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Were are you sister dearest

A story of family

By Charity WalkerPublished 3 years ago 2 min read

Maya closed the window slowly as her sister looked at her with worry through the window. She gave her a reassuring smile and left to go to her best friend's house. Maya and Ellen spent the whole night laughing and talking. And then she climbed back into her bedroom at four o'clock. She was able to get about one hour of sleep before their mom came into the room to wake them up for school.

"I really don't think this is a good idea."

"I did it yesterday."

"What if you get caught this time?"

"I won't June. I promise." She pulled June into a hug before going out the window and heading to Ellen's.

When June woke up she saw that her sister's bed was empty and figured she woke up already and was already eating breakfast. So she went out to the kitchen, but when she got to the kitchen and the only person she saw was her mother standing over the stove. As she got there her mother turned at the sound of her steps.

"Hey is Maya up yet?" June froze where she was standing.

"She wasn't in her bed." She watched as her mother turned off the stove. "I thought she was out here. Guess she could be in the restroom." Then they heard the toilet flush. They both turned to say hi to Maya when they watched June's dad come out of the hallway.

"Were you the one in the bathroom?"

"Yeah, why?" He looked between the two girls.

"We can't find Maya." June looked aroumd the room as if she were hoping to spot her sisiter playing a joke on them.

"But she said she would be back."

"Be back? Back from were?"

"She went to Ellen's last night she said she would be back by morning." She then proceeded to run outside and run over to Ellen's. She then knocked on the door about three times before Ellen's mom answered the door.

"Is Maya here?"

"No. She isn't." June walked back to her place where her mom and dad were standing outside on their porch. She shook her head when she got closer. She then waited to find out what her parents wanted to do.

"Let's see if she went somewere instead." June then went to look for her starting at the clear area were she, Maya and Ellen played all the time. June came back to the their house after chaecking every possible spot to find her parent coming back empty handed. Her dad reached into his pocket for his phone.

"Hey. What's going on? why's everyone outside?" JUne swung oround to see her sister coming from the direction of Ellen's. What do you mean what's going on? Where were you?"

"What do you mean? I was just at Ellen's."

"We spent hours looking for you! Hours! We didn't know were you werre! You had us so worried!"

"I'm sorry. I accisently fell asleep." Before he could respond their mom ran over to hug Maya.

"I was so scared." That was when June was able to go hug her sister as well. After they let her go she went to head in to the house. When she was about to open the door her dad pulled her into a half hug.

"I missed you too. You are grounded by the way...you know for sneaking out in the middle of the night." She nodded and went inside.

immediate family

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    Charity WalkerWritten by Charity Walker

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