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Stay-at-home Dad

Salt and Pepper Trouts

By Kym ParentPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
The man who gave us the Salt and Pepper Rainbow Trouts

Here we are on Father’s Day 2022 writing a story about the most amazing man on earth. The man who raised me and my two brothers in the 1990. Having a stay-at-home dad back then was probably making all the neighborhood talk but , let me tell you that it was the best childhood ever.

I remember that day like it was yesterday. It was a warm summer day of 1999. My older brother was 10 years old , I was 9 and my youngest was 7. My mom went to work , like every morning, we gave kisses and we were patiently waiting to know what would be the adventure of the day. We were always on a new adventure, either we would go in the wood to build tree houses or we would go help with the garden, bicycle ride etc. There was never a boring moment, we were getting raised by a man who wanted to show us the world, who wanted to teach us everything he knew but most importantly who wanted to spend all his time with us.

Fishing was on the schedule for today. We were all exited about it, we thought we would do the usual, going down by the Saint-Laurence River but instead dad asked us to gather our rods and to start packing the mini-van. That brown car with his beige sitting have seen a lot of siblings fights but we knew that we should behave if we wanted to go fishing. Sitting with my younger on the back seat , I was jealous of my oldest in the passenger seat, the AC was broken and he had the window wide open. We drove for about an hour and we ended up parking on the side of a forest.

- Daddy, we can’t fish here , no water ?!?

- You will see honey

We unloaded the van with our little fishing rods and backpacks and started following him in the bushes. I could still picture him with his long dark hairs leading his three kids in a dense forest with no path… I sincerely thought we were lost, but he had that ability to always find water in the most unexpected places. After an never-ending walk we finally reached an opening in the forest. There’s was a couple hills a tiny little pond at the bottom. The Guinness World Records of tiny ponds!

My big brother goes.

- There’s no fish in that, there’s not even water!!!

- You will see boy…

He never have been to much of a talker but his light bleu eyes with a brown birth mark on the left one were saying everything.

We were burning under the sun light but we still made our way on the side of the pond. Of course, I was the first one reaching the water with all my fishing gear.

- I can see them , there’s so many!!!

As he promised, they were here. We spent our day catching small Rainbow Trouts one after the other. We were so happy. While we were having the time of our life, daddy was up the hill keeping a careful eye on us. He was preparing the camp for the night. I could smell the smoke of the fire by the pond mixed with the fresh air of the forest. Lost in this immensity, with my favourite humans on the planet.

He asked us to keep only two fishes each, the other one needed to be released. We brought our trophies to our father. Six little Rainbow Trouts not longer then ten centimeters each. He took the fish in his large hand and show us how important it is to clean the fish properly but also to respect what Mother Nature gave us to eat. While we’re cleaning our fishes, he put a iron pan on the wood fire. He then threw a garlic glove and lots of butter in it. We gave our trouts to him and he proceed to cook them. Always cook the fish on the skin, never turn them, that’s what he explained us. He then spakled salt and paper on them , took them out of the skillet and handed us a plate with our respective catch, making sure he drizzle some of that roasted garlic butter on them. The smell was unbelievably good and the taste out of this world, I was so happy but I noticed my dad wasn’t eating;

- Miam miam , it’s the best fish I ever had, why you don’t eat ? We can share if you want ?

- Ohhh honey , I didn’t catch any …

- Take ma rod , go catch dinner for you!

-I am good honey.

- You’re missing out daddy… it’s amazing!

It took me years to understand that the man who was cooking the greatest fish on earth couldn’t even eat it! Reason why, that day he didn’t fish with us , because he knew that the rules was : you eat what you catch.

I could write a book about my father, how he was and still is the most amazing human being on earth. How he was with us ,everyday, exploring the world around us. He raised three strong and independent children who can face everything and anything in life. What stands out the most for me, my daddy, my hero , was cooking the best trout and didn’t even knew how it tasted like. Always remember that when you cook with love, whatever it is, it will taste like love.

That night we ate like littles kings under a billion stars.

-Daddy am I gonna remember that day for the rest of my life ?

- You will see honey.


About the Creator

Kym Parent

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