucer and serve glasses of water to visitors. H2o is used to cleaning her mouth before tasting espresso. Brew your coffee just before serving to keep the kaimaki foam and temperature. You can pair coffee with cookies or muffins.

Thank you So much for you to reading till the end, and please kindly to support me as you could, I would be appreciate it. Have a great day:D


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Hi there, I am Syaefullah Nur from Indonesia. I am reader and now I try to providing my best articles for you guys. Enjoy it;)

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