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The Valley Of Soray

Till The Last One Fall

By Kym ParentPublished about a year ago 7 min read
Map of Soray

They weren’t always dragons in the valley. They started to share our land under the reign of Princess Ardania , daughter of the King Zardo and is beloved wife, Queen Layzane. She is the one, the one who brought them here during « The War of the Three Moon ». That night the dragons saved the valley from a chaotic destiny.

The Valley is a mystical place for most human. The only path that leads directly to the valley is protected by the « Forest of The Soul ». I heard it was the most magical place before the War, I heard that birds were signing love songs and that the fairies could be seen everywhere . I heard that animals were leaving in abundance without any fear. I also heard that human brought desolation and destruction, that they massive love of power and greeds tinted the heart of the King of the Forest. I heard that since the war , the Forest and his habitants were never the same. Humans were banned to cross the road that leads to the valley, except if they were invited by our Monarchs or lucky enough to make it alive on the other side.

The trail in the forest lead directly to our community. You can see the Castle of Soray days before you arrive. You will start by seeing the seem of a forest but the more you come near it , the more it will make sens. The giangantic tree will slowly appear. You will notice his architectural feature miles away as it was finely carved by « Wood Fairies » for the first king. Your journey of finding the valley will bring you to two Golden gate that are attached to the hills that circle the valley. Guardian Dragons take they turn to carefully watch the gate. They stand there to be able help any species or habitants that are reaching the valley for help. They are easy to recognize, they wear a gold armor engraved with our emblematic tree and the inscription” Till The Last One Fall “ . If they judge that you only have pure intentions they will let you in. You will slowly go down the hill and you will notice house directly dug into the rock, gravel road from those tiny habitations lead directly to main area around the three. More common houses , farmers market , fountain , seat directly at the bottom of the castle.

The Sorayen are a peaceful nation that live in harmony with the nature and other mystical species. In fact, we all carry with us a part of the world around us. That part that we hold into us will reflect in our behaviour and more obviously in our physical appearance. I heard that human don’t carry any of the world inside them. Maybe it is the reason why they have difficulties to understand our differences. We are half-humain and half animal, plants, threes , insects, flowers… The combinaisons are infinite.

My grandfather, King Zardo , is tall , pretty bulky and have long grey hair to his shoulder. His eyes are black and yellow. On the left side of his face you will notice lizard scale, also on his chest, arms and legs. My grandma , the Queen , is a totally different type. She is small , tiny and really gracious. Her eyes are green and you can see feathers in her hair. She definitely herit a bird trait. I wish I could tell you more about my mom and my father but, unfortunately, I haven’t seen them since I was a toddler. In fact, I never meet my father. I have been raised by my grandparents . My mom left the castle when I was around 3 years old , in a final attempt to bring my father to come live with us. Its been 17 years since she left. She’s truly adored by the people of Soray, she is the heroine of “ The War of the Three Moon” , she’s the one who brought the Dragons here , she’s the one who gave peace end freedom for multiple year to The Valley. The only thing that link me to her is the dragon egg that she put in my crib the night of her departure. Its was a pretty rare one, in fact it is the only one have seen like that. It was metalic kind and the colour was changing every time I would move it. Took two full winters to hatch but it gave me my best friend, Ranos.

Dragons are majestic creatures that deserve the most respect. We always knew they existed but they never wanted to get involved in human conflicts before. Princess Ardarnia , never revealed how she found them and how she was able to convince them to live with us. Human always had a love and hate relationship with Dragons , they knew they could destroy them because they were strong and fearless but they also admired they power and the damage that they can cause to they ennemis. In order to keep the peace with the seven other kingdoms , we offer to each Monarch to take a pair of Dragon with them. We wanted them to learn how to leave in harmony with those majestic creatures. We wanted them to show us that they could appreciate differences and all the positive they could bring to they nations.

I am Zefyra , daughter of Ardania, Heiress of Soray. My peaceful life changed a full moon away from my 20 birthday.

Ranos woke me up in the middle of the night. Since he had reach his maximum growth, he always sleeps outside on the balcony of my bedroom. He entered his head through the windows and gently blow at me to wake me up.

- Zefy , Zefy , wake up we need to talk.

I was still asleep, trying to keep dreaming and I go :

-hummm can it wait tomorrow ?!?

Turning my back on him. He goes:

- Zefy , I am scared… wake up.

Those fews words break my heart in a thousand pieces, he was the biggest dragon in the valley, the more skilled too , he had the capacity fight anything and everything. How could he be scared? As I sat down in the bed , I look into his white-blue eyes that were shining through the night…

- What you mean you scared? What’s happening? Did you had a nightmare ?

-I can hear them crying….

I got out of bed and started walking towards him, grabbed my long blond hair and tie them up in the back. I gently put my forehead on his cheeks and I close my eyes. He closes his eyes and we instantly connected. My eyes instantly turned purple, meaning that I was perturbed … I was in shock. Those noises were desperate and strident, they were screaming, crying , they were fighting something. I couldn’t understand what the creatures were saying , it was inaudible.

I opened my eyes back and look into his eyes. His expression as changed, he was getting angry , I knew who they were … The Legendary Birds … They live on the North side of the Forest of the Soul.

How those giants could be in such pain ?

What are they fighting against?

Nobody would dare to even approach they land.

- Zefy , I gotta go help them , we can’t stay here …

Slowly turning is back on me…

-Wait ,wait , you don’t know what you gonna find there… we gotta gather the others , if the Legendary can’t fi…

Before I finish my sentence, he turned around on the balcony, facing at the Valley that was still sleepy , took a huge breath and started to roar. Powerful and loud , that roar could be heard miles around. I was standing there still wearing my night robe, the scales on my skin started to rise , the feather the left side of my forehand started to shake… it was one of those moments that you never forget.

Grandma and grandpa instantly appeared in my bedroom. They run at me and grabbed me thigt. We slowly approach the balcony as he was still roaring and we could distinguish in the dark all the dragons of the valley flying over the castle. They started to cycle the castle and slowly came down to perch on the tree. My grandparents were standing beside me and were still trying to figure out what was happening. With a broken voice I go :

- The Legendary have been attacked.

Ma grandfather

- How come ? How do you know ? That’s impossible…

- I heard them !! WE HEARD THEM.

He couldn’t denied it anymore. The light of the city were quickly turn on by the habitants of the valley. I walked over to Ranos and slowly reach to the bottom of his neck. He instantly stopped roaring and look at me. All eyes were on us. I gave him a head sign and he knew that I totally agreed about what he was about to do.

He reached the edge of the balcony and dive into the dark , he came back up flying steadily facing us . He look as is brothers and sisters and went:

- The Legendary have been attacked. We are leaving!!!

They all started roaring and screaming “Till The Last One Fall” … I never assisted to something like that. It was filled with and insdescritible emotion. I quickly run inside and got dressed, grabbed my medicine bags and I started running towards him , I could see the others dragons starting to leave the tree .I was ready to jump off that balcony and join them in they adventure. As I was running over I could hear my grandma scream

- Zeeeefyyyy , noooo

And I jumped knowing that my friend will catch me, and he did. He flew back to the balcony were my grandparents were still standing and he said:

- On my heart, I will bring her back.

He flew away reaching his comrades. In the dark sky we vanished under a thousand stars.

I was still on the adrenaline of that moments and unexpectedly I wasn’t scrare. I just knew I needed to be here , this was my destiny. With my fellow dragons we will bring assistance to “The Legendary” and we will fight by they side.

Till The Last One Fall



About the Creator

Kym Parent

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