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How my husband almost ruined our marriage.

By Somer KellyPublished about a month ago 3 min read
Photo by Dev Asangbam on Unsplash

I had been feeling very uneasy for the past few weeks. I kept having the feeling that something was just not right in my marriage. My husband, Ross, had seemed distant lately, always busy with things at work or he would start claiming to have plans with friends. But I couldn't just shake off the feeling that he was not being honest with me.

One evening, I decided that I just couldn't ignore my intuition any longer. As Ross claimed he was heading out for a dinner with some work friends. Right then I made up my mind to follow him secretly. I was feeling guilty for even thinking about spying on my husband, but i just needed some answers.

When I arrived I parked my car a few blocks away from Ross's office. I decided to wait patiently, my heart started feeling like it was going to pound through my chest. A few hours had passed, and just when I was about to just give up and head back home, I saw Ross leaving the office building. He was laughing with a several of his coworkers. I had a sigh of relief when I finally saw him. Was I just being paranoid the whole time?

I decided I would follow behind Ross's car, making sure to keep a safe distance so he would not notice me. After he drove for a few minutes he pulled into a place I have never been. It was a low lit parking lot outside of a very fancy restaurant. My heart to feel like it was breaking and tears started to fill my eyes as i watched Ross and his coworker enter the restaurant. Their arms rubbed against one another in a way that felt too intimate for just coworkers.

All of a sudden I started Feeling so betrayed and angry. I parked my car and decided I was going to confront him in the restaurant. As I was walking up to the restaurant I had so many things racing through my head. As I enter the front door I instantly spot Ross with his coworkers sitting at a private table in the back corner. It seemed like their heads were bent way to close together for just a normal conversation.

Without even thinking, I quickly marched up to their table. I could feel my body start shaking with anger. Without even think I stated, "Ross, how could you do this to us?" , you could see in my eyes the flashing of hurt and disbelief. Ross's face instantly drained of all the color as he stared up at me, his mouth slowly opening and closing without a single word.

As i looked at the coworker, she instantly started shifting uncomfortably in her seat, I think she started to sense the tension that was growing in the air. "Baby, I can explain," Ross stammered, but I was not the least bit interested in any of his excuses.

My eyes start turning red as the tears welled up in my eyes. I instantly turned and fled the restaurant, leaving Ross and his coworker sitting in silence at the table. As I sit alone in my car, struggling to make sense of what I had just seen. She had suspected Ross was cheating for a while now, but actually seeing it with my own eyes made everything so clear, and felt like a dagger through my heart.

Several days that before, I confronted Ross about his infidelity, and wehad many painful conversations about the state of our marriage. We came together and decided to try and seek counseling. We both wanted to work through our issues together. We do truly love one another but the trust that we once had will never be the same.


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