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The Suburbs

A perspective of the multifaceted nature of suburban life.

By Hadassah ePublished about a year ago 4 min read
Suburbs: Abakpa, Enugu, Nigeria.

A Short Story: Life in the Suburbs.

In the quiet suburbs of Abakpa, a scenic neighborhood among building-lined streets, life unfolded at a leisurely pace. The sun painted the sky with warm hues as the residents of this boring but idyllic community began their day.

Then there's Mr. & Mrs. Hills (Ugwu), a young couple who had recently moved into the neighborhood. They had fallen in love with the charm of the suburbs, the sense of community, and the promise of a quiet and peaceful life. Their mornings started with the screams and tantrum of kids refusing to prepare for school and their scolding parents. They would stand at the balcony sipping their morning brew, as they watched everyone go out in search of daily bread.

Every morning, dear old Mrs. Agnes would be at the sit-out of her daughter's flat to wave goodbye to her grandchildren who are leaving the building to school. She yelled greetings at everyone she encountered or at least those nice enough to look at her, bringing smiles and chuckles to the faces of the neighbors. The sound of children's laughter filled the air as they joined in cliques to the bus top, or walked to school, their backpacks bouncing on their buttocks and socks pulled high up.

As the day progressed, the community came alive. The noise of the generators and the yell of the early Okpa seller fills the air. Neighbors ventured out, reporting to their place of civil duties, and the rest sharing stories of the latest neighborhood gossip from hair saloons through the market and beyond.

In the afternoons, the local newspaper stand is swarming with local men eager to know current events or just to pick up arguments on Politics and Sports. Mr. Hillz often joined in, engaging in friendly conversations with the locals even though he often got snide remarks about his choice of last name.

Evenings were a time for relaxation and reflection. The sound of pestle hitting mortar could be heard throughout the yard in each flat in preparation for delicious food and stories of the days events. The sounds of laughter and music floated through the air, forging connections and strengthening bonds.

As the sun dipped below the horizon revealing beautiful fading cloud patterns, casting a warm glow over the suburban landscape, Mr. Hills and the Mrs. would take a leisure stroll around the neighborhood. In this suburban paradise, life was simple almost boring yet fulfilling. The residents of Abakpa would experience a robbery case once or twice in a month and that is as bad as it gets. Everyone seemed to embrace a slower pace, valuing the little moments and cherishing the quarrels yet company of their neighbors. It was a place where children where not raised by their parents alone but the entire community.

And so, as night fell and the stars twinkled above, the suburbs of Abakpa settled into a peaceful slumber after family night prayers, hoping for another beautiful day in the morning.


The suburbs are often seen as a symbol of a comfortable and peaceful lifestyle, but the lives of individuals residing in these areas are far from monolithic. The multifaceted nature of suburban life is influenced by various factors, including demographics, socioeconomic status, cultural background, and personal aspirations. Here are some aspects that contribute to the complexity of suburban lives:

1. Socioeconomic Diversity: Suburban communities encompass a wide range of socioeconomic backgrounds. While some suburbs are characterized by affluent residents and gated communities, others may have a mix of middle-class and working-class families. This diversity shapes the opportunities, resources, and challenges individuals face in their day-to-day lives.

2. Family Dynamics: Suburbs are often associated with family-oriented living. Many individuals move to the suburbs seeking a safe and nurturing environment to raise children. This can lead to a strong emphasis on family values, community engagement, and involvement in school activities. However, suburban life also encompasses single individuals, empty nesters, and people from diverse family structures, highlighting a variety of experiences.

3. Career and Work-Life Balance: Commuting is a common aspect of suburban living, with individuals often traveling to urban centers for work. This can result in long commute times, which may impact work-life balance and personal well-being. Balancing professional aspirations, family commitments, and personal interests can be a juggling act for suburban residents.

4. Community Engagement: Suburban residents often place great importance on community involvement. Homeowners associations, neighborhood events, and local organizations foster a sense of belonging and create opportunities for social interaction. However, the level of community engagement varies among individuals, with some actively participating while others may feel more disconnected.

5. Leisure and Recreation: Suburban areas often offer a range of recreational amenities, such as parks, sports facilities, and shopping centers. Individuals living in the suburbs may have diverse interests and hobbies, engaging in activities like gardening, outdoor sports, book clubs, or volunteering. The availability and utilization of these resources contribute to the richness of suburban life.

6. Cultural and Ethnic Diversity: Suburbs are not homogenous in terms of culture and ethnicity. They are home to a diverse range of residents, representing various backgrounds and traditions. This diversity adds vibrancy to suburban life, creating opportunities for cultural exchange and fostering a multicultural environment.

7. Struggles and Challenges: Suburban life is not without its challenges. The pressure to maintain a certain lifestyle, financial strains, social comparison, and the desire to keep up with societal expectations can lead to stress and anxiety. Additionally, issues like social isolation, lack of public transportation, and limited access to certain amenities can pose challenges for some suburban residents.

Understanding the multifaceted lives of individuals in the suburbs requires recognizing the diversity and complexities that exist within these communities. It involves acknowledging the different perspectives, aspirations, and struggles of individuals as they navigate their suburban existence.

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    HEWritten by Hadassah e

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