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Delicious and Healthy Food

Tips and Tricks to help get you eating right.

By Sasha McGregorPublished 5 years ago 3 min read

We live in an amazing age where we can find most anything to eat. Not only can we eat what we want, but there are so many healthy options too. Healthy food has a bad reputation of not tasting good. That is not true. With all the options we have, you can add good-tasting and healthy food to the list. Here are some good tips and tricks to get you started on your path to better eating.

Just what is Acai?

Acai, pronounced Aa saa ee, is a heart shaped berry from the Acai palm tree. The palm tree is native to Brazil, Peru, and a few other places that have a swamps and floodplains. The Acai palm also supplies heart of palm, leaves and wood from its trunk. It is the small sphere shaped dark purple berries that have been a mainstay for inhabitants of the flood plains since the eighteen hundreds that have migrated into more populated areas. The ninety's health food market brought this berry to the world along with other Amazonian fruits.

The Berries

The berry has a circumference of about 1 inch and looks like a small grape. It is known as a drupe because it has a large seed that is covered by the fruit, and then a harder skin. A multi-branched limb can produce around five to nine hundred berries. While the Acai palm tree creates fruit all year round, the berries cannot be harvested during the rainy season, and the best harvest time is from August to December. It has been reported that the berries have a chocolate berry taste. Finding fresh berries in the United States is impossible. Yet you can find acai puree or a smoothie pack in the freezer section of health food stores. For those looking for a healthy alternative to sweets in the morning or throughout their day, an acai bowl just might be the way to go.

The new way to eat breakfast.

So just what is an acai bowl? It is made mostly from pureed acai. It resembles ice cream in both form and taste. Some might even compare it to a really thick smoothie with toppings that can range from fresh fruit to different nuts and grains. The extra benefit of having one of these for breakfast is that it helps to curb the craving for sweets along with helping you to feel full. An acai bowl is also filled with antioxidants that so many of us need. Many local eateries in major cities offer acai bowls to their clientele looking for a healthy way to start, or in some cases, end their busy day. The problem for those wanting to try this superfood in a small town is they have to find an acai bowl recipe that fits their lifestyle.


Making an acai bowl from a recipe can be time-consuming and expensive depending on the types of ingredients chosen. The pureed acai comes from Brazil and adds to your cost factor. You can find a variety of recipes on the internet and in the cookbook section of a bookstore.

You have to practice finding the consistency that you like. Blending the puree with frozen fruit and/or with soy, almond, or coconut milk to help to give it the right creaminess you desire.

When you have achieved the texture you desire, you can add different ingredients into your acai bowl. You can include fruits, soaked grains such as oatmeal, or if you are adventurous, you can add different types of vegetables such as avocados or beets. Assembling your acai bowl needs to be in a timely manner so it does not melt before you are ready to devour it. Some suggest chilling the bowl to slow down the melting factor and others say put bits of frozen fruit into the bottom of the bowl.

Now you know what acai is.

It is an Amazonian fruit that is packed with antioxidants. It can be found in the United States in the frozen food aisle. This tiny chocolaty berry helps you to create a breakfast bowl that is both tasty and healthy.


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